Résultats 1 à 25 sur 7969
Sélection :
Carence en vitamine A chez un groupe d'enfants sains âgés de 1 à 23 mois de la région de Blida, Algérie = Vitamin A deficiency among healthy children aged 1-23 months in Blida region, AlgeriaAKROUR-AISSOU, Chérifa; DUPRE, Thierry; BOUKARI, Rachida et al.Nutrition clinique et métabolisme (Paris). 2014, Vol 28, Num 1, pp 4-11, issn 0985-0562, 8 p.Article
Vitamine D chez la personne âgée: pourquoi ? Quand ? Comment ? = Vitamin D supplementation in elderly subjects: Why? When? How?RAYNAUD-SIMON, Agathe; ROLLAND, Yves; SOUBERBIELLE, Jean-Claude et al.Nutrition clinique et métabolisme (Paris). 2014, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 123-129, issn 0985-0562, 7 p.Article
Prevalence of malnutrition in Parkinson's disease: a systematic reviewSHEARD, Jamie M; ASH, Susan; SILBURN, Peter A et al.Nutrition reviews. 2011, Vol 69, Num 9, pp 520-532, issn 0029-6643, 13 p.Article
High-resolution melting analysis using unlabeled probe and amplicon scanning simultaneously detects several lactase persistence variantsJANUKONYTE, Jurgita; VESTERGAARD, Else M; LADEFOGED, SØren A et al.Scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation. 2010, Vol 70, Num 8, pp 535-540, issn 0036-5513, 6 p.Article
Effect of vitamin B12 deficiency on neurodevelopment in infants : current knowledge and possible mechanismsDROR, Daphna K; ALLEN, Lindsay H.Nutrition reviews. 2008, Vol 66, Num 5, pp 250-255, issn 0029-6643, 6 p.Article
Gender and age differences in the metabolism of inorganic arsenic in a highly exposed population in BangladeshLINDBERG, Anna-Lena; EKSTRÖM, Eva-Charlotte; NERMELL, Barbro et al.Environmental research (New York, N.Y. : Print). 2008, Vol 106, Num 1, pp 110-120, issn 0013-9351, 11 p.Article
Reduction of unnecessary transfusion and intravenous fluids in severely malnourished children is not enough to reduce mortalityBACHOU, Hanifa; TUMWINE, James K; MWADIME, Robert K. N et al.Annals of tropical paediatrics. 2008, Vol 28, Num 1, pp 23-33, issn 0272-4936, 11 p.Article
Thiamine deficiency during pregnancy leads to cerebellar neuronal death in rat offspring : Role of voltage-dependent K+ channelsOLIVEIRA, Fernando Augusto; TEODORO GALAN, Diogo; RIBEIRO, Angela Maria et al.Brain research. 2007, Vol 1134, pp 79-86, issn 0006-8993, 8 p.Article
Vitamin A deficiency affects neither frontocortical acetylcholine nor working memorySTANCAMPIANO, Roberto; CARTA, Manolo; FADDA, Fabio et al.Neuroreport (Oxford). 2007, Vol 18, Num 3, pp 241-243, issn 0959-4965, 3 p.Article
Effects of diet and exercise on plasma vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels in Vietnamese immigrant elderly in Sydney, AustraliaBROCK, K; CANT, R; CLEMSON, L et al.Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. 2007, Vol 103, Num 3-5, pp 786-792, issn 0960-0760, 7 p.Conference Paper
Mesure de la satisfaction des résidents de maison de retraite vis-à-vis de l'alimentation et du service des repas. Commentary = Measuring nursing home resident satisfaction with food and food service : initial testing of the FoodEx-LTC. CommentaryCROGAN, N. L.Age & nutrition (Paris). 2006, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 166-168, issn 1158-0259, 3 p.Article
Impact of nucleotides and nutritional support on growth and body composition of severely malnourished infantsVASQUEZ-GARIBAY, Edgar; MENDEZ-ESTRADA, Concepcion; ROMERO-VELARDE, Enrique et al.Nutrition research (New York, NY). 2005, Vol 25, Num 8, pp 727-736, issn 0271-5317, 10 p.Article
Improved nutritional recovery on an elemental diet in Zambian children with persistent diarrhoea and malnutritionAMADI, Beatrice; MWIYA, Mwiya; CHOMBA, Elwyn et al.Journal of tropical pediatrics (1980). 2005, Vol 51, Num 1, pp 5-10, issn 0142-6338, 6 p.Article
In vitro application of endotoxin enhances nitric oxide production in thoracic aortas from Mg-deficient ratsMIYAMOTO, A; MORIKI, H; ISHIGURO, S et al.Magnesium research. 2005, Vol 18, Num 3, pp 155-162, issn 0953-1424, 8 p.Article
Nutritional status of patients hospitalised in PolandDZIENISZEWSKI, J; JAROSZ, M; SZCZYGIE, B et al.European journal of clinical nutrition. 2005, Vol 59, Num 4, pp 552-560, issn 0954-3007, 9 p.Article
The expression of matrix metalloproteinases 8 and 9 by neutrophils of wistar albino rats with severe qualitative and quantitative protein malnutritionKOZACI, Leyla Didem; BALKAYA, Muharrem; UNSAL, Cengiz et al.International journal for vitamin and nutrition research. 2005, Vol 75, Num 4, pp 257-265, issn 0300-9831, 9 p.Article
Hyperglycinemia due to folate deficiency in rats : evidence for the lack of involvement of the hepatic glycine cleavage systemDICKSON, Tyra M; EDISON, Erica; BROSNAN, John T et al.Journal of nutritional biochemistry. 2005, Vol 16, Num 12, pp 736-742, issn 0955-2863, 7 p.Article
Nutritional assessment in cancer : Comparing the mini-nutritional assessment (MNA) with the scored patient-generated subjective global assessment (PGSGA)READ, Jane A; CROCKETT, Naomi; VOLKER, Dianne H et al.Nutrition and cancer. 2005, Vol 53, Num 1, pp 51-56, issn 0163-5581, 6 p.Article
Conséquences de la dénutrition chez l'enfant et l'adolescent. Mortalité, morbidité, conséquences médicoéconomiques = Consequences of disease-related malnutrition in children and adolescents. Mortality, morbidity and costsROULET, Michel; CHESEAUX, Michel; COTI, Pauline et al.Nutrition clinique et métabolisme (Paris). 2005, Vol 19, Num 4, pp 207-213, issn 0985-0562, 7 p.Article
Stratégies de dépistage de la dénutrition chez l'enfant hospitalisé = Malnutrition screening strategies for in-hospitalized childrenCOLOMB, Virginie.Nutrition clinique et métabolisme (Paris). 2005, Vol 19, Num 4, pp 219-222, issn 0985-0562, 4 p.Article
An investigation into the relationships between quality of life, nutritional status and physical functionHICKSON, M; FROST, G.Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh). 2004, Vol 23, Num 2, pp 213-221, issn 0261-5614, 9 p.Article
Association between cholesterol level and mortality in dialysis patients: Role of inflammation and malnutritionYONGMEI LIU; CORESH, Josef; EUSTACE, Joseph A et al.JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association. 2004, Vol 291, Num 4, pp 451-459, issn 0098-7484, 9 p.Article
Mini-nutritional assessment score and the risk for undernutrition in free-living older personsDELACORTE, R. R; MORIGUTI, J. C; MATOS, F. D et al.The Journal of nutrition, health & aging. 2004, Vol 8, Num 6, pp 531-534, issn 1279-7707, 4 p.Article
Nutritional status, growth and sleep habits among Senegalese adolescent girlsBENEFICE, E; GAMIER, D; NDIAYE, G et al.European journal of clinical nutrition. 2004, Vol 58, Num 2, pp 292-301, issn 0954-3007, 10 p.Article
Vitamin D status as a determinant of peak bone mass in young Finnish menVÄLIMÄKI, Ville-Valtteri; ALFTHAN, Henrik; LEHMUSKALLIO, Eero et al.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2004, Vol 89, Num 1, pp 76-80, issn 0021-972X, 5 p.Article