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Décès par décurarisation incomplète après extubation = Death by incomplete reversal of residual neuromuscular blockade after extubationTARDIEU, Marie; SCHLATTER, Joël.Journal de pharmacie clinique (Paris). 2012, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 159-162, issn 0291-1981, 4 p.Article

Obésité et dosage des médicaments en anesthésie-réanimation = Drugs dosing for obese patients in anaesthesia and intensive careHABERER, J.-P.Cahiers d'anesthésiologie (Paris). 2004, Vol 52, Num 2, pp 153-161, issn 0007-9685, 9 p.Article

Airway management of a patient with Weill-Marchesani syndromeKARABIYIK, Lale.Journal of clinical anesthesia. 2003, Vol 15, Num 3, pp 214-216, issn 0952-8180, 3 p.Article

Anaesthetic implications of Costello syndromeKATCHER, Kelly; BOTHWELL, Marcella; TOBIAS, Joseph D et al.Paediatric anaesthesia (Paris). 2003, Vol 13, Num 3, pp 257-262, issn 1155-5645, 6 p.Article

Anaesthetic implications of the child with Robinow syndromeSLEESMAN, Jay B; TOBIAS, Joseph D.Paediatric anaesthesia (Paris). 2003, Vol 13, Num 7, pp 629-632, issn 1155-5645, 4 p.Article

Anaesthetic management in McKusick-Kaufman syndromeTEKIN, Idil; OK, Gulay; GENC, Abdulkadir et al.Paediatric anaesthesia (Paris). 2003, Vol 13, Num 2, pp 167-170, issn 1155-5645, 4 p.Article

Anesthetic management of a patient with Weill-Marchesani syndromeDAL, D; SAHIN, A; AYPAR, Ü et al.Acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica. 2003, Vol 47, Num 3, pp 369-370, issn 0001-5172, 2 p.Article

Intraoperative changes in arterial oxygenation during volume-controlled mechanical ventilation in modestly obese patients undergoing laparotomies with general anesthesiaYOSHINO, J; AKATA, T; TAKAHASHI, S et al.Acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica. 2003, Vol 47, Num 6, pp 742-750, issn 0001-5172, 9 p.Article

Popliteal pterygium syndrome with syngnathiaPATEL, Vikram; THEROUX, Mary C; REILLY, James et al.Paediatric anaesthesia (Paris). 2003, Vol 13, Num 1, pp 80-82, issn 1155-5645, 3 p.Article

Stiff person syndrome and anesthesia: Case reportBOUW, Jans; LEENDERTSE, Karin; TIJSSEN, Marina A. J et al.Anesthesia and analgesia. 2003, Vol 97, Num 2, pp 486-487, issn 0003-2999, 2 p.Article

Obésité morbide et modifications respiratoires peropératoires = The effects of morbide obesity on respiratory function during general anaesthesiaHABERER, J.-P.Cahiers d'anesthésiologie (Paris). 2003, Vol 51, Num 5, pp 365-369, issn 0007-9685, 5 p.Article

Fiberoptic tracheal intubation through a laryngeal mask airway in a child with treacher Collins syndromeMURAIKA, Lisa; HEYMAN, Julius S; SHEVCHENKO, Yuri et al.Anesthesia and analgesia. 2003, Vol 97, Num 5, pp 1298-1299, issn 0003-2999, 2 p.Article

The effectiveness and safety of spinal anaesthesia in the pyloromyotomy procedureSOMRI, Mostafa; GAITINI, Luis A; VAIDA, Sonia J et al.Paediatric anaesthesia (Paris). 2003, Vol 13, Num 1, pp 32-37, issn 1155-5645, 6 p.Article

Food residues identified in the pharynx of a patient with a cleft palateOHBUCHI, Yuko; HIDAKA, Koji; YANAGAWA, Shinpei et al.Masui. 2003, Vol 52, Num 1, pp 76-77, issn 0021-4892, 2 p.Article

Postoperative confusion in schizophrenic patients is affected by interleukin-6KUDOH, Akira; TAKASE, Hajime; TAKAHIRA, Yoko et al.Journal of clinical anesthesia. 2003, Vol 15, Num 6, pp 455-462, issn 0952-8180, 8 p.Article

Prediction of difficult laryngoscopy in obese patients by ultrasound quantification of anterior neck soft tissueEZRI, T; GEWÜRTZ, G; SESSLER, D. I et al.Anaesthesia. 2003, Vol 58, Num 11, pp 1111-1114, issn 0003-2409, 4 p.Article

Severe fetal bradycardia in a pregnant surgical patient despite normal oxygenation and blood pressureONG, Bill Y; BARON, Ken; STEAMS, Eric L et al.Canadian journal of anaesthesia. 2003, Vol 50, Num 9, pp 922-925, issn 0832-610X, 4 p.Article

Airway obstruction in a patient using a cuff button-like silicone cannula for tracheal stomaYANO, Takeshi; KASHIWADA, Masatoshi; SUZUKI, Nobuaki et al.Masui. 2003, Vol 52, Num 11, pp 1211-1213, issn 0021-4892, 3 p.Article

Anesthesia for a patient with Kartagener's syndrome undergoing ambulatory bilateral breast cancer surgerySHIRAKAMI, Gotaro; NAMBA, Tsunehisa; MATSUURA, Shogo et al.Masui. 2003, Vol 52, Num 8, pp 866-869, issn 0021-4892, 4 p.Article

Anesthetic management of a patient with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome complicated with thrombocytopeniaSUDOU, Kiyoko; SHIROTORI, Toru; ICHINO, Takashi et al.Masui. 2003, Vol 52, Num 11, pp 1240-1242, issn 0021-4892, 3 p.Article

Airway management in a baby with femoral hypoplasia-unusual facies syndromeIOHOM, Gabriella; LYONS, Barry; CASEY, William et al.Paediatric anaesthesia (Paris). 2002, Vol 12, Num 5, pp 461-464, issn 1155-5645Article

Anaesthetic management of a patient with Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophySHENDE, D; AGARWAL, R.Anaesthesia and intensive care. 2002, Vol 30, Num 3, pp 372-375, issn 0310-057XArticle

Anesthetic implications of primary cardiac tumors in infants and childrenKUSSMAN, Barry D; DEVAVARAM, Prabhakar; HANSEN, Dolly D et al.Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia. 2002, Vol 16, Num 5, pp 582-586, issn 1053-0770Article

Is haemostasis biological screening always useful before performing a neuraxial blockade in children?LE ROUX, Corinne; LEJUS, Corinne; SURBLEB, Marielle et al.Paediatric anaesthesia (Paris). 2002, Vol 12, Num 2, pp 118-123, issn 1155-5645Article

Small-dose ketamine improves the postoperative state of depressed patientsKUDOH, Akira; TAKAHIRA, Yoko; KATAGAI, Hiroshi et al.Anesthesia and analgesia. 2002, Vol 95, Num 1, pp 114-118, issn 0003-2999Article

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