Résultats 1 à 25 sur 348
Sélection :
Königsberg, microcosme d'histoire prussienne = Königsberg, Prussian Microcosm of HistoryCHALINE, Olivier.Histoire, économie et société (Paris). 2013, Num 2, pp 97-108, issn 0752-5702, 12 p.Article
BEYOND THE FEMINIZATION THESIS: GENDERING THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURIESPASTURE, Patrick.Beyond the feminization thesis. Gender and Christianity in modern Europe. Kadoc studies on religion, culture and society. 2012, Vol 10, pp 6-33, issn 1781-8478, isbn 978-90-5867-912-3, 1Vol, 28 p.Book Chapter
American Postwar Big Religion: Reconceptualizing Twentieth-Century American Religion Using Big Science as a ModelZELLER, Benjamin E.Church history. 2011, Vol 80, Num 2, pp 321-351, issn 0009-6407, 31 p.Article
Beyond the Dark Valley: Reinterpreting Christian Reactions to the 1939 Religious Organizations LawKRÄMER, Hans Martin.Japanese journal of religious studies. 2011, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 181-211, issn 0304-1042, 31 p.Article
STRASBOURG ― CLERMONT 1939-1945: L'Université de la Résistance = Strasbourg ― Clermont 1939-1945. The University of the ResistanceBISCHOFF, Georges.Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses. 2011, Vol 91, Num 3, pp 339-351, issn 0035-2403, 13 p.Article
Utopians at the Parliament: The World's Parliament of Religions and the Columbian Exposition of 1893NORDSTROM, Justin.Journal of religious history. 2009, Vol 33, Num 3, pp 348-365, issn 0022-4227, 18 p.Article
LES DÉFIS DU POSTCOLONIALISME = The challenges of the postcolonialismKAMANO, Samuel.La Revue réformée. 2008, Vol 59, Num 247, pp 79-94, issn 0035-3884, 16 p.Conference Paper
Engineering the Kingdom of God : Irrigation, Science and the Social Christian Millennium, 1880-1914BELLANTA, Melissa.Journal of religious history. 2008, Vol 32, Num 1, pp 1-15, issn 0022-4227, 15 p.Article
Angèle Manteau and the Indonesian Connection. A Remarkable Story of the Flemish Book Trade after the Second World WarABSILLIS, Kevin.Quærendo (Print). 2008, Vol 38, Num 4, pp 346-358, issn 0014-9527, 13 p.Article
An irish conservative perspective on the defence of the church of Ireland, 1865-1868SHIELDS, Andrew.Journal of religious history. 2007, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 103-114, issn 0022-4227, 12 p.Article
Il faticoso mestiere dello storicoBELLIA, Giuseppe.Rivista biblica. 2007, Vol 55, Num 2, pp 191-213, issn 0035-5798, 23 p.Article
BISERICA ŞI ARMATAMIHOC, Blaga.Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Theologia Graeco-Catholica Varadiensis. 2007, Num 2, pp 169-191, issn 1454-8933, 23 p.Article
PELERINAJE NATIONALE GRECO-CATOLICE ROMÂNEŞTI LA ROMA (1886-1937) = Pèlerinages nationaux de l'Église grecque-catholique roumaine à Rome (1886-1937)RUS, Anton.Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Theologia Graeco-Catholica Varadiensis. 2007, Num 1, pp 111-124, issn 1454-8933, 14 p.Article
Complex circles : Historiography of african christian women's organisationsCHITANDO, Ezra.Journal of religion in Africa. 2005, Vol 35, Num 2, pp 232-238, issn 0022-4200, 7 p.Article
»Kein Freund unserer Republik, sagt aber, was er meint« : Der Berliner Kirchenhistoriker Walter Elliger (1903-1985)BRÄUER, Siegfried.Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche. 2005, Vol 102, Num 4, pp 435-471, issn 0044-3549, 37 p.Article
In the beginning : Assessing interactions between the colonists and the natives of Liberia (1825-1829)MENJAY, Olu Q.American Baptist quarterly. 2004, Vol 23, Num 4, pp 391-407, issn 0745-3698, 17 p.Article
La controverse entre catholiques et protestants en France, XIXe-XXe siècles. I. Pluralisme et polémique, 1802-1902 = The controversy between Catholics and Protestants in France, 19th-20th century. I. Pluralism and polemic, 1802-1902SACQUIN, Michèle.Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 2002, Vol 148, Num OCTDEC, pp 1049-1061, issn 0037-9050, 13 p.Article
The living Church conflict in the Russian Orthodox Church and the involvement of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchKIMBROUGH, S. T.Methodist history. 2002, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 105-118, issn 0026-1238Article
Epochengrenzen der Kirchengeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert = Historical thresholds of church history in the 20th centuryGRESCHAT, Martin.Verkündigung und Forschung. 2002, Vol 47, Num 2, pp 82-92, issn 0342-2410, 11 p.Article
Diese unglückliche Nation: Jüdische Reaktionen auf Dohms Über die bürgerliche Verbesserung der Juden = Jewish reactions against Dohm's treatise Uber die bürgerliche Verbesserung der JudenSCHULTE, Christoph.Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte. 2002, Vol 54, Num 4, pp 352-365, issn 0044-3441, 14 p.Article
La société d'histoire religieuse de la France = The Society of religious History of FranceBARBICHE, Bernard.Revue d'histoire de l'Eglise de France. 2000, Vol 86, Num 217, pp 707-716, issn 0300-9505Conference Paper
Cattolici e protestanti nel Ticino del XIX e XX secolo = Catholics and protestants in the Ticino of the XIXth and XXth century = Catholiques et protestants dans le Ticino du XIXème et XXème sièclePANZERA, Fabrizio.Zeitschrift für schweizerische Kirchengeschichte. 2000, Vol 94, pp 91-116, issn 0044-3484Article
The engineer and the «shtadlanim»: Herbert Hoover and American Jewish non-zionists, 1917-28WENTLING, Sonja P.American Jewish history. 2000, Vol 88, Num 3, pp 377-406, issn 0164-0178Article
Historicism and civilizational discontinuity in Spengler and TroeltschMIYANG CHO, J.Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte. 1999, Vol 51, Num 3, pp 238-262, issn 0044-3441Article
Histoire de Bayonne, tome IV : la Restauration, 1814-1830. Deuxième partie : de l'intervention militaire en Espagne à la révolution de 1830Revue d'histoire de Bayonne, du pays basque et du Bas-Adour. 1998, Num 153, issn 1240-2419, 374 p.Serial Issue