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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 16615

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Effects of herbicide and timing of removal on interference between barley and weedsISMAIL, A. M. A; HASSAN, A. H. A.Weed research (Print). 1988, Vol 28, Num 5, pp 323-329, issn 0043-1737Article

Nuisibilité et seuils de nuisibilité des mauvaises herbes dans une culture annuelle: situation de concurrence bispécifique = Injurious effects of weeds and weed thresholds in an annual arable crop : interference between two speciesCAUSSANEL, J. P.Agronomie (Print). 1989, Vol 9, Num 3, pp 219-240, issn 0249-5627Article

Effect of the animal's digestive system on the infectivity of Orobanche seedsJACOBSOHN, R; BEN-GHEDALIA, D; MARTON, K et al.Weed research (Print). 1987, Vol 27, Num 2, pp 87-90, issn 0043-1737Article

Influence of tillage systems on annual weed densities and control in solid-seeded soybean (Glycine max)BUHLER, D. D; OPLINGER, E. S.Weed science. 1990, Vol 38, Num 2, pp 158-165, issn 0043-1745Article

Control of Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) by rotary cultivation and glyphosateBOURDOT, G. W; BUTLER, J. H. B.Weed research (Print). 1985, Vol 25, Num 4, pp 251-258, issn 0043-1737Article

Wild oat interference in sunflowerCHUBB, W. O; FRIESEN, G. H.Canadian journal of plant science. 1985, Vol 65, Num 1, pp 219-222, issn 0008-4220Article

Response of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) and grass biomass to grass, picloram, and fertilizer combinationsLARSON, L. L; MCINNIS, M. L.1989, Vol 3, Num 3, pp 497-500Article

A sterile-female technique proposed for control of Striga hermonthica and other intractable weeds : advantages, shortcomings and risk managementRECTOR, Brian G.Pest management science. 2009, Vol 65, Num 5, pp 596-602, issn 1526-498X, 7 p.Conference Paper

Weed-Suppressing Potential of Dodder (Cuscuta hygrophilae) and its Phytotoxic ConstituentsTRAN DANG KHANH; LUONG CHI CONG; TRAN DANG XUAN et al.Weed science. 2008, Vol 56, Num 1, pp 119-127, issn 0043-1745, 9 p.Article

Effect of herbicide application method on weed management and crop injury in transplanted cantaloupe productionJOHNSON, W. Carroll; MULLINIX, Benjamin G.Weed technology. 2005, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 108-112, issn 0890-037X, 5 p.Article

Effects of glyphosate application timing and rate on sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) fecundityTHOMAS, Walter E; PLINE-SRNIC, Wendy A; VIATOR, Ryan P et al.Weed technology. 2005, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 55-61, issn 0890-037X, 7 p.Article

Efficacy and acceptance of herbicides applied for field bindweed (Convulvulus arvensis) controlSTONE, Amanda E; PEEPER, Thomas F; KELLEY, Jason P et al.Weed technology. 2005, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 148-153, issn 0890-037X, 6 p.Article

Evaluating drift control agents to reduce short distance movement and effect on herbicide performanceVANGESSEL, Mark J; JOHNSON, Quintin R.Weed technology. 2005, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 78-85, issn 0890-037X, 8 p.Article

Fall and early preplant application timing effects on persistence and efficacy of acetamide herbicidesPARKER, Daniel C; SIMMONS, E. William; WAX, Loyd M et al.Weed technology. 2005, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 6-13, issn 0890-037X, 8 p.Article

Glyphosate efficacy is antagonized by manganeseBERNARDS, Mark L; THELEN, Kurt D; PENNER, Donald et al.Weed technology. 2005, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 27-34, issn 0890-037X, 8 p.Article

Light interception and yield response of ultra-short-season soybean to diphenylether herbicides in the midsouthern United StatesEDWARDS, Jeffrey T; PURCELL, Larry C.Weed technology. 2005, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 168-175, issn 0890-037X, 8 p.Article

Preemergence herbicide and seeding method effects on seedling growth of Kentucky bluegrassKEELEY, Steven J; ZHOU, Han-E.Weed technology. 2005, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 43-46, issn 0890-037X, 4 p.Article

Algen auf Rasenflächen-Ursachen und Bekämpfung = Algues dans les pelouses ― origines et moyens de lutte = Algae in lawns ― causes and controlBÜRING, W.1990, Vol 21, Num 3, pp 63-65Article

Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of sethoxydim in centipedegrass and goosegrassMCCARTY, L. B; HIGGINS, J. M; CORBIN, F. T et al.Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 1990, Vol 115, Num 4, pp 605-607, issn 0003-1062Article

Characterization of alachlor and atrazine desorption from soilsCLAY, S. A; KOSKINEN, W. C.Weed science. 1990, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 74-80, issn 0043-1745Article

Control of stinkweed (Thlaspi arvense) and flixweed (Descurainia sephia) in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum)BLACKSHAW, R. E.Canadian journal of plant science. 1990, Vol 70, Num 3, pp 817-824, issn 0008-4220Article

Differential response of selected species of Brassicaceae to DPX-A7881BUCHANAN, F. S; SWANTON, C. J; GILLESPIE, T. J et al.Canadian journal of plant science. 1990, Vol 70, Num 3, pp 873-877, issn 0008-4220Article

Effect of AC 222,293 soil residues on rotational cropsFELLOWS, G. M; FAY, P. K; CARLSON, G. R et al.1990, Vol 4, Num 1, pp 48-51Article

Effect of oxyfluorfen, pyridate, and BAS 514 applied postemergence on direct-seeded broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)HERBST, K. A; DERR, J. F.1990, Vol 4, Num 1, pp 71-75Article

Effect of postharwest field burning on jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) germinationYOUNG, F. L; OGG, A. G. JR; DOTRAY, P. A et al.1990, Vol 4, Num 1, pp 123-127Article

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