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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 29627

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Does antrochoanal polyp present with epistaxis?SAYED, R. H; ABU-DIEF, E. E.Journal of laryngology and otology. 2010, Vol 124, Num 5, pp 505-509, issn 0022-2151, 5 p.Article

Bacteriology of acute rhinosinusitis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma survivors : a result of maxillary sinus puncturesHSIN, Chung-Han; TSAO, Chien-Han; SU, Mao-Chang et al.European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology. 2007, Vol 264, Num 10, pp 1157-1162, issn 0937-4477, 6 p.Article

Comparative outcomes of endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic sinusitis and nasal polypsTOROS, Sema Zer; BÖLÜKBASI, Seyla; NAIBOGLU, Baris et al.European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology. 2007, Vol 264, Num 9, pp 1003-1008, issn 0937-4477, 6 p.Article

Seltene Ursache einer subakuten Parotitis: Pathogenetische Rolle von Kristallen aus infarziertem Warthin-Tumor? = A rare cause of subacute parotitis. The pathogenetic role of crystals from an infarcted Warthin tumor?RÖSSLE, M; WINTER, W; IHRLER, S et al.HNO. Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenärzte. 2005, Vol 53, Num 11, pp 969-972, issn 0017-6192, 4 p.Article

CD44v6 in developing, dysplastic and malignant oral epitheliaRAUTAVA, Jaana; SOUKKA, Tero; INKI, Pirjo et al.Oral oncology (1997). 2003, Vol 39, Num 4, pp 373-379, issn 1368-8375, 7 p.Article

Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in high-risk premalignant oral lesionsSUDBØ, Jon; RISTIMÄKI, Ari; SONDRESEN, Jan Erik et al.Oral oncology (1997). 2003, Vol 39, Num 5, pp 497-505, issn 1368-8375, 9 p.Article

Human papillomavirus in larynxAALTONEN, Leena-Maija; RIHKANEN, Heikki; VAHERI, Antti et al.The Laryngoscope. 2002, Vol 112, Num 4, pp 700-707, issn 0023-852XArticle

Nasopharyngeal teratocarcinosarcomaROTENBERG, Brian; EL-HAKIM, Hamdy; LODHA, Abhay et al.International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. 2002, Vol 62, Num 2, pp 159-164, issn 0165-5876Article

Retrospective study of the progression of oral premalignant lesions to squamous cell carcinoma: A south Wales experienceBROMWICH, Matthew.Journal of otolaryngology. 2002, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 150-156, issn 0381-6605Article

Genotypic and phenotypic expression of vocal fold polyps and Reinke's edema: A preliminary studyTHIBEAULT, Susan L; GRAY, Steven D; WENHUA LI et al.The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. 2002, Vol 111, Num 4, pp 302-309, issn 0003-4894Conference Paper

Elongated uvula with a pleomorphic adenoma : A rare cause of obstructive sleep apnea syndromeMOTOMURA, H; HARADA, T; MURAOKA, M et al.Annals of plastic surgery. 2000, Vol 45, Num 1, pp 61-63, issn 0148-7043Article

Inhibition of microflora associated with oral malignancyNAGY, K; SZÖKE, I; SONKODI, I et al.Oral oncology (1997). 2000, Vol 36, Num 1, pp 32-36, issn 1368-8375Article

Large granular lymphocyte leukemia and its association with oral neutropenic ulcerations. A case reportCOPETE, Maria A; SHERIDAN, David P.Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics. 2000, Vol 90, Num 4, pp 474-477, issn 1079-2104Article

Pharyngeal pouch carcinoma : Real or imaginary risks?BRADLEY, P. J; KOCHAAR, A; SHAHED QURAISHI, M et al.The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. 1999, Vol 108, Num 11, pp 1027-1032, issn 0003-4894, 1Conference Paper

Prise en charge des foyers infectieux bucco―dentairesMBCB. Médecine buccale chirurgie buccale. 2012, Vol 18, Num 3, pp 251-314, issn 1273-2761, 64 p.Article

Physiopathologie et démarche diagnostique face à une laryngomalacie du nourrissonAYARI, S; AUBERTIN, G; GIRSCHIG, H et al.Annales françaises d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de pathologie cervico-faciale (Print). 2012, Vol 129, Num 5, pp 296-302, issn 1879-7261, 7 p.Article

Modified endotracheal tube: emergency alternative to paediatric tracheostomy tubeKURIEN, M; RAVIRAJ, R; MATHEW, J et al.Journal of laryngology and otology. 2011, Vol 125, Num 7, pp 729-731, issn 0022-2151, 3 p.Article

Hémangiome de la fosse infra-temporale: à propos d'un cas = Hemangioma of infra-temporal fossa: a case reportBOUSLAMA, Sarra; MZIOU, Zouha; OMEZZINE, Monia et al.MBCB. Médecine buccale chirurgie buccale. 2011, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 29-32, issn 1273-2761, 4 p.Article

Kyste mandibulaire bilatéral vestibulaire surinfecté = Bilateral mandibular infected buccal cystGLOCK, Nicolas; MARTEAU, Jean-Marie; FRICAIN, Jean-Christophe et al.MBCB. Médecine buccale chirurgie buccale. 2011, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 133-136, issn 1273-2761, 4 p.Article

Ostéome périphérique sur le procès alvéolaire maxillaire = Peripheral osteoma of maxillary alveolar processOMEZZINE, Monia; OUALHA, Lamia; KHOCHTAL, Habib et al.MBCB. Médecine buccale chirurgie buccale. 2011, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 245-247, issn 1273-2761, 3 p.Article

Efficacy of spinal needle aspiration for epiglottic abscess in 90 patients with acute epiglottitisSUN GON KIM; JUN HO LEE; DONG JIN PARK et al.Acta oto-laryngologica. 2009, Vol 129, Num 7, pp 760-767, issn 0001-6489, 8 p.Article

Laser epiglottopexy for laryngomalacia : 10 years' experience in the west of scotlandWHYMARK, Andrew D; CLEMENT, W. Andrew; KUBBA, Haytham et al.Archives of otolaryngology, head & neck surgery. 2006, Vol 132, Num 9, pp 978-982, issn 0886-4470, 5 p.Article

Prevalence of pH-documented laryngopharyngeal reflux in Chinese patients with clinically suspected reflux laryngitisLAM, Paul; WILLIAM IGNACE WEI; YAU HUI et al.American journal of otolaryngology. 2006, Vol 27, Num 3, pp 186-189, issn 0196-0709, 4 p.Article

Design and implementation of an ambulatory pH monitoring protocol in patients with suspected laryngopharyngeal refluxHARRELL, Steve; EVANS, Ben; GOUDY, Steve et al.The Laryngoscope. 2005, Vol 115, Num 1, pp 89-92, issn 0023-852X, 4 p.Article

State-dependent laryngomalacia in sleeping childrenSMITH, Joseph L; SMALLMAN, Bettina; SWEENEY, Dawn M et al.The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. 2005, Vol 114, Num 2, pp 111-114, issn 0003-4894, 4 p.Article

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