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Yield of trickle-irrigated tomatoes as affected by time of N and K applicationDANGLER, J. M; LOCASCIO, S. J.Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 1990, Vol 115, Num 4, pp 585-589, issn 0003-1062Article

Assessing economically viable carbon reductions for the production of ammonia from biomass gasificationGILBERT, Paul; ALEXANDER, Sarah; THORNLEY, Patricia et al.Journal of cleaner production. 2014, Vol 64, pp 581-589, issn 0959-6526, 9 p.Article

Carbon dioxide emissions from tillage of two long-term no-till Canadian prairie soilsSHAHIDI, B. M. R; DYCK, M; MALHI, S. S et al.Soil & tillage research. 2014, Vol 144, pp 72-82, issn 0167-1987, 11 p.Article

Characterization of water stress and prediction of yield of wheat using spectral indices under varied water and nitrogen management practicesBANDYOPADHYAY, K. K; PRADHAN, S; SAHOO, R. N et al.Agricultural water management (Print). 2014, Vol 146, pp 115-123, issn 0378-3774, 9 p.Article

Conventional flooding irrigation causes an overuse of nitrogen fertilizer and low nitrogen use efficiency in intensively used solar greenhouse vegetable productionZHAOBO FAN; SHAN LIN; XIAOMAN ZHANG et al.Agricultural water management (Print). 2014, Vol 144, pp 11-19, issn 0378-3774, 9 p.Article

Determination of potential N2O-reductase activity in soilSHUPING QIN; HAIJING YUAN; CHUNSHENG HU et al.Soil biology & biochemistry. 2014, Vol 70, pp 205-210, issn 0038-0717, 6 p.Article

Effect of soil compaction and N fertilization on soil pore characteristics and physical quality of sandy loam soil under red clover/grass swardGŁAB, Tomasz.Soil & tillage research. 2014, Vol 144, pp 8-19, issn 0167-1987, 12 p.Article

Effects of experimental warming and nitrogen fertilization on soil microbial communities and processes of two subalpine coniferous species in Eastern Tibetan Plateau, ChinaCHUNZHANG ZHAO; LIYING ZHU; JIN LIANG et al.Plant and soil. 2014, Vol 382, Num 1-2, pp 189-201, issn 0032-079X, 13 p.Article

Empirical and Mechanistic Evaluation of NH+4 Release Kinetic in Calcareous SoilsRANJBAR, F; JALALI, M.Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology (Print). 2014, Vol 66, Num 4, pp 606-615, issn 0090-4341, 10 p.Article

Estimating the impact of changing fertilizer application rate, land use, and climate on nitrous oxide emissions in Irish grasslandsKIM, Dong-Gill; RAFIQUE, Rashad; LEAHY, Paul et al.Plant and soil. 2014, Vol 374, Num 1-2, pp 55-71, issn 0032-079X, 17 p.Article

Genetically biodiverse potato cultivars grown on a suitable agricultural soil under compost amendment or mineral fertilization: yield, quality, genetic and epigenetic variations, soil propertiesCICATELLI, Angela; BALDANTONI, Daniela; IOVIENO, Paola et al.Science of the total environment. 2014, Vol 493, pp 1025-1035, issn 0048-9697, 11 p.Article

Genotypic Differences in Dry Bean Yield and Yield Components as Influenced by Nitrogen Fertilization and RhizobiaFAGERIA, N. K; FERREIRA, E. P. B; MELO, L. C et al.Communications in soil science and plant analysis. 2014, Vol 45, Num 12-14, pp 1583-1604, issn 0010-3624, 22 p.Article

Influence of phosphorus application and arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on growth, foliar nitrogen mobilization, and phosphorus partitioning in cowpea plantsTAFFOUO, Victor Désiré; NGWENE, Benard; AKOA, Amougou et al.Mycorrhiza (Berlin). 2014, Vol 24, Num 5, pp 361-368, issn 0940-6360, 8 p.Article

Long-term addition of compost and NP fertilizer increases crop yield and improves soil quality in experiments on smallholder farmsBEDADA, Workneh; KARLTUN, Erik; LEMENIH, Mulugeta et al.Agriculture, ecosystems & environment. 2014, Vol 195, pp 193-201, issn 0167-8809, 9 p.Article

Management of nitrogen fertilizer application, rather than functional gene abundance, governs nitrous oxide fluxes in hydroponics with rockwoolHASHIDA, Shin-Nosuke; JOHKAN, Masahumi; KITAZAKI, Kazuyoshi et al.Plant and soil. 2014, Vol 374, Num 1-2, pp 715-725, issn 0032-079X, 11 p.Article

Nitrogen transformation and plant growth in response to different urea-application methods and the addition of DMPPLI XU; HUAN CHEN; JINGJING XU et al.Journal of plant nutrition and soil science (1999). 2014, Vol 177, Num 2, pp 271-277, issn 1436-8730, 7 p.Article

Nitrogen-fertilizer forms affect the nitrogen-use efficiency in fertigated citrus grovesQUAGGIO, José Antônio; SOUZA, Thais Regina; BACHIEGA ZAMBROSI, Fernando César et al.Journal of plant nutrition and soil science (1999). 2014, Vol 177, Num 3, pp 404-411, issn 1436-8730, 8 p.Article

Phenological responses of juvenile pecan and white oak on an upland siteBURNER, D. M; BRAUER, D. K; SNIDER, J. L et al.Agroforestry systems. 2014, Vol 88, Num 1, pp 141-155, issn 0167-4366, 15 p.Article

Phosphorus levels in croplands of the European Union with implications for P fertilizer useTOTH, Gergely; GUICHARNAUD, Rannveig-Anna; TOTH, Brigitta et al.European journal of agronomy. 2014, Vol 55, pp 42-52, issn 1161-0301, 11 p.Article

Soil carbon fractions in grasslands respond differently to various levels of nitrogen enrichmentsBING SONG; SHULI NIU; LINGHAO LI et al.Plant and soil. 2014, Vol 384, Num 1-2, pp 401-412, issn 0032-079X, 12 p.Article

Winter legumes in rice crop rotations reduces nitrogen loss, and improves rice yield and soil nitrogen supplyYINGLIANG YU; LIHONG XUE; LINZHANG YANG et al.Agronomy for sustainable development. 2014, Vol 34, Num 3, pp 633-640, issn 1774-0746, 8 p.Article

A short communication on the effect of nitrogen fertilization of willow on yield, combustion emissions and greenhouse gas balanceFINNAN, John; BURKE, Brendan; CARROLL, John et al.Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems. 2014, Vol 98, Num 1, pp 107-112, issn 1385-1314, 6 p.Article

Assessing nitrogen fertilizer rates and split applications using the DSSAT model for rice irrigated with urban wastewaterHANSEOK JEONG; TAEIL JANG; CHOUNGHYUN SEONG et al.Agricultural water management (Print). 2014, Vol 141, pp 1-9, issn 0378-3774, 9 p.Article

Feed the Crop Not the Soil: Rethinking Phosphorus Management in the Food ChainWITHERS, Paul J. A; SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, Roger; JONES, Davey L et al.Environmental science & technology. 2014, Vol 48, Num 12, issn 0013-936X, 5C, 6523-6530 [9 p.]Article

Influence of host plant nitrogen fertilization on hemolymph protein profiles of herbivore Spodoptera exigua and development of its endoparasitoid Cotesia marginiventrisYIGEN CHEN; RUBERSON, John R; XINZHI NI et al.Biological control (Print). 2014, Vol 70, pp 9-16, issn 1049-9644, 8 p.Article

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