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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 17132

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Is there an expiration date for a cord blood unit in storage?PARMAR, S; DE LIMA, M; KEBRIAEI, P et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 8, pp 1109-1112, issn 0268-3369, 4 p.Article

Plasma citrulline as a biomarker for enterocyte integrity in pediatric blood and BMTKARLIK, J. B; KESAVAN, A; NIEDER, M. L et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 3, pp 449-450, issn 0268-3369, 2 p.Article

Plasticizer concentration in cord blood cryopreserved with DMSOYAMAGUCHI, R; TAKANASHI, M; ITO, M et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 1, pp 157-158, issn 0268-3369, 2 p.Article

A review of the haematopoietic stem cell donation experience: is there room for improvement?BILLEN, A; MADRIGAL, J. A; SHAW, B. E et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 6, pp 729-736, issn 0268-3369, 8 p.Article

Clinical guide to fertility preservation in hematopoietic cell transplant recipientsJOSHI, S; SAVANI, B. N; KAMANI, N. R et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 4, pp 477-484, issn 0268-3369, 8 p.Article

Cord blood transplantation is associated with rapid B-cell neogenesis compared with BM transplantationNAKATANI, K; IMAI, K; NAGASAWA, M et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 9, pp 1155-1161, issn 0268-3369, 7 p.Article

Current and future approaches to treat graft failure after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantationLOCATELLI, Franco; LUCARELLI, Barbarella; MERLI, Pietro et al.Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy. 2014, Vol 15, Num 1, pp 23-36, issn 1465-6566, 14 p.Article

Depletion of naive T cells using clinical grade magnetic CD45RA beads: a new approach for GVHD prophylaxisTESCHNER, D; DISTLER, E; WEHLER, D et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 1, pp 138-144, issn 0268-3369, 7 p.Article

Early peripheral blood and T-cell chimerism dynamics after umbilical cord blood transplantation supported with haploidentical cellsKWON, M; MARTINEZ-LAPERCHE, C; BALSALOBRE, P et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 212-218, issn 0268-3369, 7 p.Article

Essential requirements for setting up a stem cell processing laboratoryLEEMHUIS, T; PADLEY, D; KEEVER-TAYLOR, C et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 8, pp 1098-1105, issn 0268-3369, 8 p.Article

Fear of recurrence and its impact on quality of life in patients with hematological cancers in the course of allogeneic hematopoietic SCTSARKAR, S; SCHERWATH, A; KOCH, U et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 9, pp 1217-1222, issn 0268-3369, 6 p.Article

Haploidentical SCT: the mechanisms underlying the crossing of HLA barriersCHANG, Y.-J; HUANG, X.-J.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 7, pp 873-879, issn 0268-3369, 7 p.Article

Negative selection by apoptosis enriches progenitors in naïve and expanded human umbilical cord blood graftsMIZRAHI, K; ASH, S; PELED, T et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 7, pp 942-949, issn 0268-3369, 8 p.Article

Patient education in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant: what patients wish they had known about quality of lifeJIM, H. S. L; QUINN, G. P; GWEDE, C. K et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 299-303, issn 0268-3369, 5 p.Article

Plerixafor plus pegfilgrastim is a safe, effective mobilization regimen for poor or adequate mobilizers of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells: a phase I clinical trialHERBERT, K. E; DEMOSTHENOUS, L; WIESNER, G et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 8, pp 1056-1062, issn 0268-3369, 7 p.Article

Prophylaxis and treatment of GVHD: EBMT-ELN working group recommendations for a standardized practiceRUUTU, T; GRATWOHL, A; GARDERET, L et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 168-173, issn 0268-3369, 6 p.Article

Stromal cells-are they really useful for GVHD?KAIPE, H; ERKERS, T; SADEGHI, B et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 6, pp 737-743, issn 0268-3369, 7 p.Article

Umbilical cord blood transplantation and unmanipulated haploidentical hematopoietic SCT for pediatric hematologic malignancesMO, X.-D; ZHAO, X.-Y; WANG, J.-Z et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 8, pp 1070-1075, issn 0268-3369, 6 p.Article

Uptake and use of recommendations for the diagnosis, severity scoring and management of chronic GVHD: an international survey of the EBMT―NCI Chronic GVHD Task ForceDUARTE, R. F; GREINIX, H; RABIN, B et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 1, pp 49-54, issn 0268-3369, 6 p.Article

Value of liver elastography and abdominal ultrasound for detection of complications of allogeneic hemopoietic SCTKARLAS, T; WEBER, J; NEHRING, C et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 6, pp 806-811, issn 0268-3369, 6 p.Article

Superselective intra-arterial umbilical cord blood administration to BM in experimental animalsARNBERG, F; LUNDBERG, J; KENNE, E et al.Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke). 2014, Vol 49, Num 12, pp 1486-1491, issn 0268-3369, 6 p.Article

Recommandations de la la Société Française de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire (SFGM-TC) = Guidelines SFGM-TCYAKOUB-AGHA, I.Pathologie et biologie. 2014, Vol 62, Num 4, issn 0369-8114, 54 p.Conference Proceedings

Autogreffe des cellules souches hématopoïétiques dans les maladies auto-immunes: recommandations de la SFGM-TC = Autologous stem cell transplantation for autoimmune diseases: Recommendations from the SFGM-TCFARGE, D; TERRIOU, L; HIJ, A et al.Pathologie et biologie. 2014, Vol 62, Num 4, pp 204-208, issn 0369-8114, 5 p.Conference Paper

Greffes de cellules souches hématopoïétiques à partir d'un donneur haploidentique: recommandations de la SFGM-TC (deuxième partie) = Allogeneic stem cell transplantation from an HLA-haploidentical related donor: SFGM-TC recommendations (Part 2)NGUYEN, S; BLAISE, D; BULABOIS, C.-E et al.Pathologie et biologie. 2014, Vol 62, Num 4, pp 185-189, issn 0369-8114, 5 p.Conference Paper

Transfert de compétence: la mise en place d'un statut infirmier(ère) de greffe pour le suivi post-greffe: un rapport par la SFGM-TC = Transfer of skills: Implementing post-transplant follow-up care status for transplant nurses: A report by the SFGM-TCCORNILLON, J; PEFFAULT DE LATOUR, R; SCHMITT, S et al.Pathologie et biologie. 2014, Vol 62, Num 4, pp 190-192, issn 0369-8114, 3 p.Conference Paper

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