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Regulation of the sodium iodide symporter by iodide in FRTL-5 cellsENG, Peter H. K; CARDONA, Guemalli R; PREVITI, Michael C et al.European journal of endocrinology. 2001, Vol 144, Num 2, pp 139-144, issn 0804-4643Article

Comparative biochemical on carbohydrate components of mammalian parotid glandsMENGHI, G; ACCILI, D.Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere. 1989, Vol 118, Num 4, pp 385-392, issn 0044-5177, 8 p.Article

Trypanosome-induced depression of plasma thyroxine levels in prepubertal and adult female goatsMUTAYOBA, B. M; O'HARA-IRERI, H. B; GOMBE, S et al.Acta endocrinologica (Oslo). 1988, Vol 119, Num 1, pp 21-26, issn 0001-5598Article

New simple method for thyroid volume determination by ultrasonographySZEBENI, A; BELEZNAY, E.Journal of clinical ultrasound. 1992, Vol 20, Num 5, pp 329-337, issn 0091-2751Article

La triiodothyronine est nécessaire à l'acclimatation à l'eau de mer de la truite faro (Salmo trutta) ou arc en ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss) = Triiodothyronine is required for the acclimation to seawater of the brown trout (Salmo trutta) and the rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss)LEBEL, J.-M; LELOUP, J.Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 3, Sciences de la vie. 1992, Vol 314, Num 10, pp 461-468, issn 0764-4469Article

Seasonal thyroid hormone levels of free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in OntarioHAMR, J; BUBENIK, G. A.Canadian journal of zoology. 1990, Vol 68, Num 10, pp 2174-2180, issn 0008-4301Article

Thyroxine levels in immature parr and mature male parr of baltic salmon, Salmo salar L., during the time of smoltificationRYDEVIK, M; BERGSTROM, E.Netherlands journal of zoology. 1989, Vol 38, Num 2-4, pp 143-147, issn 0028-2960Article

Action or different doses of I-131 on thyroid gland, its tissue distribution and elimination in adult male ratsKLINGER, W; CORRENS, H.Experimental and clinical endocrinology. 1986, Vol 87, Num 1, pp 53-62, issn 0232-7384Article

Regulation by calcium and 1,25-(OH)2D3 of cell proliferation and function of bovine parathyroid cells in cultureISHIMI, Y; RUSSELL, J; SHERWOOD, L. M et al.Journal of biomaterials applications. 1990, Vol 5, Num 7, pp 755-760, issn 0885-3282Article

The pressures in the episcleral veins, Schlemm's canal and the trabecular meshwork in monkeys: effects of changes in intraocular pressureMAEPEA, O; BILL, A.Experimental eye research. 1989, Vol 49, Num 4, pp 645-663, issn 0014-4835Article

Effects of somatostatin and serotonin on calcitonin secretion from cultured rat parafollicular cellsENDO, T; SAITO, T; UCHIDA, T et al.Acta endocrinologica (Oslo). 1988, Vol 117, Num 2, pp 214-218, issn 0001-5598Article

Ultimobranchial body of Varanus flavescens in response to vitamin D3 administrationAJAY KUMAR PANDEY.Archives d'anatomie microscopique et de morphologie expérimentale. 1988, Vol 1, Num 3, pp 130-132, issn 0003-9594Article

Inhibition of nuclear T3 binding by fatty acidsWIERSINGA, W. M; CHOPRA, I. J; CHUA TECO, G. N et al.Metabolism, clinical and experimental. 1988, Vol 37, Num 10, pp 996-1002, issn 0026-0495Article

Determinants of thyroid hormone and thyroid-lipid interrelationships in JerusalemSLATER, P. E; KARK, J. D; FRIEDLANDER, Y et al.Israel journal of medical sciences. 1984, Vol 20, Num 12, pp 1158-1163, issn 0021-2180Article

The isolation and partial characterization of bovine parathyroid secretory granulesBAJPAI, S; HAMILTON, J.Bone and mineral. 1990, Vol 9, Num 1, pp 9-22, issn 0169-6009Article

Calbindin-D immunolocalization in developing chick thyroid: a light and electron microscopicINPANBUTR, N; TAYLOR, A. N.The Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry. 1989, Vol 37, Num 4, pp 487-492, issn 0022-1554, 6 p.Article

Mammalian calcitonin cells: retrospect and prospectAJAI KUMAR SRIVASTAV; LADLI RANI.Archives d'anatomie microscopique et de morphologie expérimentale. 1988, Vol 1, Num 3, pp 117-123, issn 0003-9594Article

Thyroid state and cholecalcin (calcium-binding protein) in cerebellum of the developing ratRABIE, A; BREHIER, A; INTRATOR, S et al.Brain research. 1986, Vol 394, Num 2, pp 253-265, issn 0006-8993Article

Extracellular Ca2+ sensing, regulation of parathyroid cell function, and role of Ca2+ and other ions as extracellular (first) messengersBROWN, E. M.Physiological reviews. 1991, Vol 71, Num 2, pp 371-411, issn 0031-9333, 41 p.Article

Serum thyroid hormones, thyrotropin and thyroxine binding globulin during prolonged strength trainingPAKARINEN, A; ALEN, M; HAKKINEN, K et al.European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology. 1988, Vol 57, Num 4, pp 394-398, issn 0301-5548Article

Active and inactive forms of 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3)-binding protein in rat kidney cytosol: possible role of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate in activation of T3 bindingHASHIZUME, K; KOBAYASHI, M; MIYAMOTO, T et al.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 1986, Vol 119, Num 2, pp 710-719, issn 0013-7227Article

Androgen receptors in human thyroid tissuePRINZ, R. A; SANDBERG, L; CHAUDHURI, P. K et al.Surgery. 1984, Vol 96, Num 6, pp 996-1000, issn 0039-6060Conference Paper

Hypotensive actions of snake parathyroid glandsSHAM, J. S; CHIU, K. W; PANG, P. K. T et al.General and comparative endocrinology. 1983, Vol 52, Num 3, pp 365-367, issn 0016-6480Article

Motoneurone excitability after administration of a thyrotrophin releasing hormone analogueCLARKE, K. A; STIRK, G.British journal of pharmacology. 1983, Vol 80, Num 3, pp 561-565, issn 0007-1188Article

Immunocytochemical localization and development of multiple kinds of neuropeptides and neuroendocrine proteins in the chick ultimobranchial glandKAMEDA, Y.Journal of comparative neurology (1911). 1991, Vol 304, Num 3, pp 373-386, issn 0021-9967, 14 p.Article

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