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Potter sequence complicated by congenital cystic lesion of the bladderABE, Yoshifusa; MIZUNO, Katsumi; HORIE, Hiroshi et al.American journal of perinatology. 2002, Vol 19, Num 5, pp 267-272, issn 0735-1631Article

How they begin and how they end : Classic and new theories for the development and deterioration of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract, CAKUTPOPE, J. C; BROCK, J. W; ADAMS, M. C et al.Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 1999, Vol 10, Num 9, pp 2018-2028, issn 1046-6673Article

Unicalyceal kidney associated with ureteral anomaliesKANETO, H; METOKI, R; FUKUZAKI, A et al.European urology. 1997, Vol 32, Num 3, pp 328-331, issn 0302-2838Article

Métodos de diagnóstico por la imagen de las anomalías del aparato genitourinario. Descripción de 3 casos = Diagnostic imaging methods in genitourinary tract disorders: description of three casesBELDA SERRANO, J. A; LOPEZ LOPER, C; BOLUDA BELIJAR, F et al.Radiología (Madrid). 1992, Vol 34, Num 9, pp 659-663, issn 0033-8338Article

Uropathies obstructives et diagnostic prénatal. Moment de la correction chirurgicale = Obstructive uropathies and prenatal diagnosis. When is surgical correction indicated?BAQUEDANO DROGUETT, P; WESE, F. X; VERELLEN, G et al.Acta urologica belgica. 1992, Vol 60, Num 2, pp 107-129, issn 0001-7183Article

Occurence of congenital abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract in 13,775 autopsiesBARAKAT, A. J; DROUGAS, J. G.Urology (Ridgewood, NJ). 1991, Vol 38, Num 4, pp 347-350, issn 0090-4295Article

Un gros rein : orientation diagnostique = The large kidneyBENOIT, G.La Revue du praticien (Paris). 1991, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 183-186, issn 0035-2640Article

Renal, cardiovascular and hormonal characteristics of young adults with autosomal dominant polycycystic kidney diseaseHARRAP, S. B; DAVIES, D. L; MACNICOL, A. M et al.Kidney international. 1991, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 501-508, issn 0085-2538Conference Paper

Prise en charge des uropathies de diagnostic pré-natal: discussion à partir d'une série de 53 cas = Management of congenital uropathic following a prenatal diagnosis: discussion about 53 casesGAUTHIER, F; MONTUPET, P; RENOUARD, C et al.Chirurgie pédiatrique (Paris). 1987, Vol 28, Num 4-5, pp 215-219, issn 0180-5738Article

Pediatric urologic intraoperative consultationKAY, R.Urologic clinics of North America. 1985, Vol 12, Num 3, pp 461-468, issn 0094-0143Article

The genetics of urinary tract malformationsCARTER, C. O.Journal de génétique humaine. 1984, Vol 32, Num 1, pp 23-29, issn 0021-7743Article

The lessons of 40 bladder extrophies in 20 yearsÓDONEELL, B.Journal of pediatric surgery. 1984, Vol 19, Num 5, pp 547-549, issn 0022-3468Article

Nonobstructing periureteric venous ring : diagnosis with conventional and three-dimensional reconstruction CTDILLON, E. H; CAMPUTARO, C.American journal of roentgenology (1976). 1991, Vol 157, Num 5, pp 997-998, issn 0361-803XArticle

Parathyroid hormone mediates changes in calcium transport in uremic rat brain synaptosomesFRASER, C. L; SARNACKI, P.American journal of physiology. Renal, fluid and electrolyte physiology. 1988, Vol 23, Num 6, pp F837-F844, issn 0363-6127Article

Symposium on perinatal nephrology, Rocourt, Belgium, June 13, 1987GUIGNARD, J.-P.Biology of the neonate. 1988, Vol 53, Num 4, pp 185-260, issn 0006-3126Conference Proceedings

Immune thrombocytopenia in severe hemophilia A treated with high-dose intravenous immunoglobulinPANZER, S; ZEITELHUBER, U; HACH, V et al.Transfusion (Philadelphia, PA). 1986, Vol 26, Num 1, pp 69-72, issn 0041-1132Article

Uropathies malformatives de diagnostic anténatal: stratégie d'explorations à la période néonatale = Neonatal management of newborns with suspected uropathy on antenatal ultrasoundsSCHMIT, P; SIRINELLI, D; ALLOUCH, G et al.Annales de pédiatrie (Paris). 1986, Vol 33, Num 3, pp 234-239, issn 0066-2097Article

Editoŕs note to authors of the leung et al paperOPITZ, J. M.American journal of medical genetics. 1985, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 49-50, issn 0148-7299Article

Importance of deep abdominal palpation in the perinatal diagnosis of urologic malformationsBRION, L; RONDIA, G; AVNI, F. E et al.Biology of the neonate. 1984, Vol 46, Num 5, pp 215-219, issn 0006-3126Article

Fetal partial urethral obstruction causes renal fibrosis and is associated with proteolytic imbalanceGOBET, R; BLEAKLEY, J; CISEK, L et al.The Journal of urology. 1999, Vol 162, Num 3, pp 854-860, issn 0022-5347, 1Article

Genitourinary anomalies in the CHARGE associationRAGAN, D. C; CASALE, A. J; RINK, R. C et al.The Journal of urology. 1999, Vol 161, Num 2, pp 622-625, issn 0022-5347Article

Single ureteral ectopia with congenital renal dysplasiaJIANHONG LI; TINGZE HU; MINGHE WANG et al.The Journal of urology. 2003, Vol 170, Num 2, pp 558-559, issn 0022-5347, 2 p., 1Article

Ectopically draining dysplastic kidney associated with genuine stress urinary incontinence : unusual combined cause in incontinenceBARROWS, B; BAVENDAM, T; LEACH, G. E et al.Urology (Ridgewood, NJ). 1992, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 283-285, issn 0090-4295Article

Médecine d'urgence et enfance maltraitéeLAVAUD, J; GIRODET, D; LODE, N et al.Revue de pédiatrie (Paris). 1990, Vol 26, Num 5, pp 211-216, issn 0035-1644Article

Association of medullary sponge kidney and medullary dysplasia in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromeCHESNEY, R. W; KAUFMAN, R; STAPLETON, F. B et al.The Journal of pediatrics. 1989, Vol 115, Num 5, pp 761-764, issn 0022-3476, 4 p., part 1Article

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