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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 18720

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Export of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate from grassland in winter using high temporal resolution, in situ UV sensingSANDFORD, Richard C; HAWKINS, Jane M. B; BOL, Roland et al.Science of the total environment. 2013, Vol 456-457, pp 384-391, issn 0048-9697, 8 p.Article

Agronomic potential and industrial value of madder (Rubia tinctorum L.) as a dye cropBAYDAR, Hasan; KARADOGAN, Tahsin.Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry. 2006, Vol 30, Num 4, pp 287-293, issn 1300-011X, 7 p.Article

Analysis of some direct and indirect methods for estimating root biomass and production of forests at an ecosystem levelVOGT, K. A; VOGT, D. J; BLOOMFIELD, J et al.Plant and soil. 1998, Vol 200, Num 1, pp 71-89, issn 0032-079XConference Paper

L'histoire du village d'Opio: des origines à la révolution = The Opio village : from the origins to the revolutionGALDI, P.L' Ingénieur constructeur ETP. 1994, Num 425, pp 28-29, issn 0046-9513Article

Wood utilization from managed field windbreaks: a modeling studyRENSENA, T. R; TUSKAN, G. A.Journal of soil and water conservation. 1988, Vol 43, Num 6, pp 490-493, issn 0022-4561Article

Waldbauliche Untersuchungen in Bergfoehrenbestanden des Schweizerischen Nationalparkes = Examens sylvicoles de peuplements de pins de montagne dans le parc national Suisse = Silvicultural observations on mountains pines stands in the Swiss national parkLEIBUNDGUT, H; SCHLEGEL, J.1985, Vol 136, Num 11, pp 945-955Article

Bermudgrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass pasture combinations with clover or N fertilization for grazing steers. II: The species composition index and variability in forage growth and comsumption, and animal performanceFRIBOURG, H. A; CARLISLE, R. J; MCLAREN, J. B et al.Agronomy journal (Print). 1984, Vol 76, Num 4, pp 615-619, issn 0002-1962Article

ICRISAT farming systems research. A special report1983, 68 p.Book

THE INFLUENCE OF SUNFLOWER AND MUSTARD LEAF EXTRACTS ON THE GERMINATION OF MUSTARD SEEDSTROC, Magdalena; SKOCZOWSKI, A; BARANSKA, Malgorzata et al.Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry. 2009, Vol 95, Num 3, pp 727-730, issn 1388-6150, 4 p.Conference Paper

Durchforstungsansätze bei Eiche unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Dickenwachstums = Consignes pour la conduite des éclaircies chez le chêne en prenant essentiellement en considération la croissance en diamètre = Thinning intensity in oak stands with special regard to diameter growthSPIECKER, H.1983, Vol 154, Num 2, pp 21-36Article

Il bosco e la struttura agraria e forestale in alto Adige = Forêt et Agriculture, structure forestière dans le Haut Adige = The forest and agriculture and forestal structure in Alto AdigePREYER, R.1983, Vol 32, pp 165-189Article

Evaluation of some annual Trifolium spp. under irrigationKELLY, K. B; MASON, W. K.Australian journal of experimental agriculture. 1986, Vol 26, Num 1, pp 79-85, issn 0816-1089Article

Vingt ans d'essais de pâture = Twenty years of pasture trialsCHARLES, J.-P; WETTSTEIN, J.-B.Revue suisse d'agriculture. 1986, Vol 18, Num 6, pp 321-328, issn 0375-1325Article

Perspective de dezvoltarea silviculturii in lumina teorici sistemelor = Perspectives de développement de la foresterie en fonction de la théorie des écosystèmes = Prospects of forestry development in the light of the systemic theoryVLAD, I.1985, Vol 100, Num 2, pp 58-61Article

Resíduos culturais de inverno e assimilação de nitroge~nio por culturas de verão = Résidus culturaux hivernaux et assimilation de l'azote par les cultures d'été = Winter crop residues and N assimilation by summer cropsHEINZMANN, F. X.Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (Brasilia, 1977). 1985, Vol 20, Num 9, pp 1021-1030, issn 0100-204XArticle

Agricultures et paysanneries du monde (mondes en mouvement, politiques en transition)Wolfer, Bernard.2010, isbn 978-2-7592-0644-5, 1Vol, 349 p., isbn 978-2-7592-0644-5Book

Histoire des sciences : La jachère, d'une signification à l'autre = History of science : the fallowSIGAUT, Francois; MORLON, Pierre.Pour la science (Imprimé). 2008, Num 374, pp 94-99, issn 0153-4092, 6 p.Article

La théorie des probabilités dans l'utilisation des modèles statistiques décrivant la production de vergers en relation avec la salinitéKONDRAT'EV, K. N.Počvovedenie (Moskva). 1986, Num 4, pp 128-131, issn 0032-180XArticle

Accounting emergy flows to determine the best production model of a coffee plantationGIANNETTI, B. F; OGURA, Y; BONILLA, S. H et al.Energy policy. 2011, Vol 39, Num 11, pp 7399-7407, issn 0301-4215, 9 p.Article

Changes in the physiology and feed quality of prairie grass during regrowthTURNER, L. R; DONAGHY, D. J; LANE, P. A et al.Agronomy journal (Print). 2006, Vol 98, Num 5, pp 1326-1332, issn 0002-1962, 7 p.Article

Imaging spectroscopy for on-farm measurement of grassland yield and qualitySCHUT, A. G. T; VAN DER HEIJDEN, G. W. A. M; HOVING, I et al.Agronomy journal (Print). 2006, Vol 98, Num 5, pp 1318-1325, issn 0002-1962, 8 p.Article

Sur le platane d'alignement.. = About the roadside plante treeCABARET, N.1986, 110 pThesis

Effects of over-winter green cover on soil solution nitrate concentrations beneath tillage landPREMROV, Alina; COXON, Catherine E; HACKETT, Richard et al.Science of the total environment. 2014, Vol 470-71, pp 967-974, issn 0048-9697, 8 p.Article

Le café en Amérique latine, une durabilité à géométrie variable = Coffee cultivation in Latin America : sustainability of 'a variable geometry'TULET, Jean-Christian.Géocarrefour (Lyon). 2008, Vol 83, Num 3, pp 171-179, issn 1627-4873, 9 p.Article

Exploring farmers' innovativeness : Experiences with the adaptation of water-saving technologies for small-scale vegetable production around Marsabit Mountain in northern KenyaNGUTU, M. N; RECKE, H.Experimental Agriculture. 2006, Vol 42, Num 4, pp 459-474, issn 0014-4797, 16 p.Article

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