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'Hadewid Greca' te Merksem in 1212: Een historische reconstructie van de biografie van HadewijchDEVREESE, Daniel.Ons geestelijk erf. 2010, Vol 81, Num 2-3, pp 151-193, issn 0774-2827, 43 p.Article

Non scholastico stilo : Education and Irish Identity in the Dublin Collection of Irish Saints' LivesLAFFERTY, Maura K.Sacris Erudiri. 2008, Vol 47, pp 321-387, issn 0771-7776, 67 p.Article

Agnes of harcourt, felipa of porcelet, and marguerite of oingt: Women writing about women at the end of the thirteenth centuryFIELD, Sean L.Church history. 2007, Vol 76, Num 2, pp 298-329, issn 0009-6407, 32 p.Article

La parabola della donna del deserto nelle primitive fonti agiografiche francescane : Sviluppi redazionali e interpretativiURIBE, Fernando.Antonianum. 2007, Vol 82, Num 2, pp 247-281, issn 0003-6064, 35 p.Article

Elisabeth von Thüringen : Weiblichkeit zwischen Rollenerwartung und RollenbruchMUSCHIOL, Gisela.Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte. 2007, Vol 118, Num 3, pp 348-366, issn 0044-2925, 19 p.Article

TRE legende minori latine di S. chiara d'assisi con incipit : O quam pulchra est casta generatioBOCCALI, Giovanni.Archivum Franciscanum historicum. 2006, Vol 99, Num 1-2, pp 3-31, issn 0004-0665, 29 p.Article

Alice de la Cambre : Regards sur sa vieWADDELL, Chrysogonus.Collectanea cisterciensia. 2004, Vol 66, Num 2, pp 83-96, issn 0378-4916, 14 p.Article

A short story of St. Täklä Haymanot's ancestors and his heritage (rist) in the Däbra-Libanos version of his VitaCHERNETSOV, Sevir B.Oriens christianus. 2003, Vol 87, pp 130-139, issn 0340-6407, 10 p.Article

Ida de Léau, mujer de deseo = Ida de Léau, a woman of desireO'DELL, Colman; RIBALTA, Marta; DE PASCUAL, Francisco R et al.Cistercium. 2000, Vol 52, Num 220, pp 883-913, issn 0210-3990Article

Meditaciones sobre la Vida de Alicia de Schaerbeck = Meditations on the Life de Alicia de SchaerbeckMIKKERS, Edmund; RIBALTA, Marta; DE PASCUAL, Francisco R et al.Cistercium. 2000, Vol 52, Num 220, pp 861-881, issn 0210-3990Article

Vom Volksheiligen zum Fürstenheiligen : Die Wiederbelebung des Wernerkults im 15.Jahrhundert = From the Saint of the People to the Saint of the Prince : the Revitalizing of the Worship of Werner in the 15th CenturyWETZSTEIN, T.Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte. 1999, Vol 51, pp 11-68, issn 0066-6432Article

Le bienheureux Frère Pacifique, Rex versuum et compagnon de Saint François = The blessed Brother Pacifique, Rex versuum and companion of Francis of AssisiAUBERGER, J.-B.Archivum Franciscanum historicum. 1999, Vol 92, Num 1-2, pp 59-93, issn 0004-0665Article

A propos de l'épiscopat provençal au XIIIe siècle : Un évêque de Riez dans la croisade albigeoise, Hugues Raymond, légat du pape = About the episcopate in Provence in the 13th century : A bishop of Riez in the Albigensian crusade, Hugues Raymond, a papal legatePECOUT, T.Provence Historique. 1999, Vol 49, Num 195-96, pp 385-396, issn 0033-1856Article

Odoric of Pordenone (1265-1331)BRESSAN, L.Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1997, Vol 70, pp 1-23, issn 0126-7353, 2Article

Le regard sur l'autochtone : sainte Enimie en Gévaudan = The Look on the Indigenous: Saint Enimie in the GévaudanGOUIRAN, G.Perspectives médiévales. 1996, Num 22, pp 105-117, issn 0338-2338, SUPConference Paper

Thomas von Celano und Klaras Armut in San Damiano : Beitrag zu einer Neuinterpretation der beiden Franziskusviten und zur Diskussion über den Verfasser der Klaralegende = Thomas of Celano and Clare Poor in San Damiano: a Case for a New Interpretation of the Two Franciscans and the Discussion on the Author of Clare LegendKUSTER, N.Wissenschaft und Weisheit. 1996, Vol 59, Num 1, pp 45-79, issn 0043-678XArticle

Margherita da Cortona «Nuova Maddalena» = Margherita of Cortona as a New Mary MagdaleneIOZZELLI, F.Studi francescani. 1996, Vol 93, Num 3-4, pp 347-359, issn 0392-727XArticle

Itinerario hacia Dios en San Antonio (1195-1231). Aspectos de su pensamiento = Itinerary towards God in Anthony of Padova (1195-1231). Aspects of his ThoughtBOADAS I LLAVAT, A.Verdad y vida. 1995, Vol 53, Num 211-12, pp 269-284, issn 0042-3718Article

Los Sermones Sancti Antonii de Juan de la Rochelle = John of La Rochelle's Sermones Santi AntoniiDE ASIS CHAVERO BLANCO, F.Verdad y vida. 1995, Vol 53, Num 211-12, pp 349-385, issn 0042-3718Article

S. Chiara et Frate Elia : ancora un ricordo del centenario Clariano = Saint Clare and Brother Eliah : another Memory of the Centenary of ClareODOARDI, G.Miscellanea francescana. 1995, Vol 95, Num 3-4, pp 547-555, issn 0026-587XArticle

Cronología biográfica de Santa Clara de Asís = Claire of Assisi's Biographical ChronologyESCOBAR, C.Verdad y vida. 1994, Vol 52, Num 205-06, pp 65-121, issn 0042-3718Article

VIII centenario della nascita di S. Chiara D'Assisi: un bilancio a metà percorso = VIII Century of Clare of Assisi's BirthSENSI, M.Revue Mabillon. 1994, Vol 5, pp 275-281, issn 0035-3620Article

Juan Duns Escoto: el hombre = John Duns Scotus : the ManPIJOAN, J.Verdad y vida. 1993, Vol 51, Num 202-03, pp 163-169, issn 0042-3718Article

El Transito, una celebracion franciscanaTESSERRAS, J.Verdad y vida. 1991, Vol 49, Num 193, pp 91-106, issn 0042-3718Article

Révision de la chronologie de l'épiscopat russe au XIIIe siècleVILENCIK, B. Ja.Sovetskaâ arheologiâ (Moskva. 1957). 1990, Num 1, pp 66-71, issn 0038-5034Article

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