Résultats 1 à 25 sur 4025
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Assessment of wildlife damage in forestsMELVILLE, R. C; TEE, L. A; RENNOLLS, K et al.1983, Num 82Serial Issue
Tourismus: Wald und Wild. Die Pulverschneefahrer und was sie heraufbeschwören = Le ski hors piste et son influence sur la forêt et le gibier = Skiers in dry powdery snow: forests and gameSTAHEL, J.1983, Vol 54, Num 6, pp 207-213Article
Effects of fire on nutrient availability in a North Carolina plain pocosinWILBUR, R. B; CHRISTENSEN, N. L.The American midland naturalist. 1983, Vol 110, Num 1, pp 54-61, issn 0003-0031Article
Biomass consumption and smoke production by prehistoric and modem forest fires in Western WashingtonFAHNESTOCK, G. R; AGEE, J. K.Journal of forestry. 1983, Vol 81, Num 10, pp 653-657, issn 0022-1201Article
Rapid Microwave Processing of Winter Cereals for Histology Allows Identification of Separate Zones of Freezing Injury in the CrownLIVINGSTON, D. P; TUONG, T. D; HAIGLER, C. H et al.Crop science. 2009, Vol 49, Num 5, pp 1837-1842, issn 0011-183X, 6 p.Article
Climatic trends, disturbances and short-term vegetation dynamics in a Mediterranean shrublandDE LUIS, Martin; GARCIA-CANO, Maria Francisca; CORTINA, Jordi et al.Forest ecology and management. 2001, Vol 147, Num 1, pp 25-37, issn 0378-1127Article
A reassessment of the economic effects of ozone on U.S. agricultureADAMS, R. M; GLYER, J. D; JOHNSON, S. L et al.JAPCA. 1989, Vol 39, Num 7, pp 960-968, issn 0894-0630Article
Sauvegarde de la forêt méditerranéenne1983, Num 87, pp 18-20Article
GEOMYCIN: towards a geographic expert system for resource managementDAVIS, J. R; NANNINGA, P. M.Journal of environmental management. 1985, Vol 21, Num 4, pp 377-390, issn 0301-4797Article
Les dégâts de gibier en milieu agricole = Game damage caused in agricultureBOULDOIRE, J. L.1984, Num 355, pp 7-11Article
Cyclic erosional-pyrogenic theory of common-pine natural renewalSANNIKOV, S. N.1983, Vol 14, Num 1, pp 7-16Article
Les dommages provoqués par le grand gibier en forêtSAILLET, B.1983, Num 67, pp 15-22Article
Gli incendi dei boschi = Les incendies de forêtPANERAI, T.1983, Vol 2-3, pp 55-61Article
Pluies acides et forêts: étude comparée Vosges-Forêt Noire = Acid rains and forests: comparative study Vosges-Black ForestWUNENBURGER, R.Etudes documentaires - Centre interprofessionnel technique d'études de la pollution atmosphérique. 1983, Num 74, pp CI.1253.1-CI.1253.4, issn 0152-5778Article
Hirvivahingot männyn viljelytaimikoissa Uudenmaan-Hämeen pirimetsälautakunnan alueella = Dégâts causés par des souris (Alces alces) dans de jeunes plantations de pins = Damages caused by mice (Alces alces) in young stands of pinesLOEYTTYNIEMI, K; PIISILAE, N.1983, Num 553, 23 p.Serial Issue
Regional differences in plant-soil mercury relations in Equisetum, Plantago and TaraxacumSIEGEL, S. M; SIEGEL, B. Z.Organic geochemistry. 1984, Vol 5, Num 4, pp 255-257, issn 0146-6380Article
Sul grado di infiammibilità di alcune specie della macchia mediterranea = Degré d'inflammabilité de quelques espèces du maquis méditerranéen = Knowledge of flammability of mediterranean maquis speciesCAPPELLI, M; BONANI, S; CONCI, I et al.1983, Num 62, 43 p.Serial Issue
Les Incendies de forêts dans la wilaya de Mostaganem (Algérie): étude écologique et propositions d'aménagement = Forest fires in the wilaya of Mostaganem (Algeria): ecological study and managementREBAI, Ahmed.1983, [172] p.-[47] plThesis
Importance de la composition chimique de la couverture végétale sur les effets néfastes des incendies sur les sols forestiers = Importance of the plant cover chemical composition on burning hazards effects in forest soilsBOULBIN, M; TOUFFET, J.1982, Num 17, pp 25-31Article
Stereo photos for evaluating jack pine slash fuelsBLANK, R. W.1982, 23 p., NC-77Serial Issue
Marille und Spätfrost = Apricot and late frostMADER, S.Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg Rebe und Wein, Obstbau und Früchteverwertung. 1999, Vol 49, Num 6, pp 220-223, issn 0007-5922Article
Biosonics and piroacoustics as protection means of large cherry orchards against starlings in PolandZAJAC, R.1983, Vol 10, Num 3, pp 113-133Article
Efficacy of bark strands and straw mulching after wildfire in NW Spain: Effects on erosion control and vegetation recoveryFERNANDEZ, Cristina; VEGA, José A.Ecological engineering. 2014, Vol 63, pp 50-57, issn 0925-8574, 8 p.Article
Interaction between head fire and backfire in grasslandsMORVAN, Dominique; MERADJI, Sofiane; MELL, William et al.Fire safety journal. 2013, Vol 58, pp 195-203, issn 0379-7112, 9 p.Article
Investigation of emissions from heated essential-oil-rich fuels at 200 °CZHAO, Feng-Jun; SHU, Li-Fu; WANG, Ming-Yu et al.Fire and materials. 2013, Vol 37, Num 5, pp 391-400, issn 0308-0501, 10 p.Article