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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 9256

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Pharmaceutically active compounds in sludge stabilization treatments: Anaerobic and aerobic digestion, wastewater stabilization ponds and compostingMARTIN, Julia; SANTOS, Juan Luis; APARICIO, Irene et al.Science of the total environment. 2015, Vol 503-04, pp 97-104, issn 0048-9697, 8 p.Conference Paper

Application challenges for the social Life Cycle Assessment of fertilizers within life cycle sustainability assessmentMARTINEZ-BLANCO, Julia; LEHMANN, Annekatrin; MUNOZ, Pere et al.Journal of cleaner production. 2014, Vol 69, pp 34-48, issn 0959-6526, 15 p.Article

Bacterial communities in chitin-amended soil as revealed by 16S rRNA gene based pyrosequencingCRETOIU, Mariana Silvia; KIELAK, Anna Maria; SCHLUTER, Andreas et al.Soil biology & biochemistry. 2014, Vol 76, pp 5-11, issn 0038-0717, 7 p.Article

Benefits for agriculture and the environment from urban wasteSORTINO, Orazio; ONTONERI, Enzo; PATANE, Cristina et al.Science of the total environment. 2014, Vol 487, pp 443-451, issn 0048-9697, 9 p.Article

Bioresource Nutrient Recycling and Its Relationship with Biofertility Indicators of Soil Health and Nutrient Dynamics in Rice-Wheat Cropping SystemPAUL, Jai; ANIL KUMAR CHOUDHARY; SURI, V. K et al.Communications in soil science and plant analysis. 2014, Vol 45, Num 4-7, pp 912-924, issn 0010-3624, 13 p.Article

Carbon dioxide emissions from semi-arid soils amended with biochar alone or combined with mineral and organic fertilizersFERNANDEZ, José M; AURORA, M; LOPEZ-DE-SA, Esther G et al.Science of the total environment. 2014, Vol 482-483, pp 1-7, issn 0048-9697, 7 p.Article

Changes in organic carbon in topsoil and subsoil and microbial community composition caused by repeated additions of organic amendments and N fertilisation in a long-term field experiment in SwedenKÄTTERER, T; BÖRJESSON, G; KIRCHMANN, H et al.Agriculture, ecosystems & environment. 2014, Vol 189, pp 110-118, issn 0167-8809, 9 p.Article

Effect of plant compost, salicylic and ascorbic acids on Mentha piperita L. plantsABDOU, M; MOHAMED, M. A. H.Biological agriculture & horticulture. 2014, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 131-143, issn 0144-8765, 13 p.Article

Effects of Tea Plant Compost and Mineral Nitrogen Levels on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet CropEL-GIZAWY, Eid; SHALABY, Gamal; MAHMOUD, Esawy et al.Communications in soil science and plant analysis. 2014, Vol 45, Num 8-11, pp 1181-1194, issn 0010-3624, 14 p.Article

Effects of biochar and other amendments on the physical properties and greenhouse gas emissions of an artificially degraded soilMUKHERJEE, A; LAL, R; ZIMMERMAN, A. R et al.Science of the total environment. 2014, Vol 487, pp 26-36, issn 0048-9697, 11 p.Article

Field study on the uptake and translocation of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in biosolids-amended soilsBEI WEN; LONGFEI LI; HONGNA ZHANG et al.Environmental pollution (1987). 2014, Vol 184, pp 547-554, issn 0269-7491, 8 p.Article

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and partial least square regression for the prediction of substrate maturity indexesHIGASHIKAWA, Fábio Satoshi; SILVA, Carlos Alberto; NUNES, Cleiton Antônio et al.Science of the total environment. 2014, Vol 470-71, pp 536-542, issn 0048-9697, 7 p.Article

Functional stoichiometry of soil microbial communities after amendment with stabilised organic matterEE LING NG; PATTI, Antonio Frank; ROSE, Michael Timothy et al.Soil biology & biochemistry. 2014, Vol 76, pp 170-178, issn 0038-0717, 9 p.Article

Greenhouse gas emissions during composting of dairy manure: Influence of the timing of pile mixing on total emissionsMULBRY, Walter; HEEKWON AHN.Biosystems engineering. 2014, Vol 126, pp 117-122, issn 1537-5110, 6 p.Article

Impact of soil amendments on metribuzin and DCPA half-lives and mobility into agricultural runoff waterANTONIOUS, George F; TURLEY, Eric T; HILL, Regina R et al.Journal of environmental science and health. Part B. Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes. 2014, Vol 49, Num 4-6, pp 313-323, issn 0360-1234, 11 p.Article

Impacts of compost application on the formation and functioning of arbuscular mycorrhizasCAVAGNARO, Timothy R.Soil biology & biochemistry. 2014, Vol 78, pp 38-44, issn 0038-0717, 7 p.Article

Integrated effects of organic, inorganic and biological amendments on methane emission, soil quality and rice productivity in irrigated paddy ecosystem of Bangladesh: field study of two consecutive rice growing seasonsMUHAMMAD ASLAM ALI; SATTAR, M. A; NAZMUL ISLAM, M et al.Plant and soil. 2014, Vol 378, Num 1-2, pp 239-252, issn 0032-079X, 14 p.Article

Long-term residual effects of the management of cover crop biomass on soil nitrogen and yield of endive (Cichorium endivia L.) and savoy cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. sabauda)CAMPIGLIA, Enio; MANCINELLI, Roberto; DI FELICE, Vincenzo et al.Soil & tillage research. 2014, Vol 139, pp 1-7, issn 0167-1987, 7 p.Article

N2O emission from cropland field soil through fungal denitrification after surface applications of organic fertilizerWEI, Wei; ISOBE, Kazuo; SHIRATORI, Yutaka et al.Soil biology & biochemistry. 2014, Vol 69, pp 157-167, issn 0038-0717, 11 p.Article

Nitrate and phytochemicals: may these vary in red and green lettuce by application of organic and inorganic fertilizers?OZGEN, Senay; SEKERCI, Saziye; KAYA, Cemal et al.Biological agriculture & horticulture. 2014, Vol 30, Num 3, pp 173-182, issn 0144-8765, 10 p.Article

Optimisation of fertiliser rates in crop production against energy use indicatorsROSSNER, Helis; RITZ, Christian; ASTOVER, Alar et al.European journal of agronomy. 2014, Vol 55, pp 72-76, issn 1161-0301, 5 p.Article

Phytostabilization of metals in mine soils using Brassica juncea in combination with organic amendments : The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope StabilityPEREZ-ESTEBAN, Javier; ESCOLASTICO, Consuelo; MOLINER, Ana et al.Plant and soil. 2014, Vol 377, Num 1-2, pp 97-109, issn 0032-079X, 13 p.Article

Rapeseed rotation, compost and biocontrol amendments reduce soilborne diseases and increase tuber yield in organic and conventional potato production systemsBERNARD, Edward; LARKIN, Robert P; TAVANTZIS, Stellos et al.Plant and soil. 2014, Vol 374, Num 1-2, pp 611-627, issn 0032-079X, 17 p.Article

Soil biosolarization for sustainable strawberry productionDOMINGUEZ, Pedro; MIRANDA, Luis; SORIA, Carmen et al.Agronomy for sustainable development. 2014, Vol 34, Num 4, pp 821-829, issn 1774-0746, 9 p.Article

Soil microbial properties after long-term swine slurry application to conventional and no-tillage systems in BrazilBALOTA, Elcio L; MACHINESKI, Oswaldo; HAMID, Karima I. A et al.Science of the total environment. 2014, Vol 490, pp 397-404, issn 0048-9697, 8 p.Article

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