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Pseudotumor of infancy and congenital muscular torticollis : 170 casesWEI, Julie L; SCHWARTZ, Kara M; WEAVER, Amy L et al.The Laryngoscope. 2001, Vol 111, Num 4, pp 688-695, issn 0023-852X, 1Article

Otolaryngology 1900-1999 : A century of progress ?LUCENTE, Frank E.The Laryngoscope. 2000, Vol 110, Num 10, pp 1590-1594, issn 0023-852X, 1Conference Paper

Réunion ScientifiqueActa oto-rhino-laryngologica belgica. 1999, Vol 53, Num 1, pp 3-56, issn 0001-6497Conference Proceedings

1998 Annual Meeting of the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck SurgeryKORNBLUT, A. D; GANZER, U.European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology. 1999, Vol 256, Num 2, pp 87-113, issn 0937-4477Conference Proceedings

Recent advances in otorhinolaryngology-head and neck surgeryKOMIYAMA, S; INOKUCHI, A; YAMAMOTO, T et al.European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology. 1999, Vol 256, issn 0937-4477, 72 p., SUP1Serial Issue

RT-PCR investigation of fibronectin mRNA isoforms in malignant, normal and reactive oral mucosaMIGHELL, A. J; THOMPSON, J; HUME, W. J et al.European journal of cancer. Part B, Oral oncology. 1997, Vol 33, Num 3, pp 155-162, issn 0964-1955Article

C-erb B-2 expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neckFIELD, J. K; SPANDIDOS, D. A; YIAGNISIS, M et al.Anticancer research. 1992, Vol 12, Num 3, pp 613-619, issn 0250-7005Article

Epidemiologische Betrachtung von Karzinomen im Kopf-Hals-Bereinch = Epidemiological aspects of carcinomas in the head and neck regionsDIETZ, A; HELLER, W.-D; MAIER, H et al.Das Offentliche Gesundheitswesen. 1991, Vol 53, Num 10, pp 674-680, issn 0029-8573Article

Réunion scientifique du collegium oto-rhino-laryngologium, amiatiae sacrum, Basel Août 19-22, 1990PFALTZ, C. R.Acta oto-laryngologica. 1991, Vol 111, Num 2, issn 0001-6489, 296 p.Conference Proceedings

L'examen vestibulaire de l'enfant = Examen of the vestibular system in the childTOUPET, M; TOUPET, F.Médecine et hygiène. 1989, Vol 47, Num 1814, pp 3171-3177, issn 0025-6749, 5 p.Article

Blood transfusion and outcome in stage III head and neck carcinomaJOHNSON, J. T; TAYLOR, F. H; THEARLE, P. B et al.Archives of otolaryngology, head & neck surgery. 1987, Vol 113, Num 3, pp 307-310, issn 0886-4470Article

Diagnostik von Malignomen im Kopf-Mals-Bereich: Stillstand oder Fortschritt? Aus der Sicht des Otorhinolaryngologen = La valeur de l'échographie dans le diagnostic des tumeurs de la tête et du cou: le point de vue de l'ORL = The value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of head and neck tumors: the opinion of the ENTHAMANN, K.-F.Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. 1987, Vol 163, Num 8, pp 500-504, issn 0179-7158Article

Lymphszintigraphische Untersuchungen der regionalen Lymphwege bei Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren = Lymphoscintigraphie du drainage lymphatique chez les malades avec tumeur de la tête et du cou = Lymphoscintigraphic investigation of lymphatic drainage in head and neck tumorsHILDMANN, H; KOSBERG, R. D; TIEDJEN, K. U et al.HNO. Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenärzte. 1987, Vol 35, Num 1, pp 31-33, issn 0017-6192Article

Head and neck cancer: reliability of American Joint Committeés staging system as prognostic indicatorAHMAD, K; KIM, Y. H; FAYOS, J. V et al.Acta oncologica (Stockholm). 1987, Vol 26, Num 3, pp 173-174, issn 0284-186XArticle

Outcome of locally advanced stage III and IV head and neck cancer treated by surgery and postoperative external beam radiotherapyPRADEEP KUMAR, P; GOOD, R. R; EPSTEIN, B. E et al.The Laryngoscope. 1987, Vol 97, Num 5, pp 615-620, issn 0023-852XArticle

Research in pediatric otolaryngology: an overviewBERNARD, P.Journal of otolaryngology. 1987, Vol 16, Num 4, pp 234-238, issn 0381-6605Article

Toluidine blue staining of the esophagus: a useful adjunct in the panendoscopic evaluation of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neckHIX, W. R; WILSON, W. R.Archives of otolaryngology, head & neck surgery. 1987, Vol 113, Num 8, pp 864-865, issn 0886-4470Article

Du cancer O. R. L. et de la profession (cancer de l'ethmoïde exclu) = Head and neck tumor and occupation (excluding ethmoïd cancer)DUCLOS, J. C; PIGNAT, J. C; HAGUENAUER, J. P et al.Les Cahiers d'oto-rhino-laryngologie, de chirurgie cervico-faciale et d'audiophonologie. 1987, Vol 22, Num 5, pp 331-336, issn 0395-3971Article

La ceftriaxone** utilisée en prophylaxie dans la chirurgie carcinologique O. R. L = Ceftriaxone prophylaxis in head and neek tumor surgeryGEHANNO, P; MOISY, N.Les Cahiers d'oto-rhino-laryngologie, de chirurgie cervico-faciale et d'audiophonologie. 1987, Vol 22, Num 5, pp 384-387, issn 0395-3971Article

Failure of misonidazole-sensitized radiotherapy to impact upon outcome among stage III-IV squamous cancers of the head and neckFAZEKAS, J; PAJAK, T. F; WASSERMAN, T et al.International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 1987, Vol 13, Num 8, pp 1155-1160, issn 0360-3016Article

Haemangiopericytoma of the nose and paranasal sinusesCHAWLA, O. P; OSWAL, V. H.Journal of laryngology and otology. 1987, Vol 101, Num 7, pp 729-737, issn 0022-2151Article

Ninth annual del Regato lecture: optimal multidisciplinary management of head and neck cancerMARCIAL, V. A.International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 1987, Vol 13, Num 3, pp 393-401, issn 0360-3016Article

Osteoradionecrosis: clinical experience and a proposal for classificationEPSTEIN, J. B; WONG, F. L. W; STEVENSON-MOORE, P et al.Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 1987, Vol 45, Num 2, pp 104-110, issn 0278-2391Article

Presented papers/89th. Annual meeting of the American laryngological Rhinological and Otological Society, Palm Beach FL, May 6-8, 1986The Laryngoscope. 1987, Vol 97, Num 4, pp 401-434, issn 0023-852XConference Proceedings

Combined modality treatment of adult soft tissue sarcomas of the head and neckMCKENNA, W. G; BARNES, M. M; KINSELLA, T. J et al.International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 1987, Vol 13, Num 8, pp 1127-1133, issn 0360-3016Conference Paper

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