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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 763

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CLASSIC ARMINIANISM AND OPEN THEISM: A SUBSTANTIAL DIFFERENCE IN THEIR THEOLOGIES OF PROVIDENCE = L'arminianisme classique et le théisme ouvert : une différence substantielle dans leurs théologies de la providenceMARK HICKS, John.Trinity journal. 2012, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 3-18, issn 0360-3032, 16 p.Article

The Reception of a Science of Texts in England, 1658-1740 = La réception d'une science des textes en Angleterre, 1658-1740REEDY, Gerard.Harvard theological review. 2012, Vol 105, Num 4, pp 402-422, issn 0017-8160, 21 p.Article

THE METHODIST EDWARDS: JOHN WESLEY'S ABRIDGEMENT OF THE SELECTED WORKS OF JONATHAN EDWARDS = Edwards le méthodiste : le condensé de John Wesley des oeuvres choisies de Jonathan EdwardsALLISON, Christopher M. B.Methodist history. 2012, Vol 50, Num 3, pp 144-160, issn 0026-1238, 17 p.Article

The contacts of Martino Martini S.J. with the Amsterdam printer Joan Blaeu = Les contacts de Martino Martini S.J. avec l'imprimeur d'Amsterdam Joan BlaeuBEGHEYN, Paul.Archivum historicum Societatis Iesu. 2012, Num 161, pp 219-231, issn 0037-8887, 13 p.Article

La conversion de Richard CrashawROGER, Vincent.Mélanges de sciences religieuses. 2012, Vol 69, Num 4, pp 55-68, issn 0025-8911, 14 p.Article

Un manuel de consolation au XVIIe siècle: les Visites charitables du pasteur Charles Drelincourt = A seventeenth-century manual of consolation: the Charitable Visits of Pastor Charles DrelincourtCARBONNIER-BURKARD, Marianne.Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 2011, Vol 157, Num 3, pp 331-356, issn 0037-9050, 26 p.Article

Into Jail and into Print: John Bunyan Writes the Godly SelfLYNCH, Kathleen.The Huntington Library quarterly. 2009, Vol 72, Num 2, pp 273-290, issn 0018-7895, 18 p.Article

THOMAS HELWYS' FIRST CONFESSION OF FAITH 1610RICH, Antony D.Baptist quarterly (London). 2009, Vol 43, Num 4, pp 235-241, issn 0005-576X, 7 p.Article

The Boyd Family: Global Huguenot MerchantsRESSINGER, Dianne W; CHEVES LELAND, Harriott; COSTELLO, Vivien et al.Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 2009, Vol 29, Num 2, pp 168-179, issn 0957-0756, 12 p.Article

18th-century earthquakes and apocalyptic expectations: The hymns of Charles WesleyFLOWERS, Margaret G; MCCOWN, Wayne G; CULLUM, Douglas R et al.Methodist history. 2004, Vol 42, Num 4, pp 222-235, issn 0026-1238, 14 p.Article

John Wesley's editorial hand in Susanna Annesley Wesley's 1732 'Education' letterLYNCH, Elizabeth Kurtz.Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. 2003, Vol 85, Num 2-3, pp 195-208, issn 0301-102X, 14 p.Conference Paper

Redeeming religion : Wesleyan and Calvinistic Methodism in Humphry ClinkerMCINELLY, Brett C.Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. 2003, Vol 85, Num 2-3, pp 285-296, issn 0301-102X, 12 p.Conference Paper

«Leseleichen» oder «nicht im Geruche der Heiligkeit gestorben»: Leben und Sterben in Musterpredigten des späten 18. Jahrhunderts = Life and dead in the models of sermons of the late 18th centuryKUHN, Thomas K.Theologische Zeitschrift. 2003, Vol 59, Num 1, pp 49-67, issn 0040-5701, 19 p.Article

John Wesley's 1770 willLENTON, John; RACK, Henry.Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society. 2003, Vol 54, pp 29-38, issn 0043-2873, 10 p., 2Article

Abraham Woodhead, 'the invisible man' : His impact on dryden's the Hind and the PantherGARDINER, Anne Barbeau.Recusant history. 2003, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 570-588, issn 0034-1932, 19 p.Article

Visages de la souffrance dans les poèmes religieux de John Donne. Mon dieu, Mon dieu ... tu es un dieu qui manie la représentation et la métaphore = Representations of suffering in the religious poetry of John DonneMUNOZ-TEULIE, Marie-Christine.Etudes théologiques et religieuses. 2003, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 47-57, issn 0014-2239, 11 p.Article

Konfessionelle toleranz bei Petrus Dominicus Rosius à Porta: dargestellt anhand seines Briefwechsels = Confessional tolerance in Petrus Dominicus Rosius à PortaBERNHARD, Jan Andrea.Zwingliana. 2002, Vol 29, pp 69-93, issn 0254-4407, 25 p.Article

Connecticut wit and Augustan theology: John Trumbull, Timothy Dwight, and the new divinityWELLS, Colin.Religion & literature. 2002, Vol 34, Num 3, pp 93-119, issn 0888-3769, 27 p.Article

The possibility of a habituation model of moral development in Jonathan Edwards's conception of the will's freedomWILSON, Stephen A.The Journal of religion. 2001, Vol 81, Num 1, pp 49-77, issn 0022-4189Article

En marge du Traitté sur les guerres civiles : un texte inédit d'Agrippa d'Aubigné = On the fringe of the treatise Sur les guerres civiles : an unpublished text of Agrippa d'AubignéBANDERIER, Gilles.Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 2001, Vol 147, Num AVRJUN, pp 285-303, issn 0037-9050Article

Reinier Vinkeles' illustrations in the preliminaries of the Kunstkeurig Psalmboek = Les illustrations de Reinier Vinkeles dans les préliminaires du Kunstkeurig PsalmboekVENEMANS, Dick; LEISTRA, Nynke.Quaerendo. 2000, Vol 30, Num 4, pp 253-276, issn 0014-9527Article

Lutherische Orthodoxie und Synkretismus zwischen Theologie und Literatur = Lutheran orthodoxy and syncretism between theology and literatureSCHUBERT, A.Kerygma und Dogma. 1999, Vol 45, Num 3, pp 225-245, issn 0023-0707Article

Jonathan Edwards, deism, and the mystery of revelationMCDERMOTT, G. R.Journal of Presbyterian history (1997). 1999, Vol 77, Num 4, pp 211-224, issn 1521-9216Article

Methodism and the American Revolution : Insights from a neglected Thomas Rankin letterGLEN, R.Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society. 1999, Vol 52, Num 2, pp 34-38, issn 0043-2873Article

We are born to work like the birds to fly : The Anabaptist-Hutterite ideal woman = Nous sommes nés pour travailler comme les oiseaux pour voler : La femme idéale anabaptiste-huttéritePACKULL, W. O.The Mennonite quarterly review. 1999, Vol 73, Num 1, pp 75-86, issn 0025-9373Article

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