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Cortisol and 17-hydroxyprogesterone kinetics in saliva after oral administration of hydrocortisone in children and young adolescents with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiencyGRÖSCHL, Michael; RAUH, Manfred; DÖRR, Helmuth G et al.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2002, Vol 87, Num 3, pp 1200-1204, issn 0021-972XArticle

Urinary steroid profile in adrenocortical tumorsKIKUCHI, E; YANAIHARA, H; NAKASHIMA, J et al.Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy. 2000, Vol 54, pp 194s-197s, issn 0753-3322, SUP1Article

Adrenal cortical tumors in childhoodDRIVER, C. P; BIRCH, J; GOUGH, D. C. S et al.Pediatric hematology and oncology. 1998, Vol 15, Num 6, pp 527-532, issn 0888-0018Article

Adrenal lesion frequency: A prospective, cross-sectional CT study in a defined region, including systematic re-evaluationHAMMARSTEDT, Lilian; MUTH, Andreas; HELLSTRÖM, Mikael et al.Acta radiologica (1987). 2010, Vol 51, Num 10, pp 1149-1156, issn 0284-1851, 8 p.Article

Effect of L-364,718 (CCK receptor antagonist) on exocrine pancreatic secretion of adrenalectomized ratsMANSO, M. A; DE DIOS, I.Pancreas. 1993, Vol 8, Num 3, pp 362-367, issn 0885-3177Article

Secretory protein traffic : chromogranin A contains a dominant targeting signal for the regulated pathwayPARMER, R. J; XIAO-PING XI; HONG-JIANG WU et al.The Journal of clinical investigation. 1993, Vol 92, Num 2, pp 1042-1054, issn 0021-9738Article

Hypervaskularisiertes Nebennierenadenom : ein differentialdiagnostisches Problem in der dynamischen CT und MRT = CT and MRT in hypervascular adrenal adenomaKLOSE, K.-C; ANDREOPOULOS, D; ADAM, G et al.Der Radiologe (Berlin. Print). 1992, Vol 32, Num 1, pp 32-35, issn 0033-832XArticle

Effect of awakening on aldosteroneFOLLENIUS, M; KRAUTH, M. O; SAINI, J et al.Journal of endocrinological investigation (Testo stampato). 1992, Vol 15, Num 6, pp 475-478, issn 0391-4097Article

Development of Cushing'syndrome in corticotropin-releasing factor transgenic miceSTENZEL-POORE, M. P; CAMERON, V. A; VAUGHAN, J et al.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 1992, Vol 130, Num 6, pp 3378-3386, issn 0013-7227Article

T and B cell reactivity to adrenal antigens in autoimmune Addison's diseaseFREEMAN, M; WEETMAN, A. P.Clinical and experimental immunology (Print). 1992, Vol 88, Num 2, pp 275-279, issn 0009-9104Article

Le contrôle de la vasomotricité par l'endothélium : le couplage de la vasodilatation active rénale à la sécrétion de rénine = Endothelial control of vascular tone : coupling of active vasodilation in the kidney to renin secretion = Endothelial control of vascular tone: coupling of active vasodilation in the kidney to renin secretionPOUX, J.-M; GARDES, J; ALHENC-GELAS, F et al.Diabète et métabolisme (Paris). 1992, Vol 18, Num 2BIS, pp 145-160, issn 0338-1684Article

Stratégie diagnostique des tumeurs surrénaliennes infra-cliniques = Diagnostic strategy of subclinical adrenal tumoursCONTE-DEVOLX, B; NICOLI, P; HENRY, J. F et al.Revue française d'endocrinologie clinique, nutrition et métabolisme. 1992, Vol 33, Num 4-5, pp 447-452, issn 0048-8062Conference Paper

Effect of corticosterone administration at varying levels on leucine oxidation and whole body protein synthesis and breakdown in adrenalectomized ratsZHI YUN QUAN; WALSER, M.Metabolism, clinical and experimental. 1991, Vol 40, Num 12, pp 1263-1267, issn 0026-0495Article

Effects of neurotensin on the pituitary-adrenocortical axis of intact and dexamethasone-suppressed ratsMALENDOWICZ, L. K; LESNIEWSKA, B; MISKOWIAK, B et al.Experimental pathology (1981). 1991, Vol 43, Num 3-4, pp 205-211, issn 0232-1513Article

Augmented enkephalin-immunoreactivity in adrenaline-producing phaeochromocytomasKODAMA, T; ITO, C; FUJIMOTO, Y et al.Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histopathology. 1990, Vol 416, Num 5, pp 417-422, issn 0174-7398Article

Reliability for anthropometric measurements in the Hispanic health and nutrition examination survey (HHANES 1982-1984)CAMERON CHUMLEA, W; GUO, S; KUCZMARSKI, R. J et al.The American journal of clinical nutrition. 1990, Vol 51, Num 5, pp 902S-907S, issn 0002-9165, supplConference Paper

The bioactivity of immunoreactive adrenocorticotrophin in human blood is dependent on the secretory state of the pituitary glandGOVERDE, H. J. M; PESMAN, G. J; SMALS, A. G. H et al.Clinical endocrinology (Oxford. Print). 1989, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 255-265, issn 0300-0664, 11 p.Article

Influence of microinjection of corticosterone into ventromedial hypothalamus on hepatic acetate metabolism in rabbitsSETO, K; SAITO, H; KABA, H et al.Experimental and clinical endocrinology. 1988, Vol 92, Num 1, pp 111-114, issn 0232-7384Article

Tumeurs de l'organe de Zuckerkandl. Démarche diagnostique à propos de 2 cas = Tumors of Zuckerkandl's organLOPEZ, J. F; PILICHOWSKI, P; CARAVEL, J. P et al.Journal d'urologie. 1987, Vol 93, Num 9-10, pp 523-527, issn 0248-0018Article

Heterogeneity of steroid 21-hydroxylase genes in classical congenital adrenal herperplasiaDAWKINS, R. L; MARTIN, E; KAY, P. H et al.Journal of immunogenetics. 1987, Vol 14, Num 2-3, pp 89-98, issn 0305-1811Article

Tumoren der Nebenniere: Gegenwärtiger Stand der bildgebenden Diagnostik = Value of various imaging modalities for diagnostic work-up of tumors of the adrenal glandZECH, C. J; WEISS, M; SCHOENBERG, S. O et al.Der Radiologe (Berlin. Print). 2003, Vol 43, Num 4, pp 284-292, issn 0033-832X, 9 p.Article

Identification of the secretogranin II-derived peptide EM66 in pheochromocytomas as a potential marker for discriminating benign Versus malignant tumors : Endocrine care: Of special interest to the practice of endocrinologyYON, Laurent; GUILLEMOT, Johann; MONTERO-HADJADJE, Maite et al.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2003, Vol 88, Num 6, pp 2579-2585, issn 0021-972X, 7 p.Article

Development of overt Cushing's syndrome in patients with adrenal incidentalomaBARZON, Luisa; FALLO, Francesco; SONINO, Nicoletta et al.European journal of endocrinology. 2002, Vol 146, Num 1, pp 61-66, issn 0804-4643Article

Mini review: surgical indications for adrenal incidentalomaNISHIKAWA, Tetsuo; SAITO, Jun; OMURA, Masao et al.Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy. 2002, Vol 56, pp 145s-148s, issn 0753-3322, SUP1Conference Paper

Angiotensin II type 1 receptor and ACTH receptor expression in human adrenocortical neoplasmsSCHUBERT, Barbara; FASSNACHT, Martin; BEUSCHLEIN, Felix et al.Clinical endocrinology (Oxford. Print). 2001, Vol 54, Num 5, pp 627-632, issn 0300-0664Article

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