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The mysterious Mr Briel: interactions between the Church of Ireland and Protestants strangers in the early 18th century = Le mystérieux Mr Briel : interactions entre l'Eglise d'Irlande et les étrangers protestants au début du XVIIIe siècleCHESSER, Cormac.Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 2012, Vol 29, Num 5, pp 669-682, issn 0957-0756, 14 p.Article

LA CIRCULATION DES HUGUENOTS SUR LES ROUTES DU REFUGE = Movement of Huguenots on the roads of refugesKRUMENACKER, Yves.Revue d'histoire de l'Eglise de France. 2012, Vol 98, Num 241, pp 311-327, issn 0048-7988, 17 p.Article

Was the Deist Thomas Morgan (d.1743) a medical practitioner among the Quakers in Bristol? Some observations about the history of a Quaker label = Le déiste Thomas Morgan (+ 1743), un simple médecin parmi les Quakers de Bristol ? Quelques observations sur l'histoire d'un label quakerVAN DEN BERG, Jan.Quaker history. 2011, Vol 100, Num 2, pp 36-41, issn 0033-5053, 6 p.Article

The Church in the Bakehouse: John Smyth's English Anabaptist Congregation at Amsterdam, 1609-1660SPRUNGER, Keith; SPRUNGER, Mary.The Mennonite quarterly review. 2011, Vol 85, Num 2, pp 219-258, issn 0025-9373, 40 p.Article

L'accoglienza ai Valdesi in Germania (1699) e la libertà religiosa = Welcome of Waldenses in Germany (1699) and the religious freedomDE LANGE, Albert.Protestantesimo. 2000, Vol 55, Num 3, pp 163-167, issn 0033-1767Article

'Outlandish men' : The Huguenots in London, 1680-1780BAYLISS, M.Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1997, Vol 26, Num 5, pp 590-600, issn 0957-0756Conference Paper

Religious liberty and intolerance in early modern Europe: the Wiedertäufer in Moravia, the predecessors of the North American anabaptistsPANEK, J.Historica (historical sciences in the Czech Republic). Historica. Series Nova. 1995, Vol 2/XXXII, pp 101-121, issn 1210-8499, isbn 80-85268-55-8Book Chapter

L'Edit de Tolérance (1787) à Lyon = The Edict of Toleration (1787) in LyonKRUMENACKER, Y.Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 1995, Vol 141, Num JANMAR, pp 87-95, issn 0037-9050Article

Worthy of the Tolerance They'd been Given : Dutch Mennonites, Reputation, and Political Persuasion in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth CenturiesOSBORNE, Troy David.Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte. 2008, Vol 99, pp 256-279, issn 0003-9381, 24 p.Article

Insubordinate Anabaptists in Virtuous Clothing? Amish Anabaptists as Model Subjects in the Context of Bernese Sumptuary and Morals MandatesMILLER BATES, Mary Ann.The Mennonite quarterly review. 2008, Vol 82, Num 4, pp 517-531, issn 0025-9373, 15 p.Article

'A suffering people' : English quakers and their neighbours c.1650-c.1700MILLER, John.Past & present. 2005, Num 188, pp 71-103, issn 0031-2746, 33 p.Article

Defining the Puritans? The baptism debate in Cromwellian Ireland, 1654-56GRIBBEN, Crawford.Church history. 2004, Vol 73, Num 1, pp 63-89, issn 0009-6407, 27 p.Article

Protestant solidarity in the eighteenth century: Relief efforts of the walloons for the polish reformed churchesBEM, Kazimierz.Church history. 2004, Vol 73, Num 1, pp 90-113, issn 0009-6407, 24 p.Article

Huguenot freemen of the City of Dublin, 1660-1729COFFEY, P.Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1997, Vol 26, Num 5, pp 635-649, issn 0957-0756Article

A different kind of freedom? Order and discipline among the Moravian brethren in Germany and Salem, North Carolina 1771-1801SOMMER, E.Church history. 1994, Vol 63, Num 2, pp 221-234, issn 0009-6407Article

Secte et modernité: réflexions sur l'évolution historique de l'anabaptisme aux Etats-Unis = Sect and Modernity: Reflections on the historical Evolution of Anabaptism in the United StatesBLOUGH, N.Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 1994, Vol 140, Num OCTDEC, pp 581-602, issn 0037-9050Article

ENTRE IRÉNISME ET CONTROVERSE -LA RÉÉCRITURE HISTORIQUE DE LA DIFFÉRENCE CONFESSIONNELLE CHEZ LE THÉOLOGIEN PALATIN HEINRICH ALTING (1583-1644)LECHOT, Pierre-Olivier.L' expérience de la différence religieuse dans l'Europe moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) ([actes du colloque organisé par l'Université de Neuchâtel du 7 au 9 octobre 2010]). 2013, pp 349-369, isbn 978-2-940489-09-1, 1Vol, 21 p.Book Chapter

Correspondence between James Erskine and John and Charles Wesley = La correspondance entre James Erskine et Jean et Charles WesleyMADDOX, Randy L.Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society. 2012, Vol 58, pp 264-275, issn 0043-2873, 12 p., 6Article

Where Two Crosses Met: Religious Accommodation between a Reformed Protestant Community and a Commandery of the Order of Malta (Loudun, circa 1560-1660) = Quand les deux croix se rencontrent : compromis religieux entre une communauté réformée protestante et une commanderie de l'Ordre de Malte (Loudun, vers 1560-1660)BEZZINA, Edwin.Church history. 2012, Vol 81, Num 4, pp 815-851, issn 0009-6407, 37 p.Article

Lo protestantisme vist per Fondeville = Le protestantisme vu par FondevilleMARTEL, Felip.Lengas. 2011, Num 70, pp 31-45, issn 0153-0313, 15 p.Conference Paper

Toleration, Privilege, Assimilation and Secularization : Mennonite Communities of Faith in the Palatinate, Rhine-Hesse and the Northern Upper Rhine, 1664-1802KONERSMANN, Frank; ROTH, John D.The Mennonite quarterly review. 2008, Vol 82, Num 4, pp 533-567, issn 0025-9373, 35 p.Article

America's first Quakers : Where, when, and by whom ?CARROLL, K. L.Quaker history. 1996, Vol 85, Num 2, pp 49-59, issn 0033-5053Article

Methodists and the millennium : Eschatological expectation and the interpretation of biblical prophecy in early british MethodismNEWPORT, K. G. C.Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. 1996, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 103-122, issn 0301-102XArticle

La communauté protestante du Fleix en 1675 = The Protestant Community of Fleix in 1675VALETTE, J.Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique du Périgord. 1995, Vol 122, Num 1, pp 179-187, issn 1141-135XArticle

The old order AmishGALLAGHER, T. E.Pennsylvania folklife. 1994, Vol 43, Num 3, pp 98-105, issn 0031-4498Article

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