Résultats 1 à 25 sur 48
Sélection :
FE, PRAXIS E HISTORIA : LA HERENCIA LITÚRGICA DE EVANGELISTA VILANOVACARDITA, Angelo.Revista catalana de teología. 2007, Vol 32, Num 1, pp 101-119, issn 0210-5551, 19 p.Article
«La resurrecciôn de los muertos» : Significado del espacio sepulcralMARTINEZ DE SANCHEZ, Ana Maria.Hispania sacra. 2005, Vol 57, Num 115, pp 109-140, issn 0018-215X, 32 p.Article
Fêtes et coutumes de Noël en Alsace au XXe siècleVOGLER, Bernard.Collection Le temps de l'histoire. 2003, pp 231-238, issn 1631-946X, isbn 2-85399-552-6, 8 p.Conference Paper
Anton Baumstark's comparative liturgy revisitedTAFT, Robert F.Orientalia christiana analecta. 2001, Num 265, pp 191-232, issn 1590-7449, 42 p.Conference Paper
Le théâtre liturgique au XXe siècle = The liturgical Theatre in the 20th CenturySŁAWINSKA, I.La Maison-Dieu. 1999, Num 219, pp 73-96, issn 0025-0937Article
L'influsso della liturgia sulla formazione della personalità nell'opera di Dietrich von Hildebrand = Liturgy's Influence of the Formation of Personality according to the Work of Dietrich von HildebrandTERRAVECCHIA, G. P.Studia Patavina. 1999, Vol 46, Num 1, pp 143-181, issn 0039-3304Article
Songs of canaan : Hymnody of the house-church christians in ChinaSUN, Irene Ai-Ling.Studia liturgica. 2007, Vol 37, Num 1, pp 98-116, issn 0039-3207, 19 p.Article
Konfirmation und Jugendweihe : Eine Verhältnisbestimmung aus praktisch-theologischer PerspektiveWEYEL, Birgit.Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche. 2005, Vol 102, Num 4, pp 488-503, issn 0044-3549, 16 p.Article
Baumstark's methodology in practice : Historical research on the blessing of baptismal water in the roman liturgyROUWHORST, Gerard.Orientalia christiana analecta. 2001, Num 265, pp 963-979, issn 1590-7449, 17 p.Conference Paper
Tasting the Kingdom of God : The meal ministry of Jesus and its implications for contemporary worship and lifeJONCAS, J. M.Worship. 2000, Vol 74, Num 4, pp 329-365, issn 0043-941XArticle
Ojibwa influences on Virgil MichelPOMEDLI, M. M.Worship. 1996, Vol 70, Num 6, pp 531-542, issn 0043-941XArticle
The liturgy of the past observed. I: William Ingraham Kip in Rome and Vienna 1844-1845WARD, A.Ephemerides liturgicae. 1995, Vol 109, Num 3, pp 235-255, issn 0013-9505Article
DEATH PENALTY, EXECUTION AND LITURGY: A PERSPECTIVE FROM SWEDEN AND NORTH EUROPE (18th AND 19th CENTURIES) : Liturgie, politique et sociétéBERGMAN, Martin.Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique. 2011, Vol 106, Num 1, pp 97-167, issn 0035-2381, 71 p.Article
Reformatoren und Heilige als Brennpunkte konfessioneller Gedächtniskulturen: Martin Luther, Karl Borromäus und Johannes Calvin im Vergleich : Kardinal Carlo Borromeo = Reformers and Saints as focal points of confessional cultures of memory: a comparison of Martin Luther, Carlo Borromeo and Johannes CalvinSALLMANN, Martin.Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte. 2009, Vol 103, pp 99-116, issn 1661-3880, 18 p.Article
»Es gibt keine unstrittige ... Definition des Märtyrerbegriffs«. Zum evangelischen Martyrologium des 20. JahrhundertsMOLL, Helmut.Forum katholische Theologie. 2006, Vol 22, Num 3, pp 219-229, issn 0178-1626, 11 p.Article
Fragments of a postcolonial perspective on christian worshipJAGESSAR, Michael; BURNS, Stephen.Worship. 2006, Vol 80, Num 5, pp 428-452, issn 0043-941X, 25 p.Article
Dal comparativismo all'interdisciplinarita : Un cammino metodo- logico o una utopia depistante?TRIACCA, Achille M.Orientalia christiana analecta. 2001, Num 265, pp 251-282, issn 1590-7449, 32 p.Conference Paper
Bis Anfang Applicatio. Mörikes, Alter Turmhahn' und die Predigt = Till the Beginning of Applicatio. The Alter Turmhahn of Mörike and the PreachingBRAUNGART, W.Theologie und Glaube. 1998, Vol 88, Num 4, pp 454-462, issn 0049-366XArticle
England's Nazareth : The revival of the Roman Catholic shrine at Walsingham, 1897-1997BELLENGER, D. A.The Downside review. 1998, Vol 116, Num 405, pp 271-278, issn 0012-5806Article
Retrouver la foi par la beauté: réalité et utopie du mouvement néogothique dans l'Europe du XIXe siècle = Finding Faith Through Beauty: Reality and Utopia of the Neo-Gothic Movement in 19th-C EuropeBERTHOD, Bernard.Revue de l'histoire des religions. 2010, Vol 227, Num 1, pp 75-92, issn 0035-1423, 18 p.Article
From vision to cult site: A comparative perspectiveJANSEN, Willy; NOTERMANS, Catrien.Archives de sciences sociales des religions. 2010, Vol 151, pp 71-90, issn 0335-5985, 20 p.Article
Entre politique et religion, la Sainte-Barbe des mineurs de fer de LorraineRAGGI, Pascal.Annales de l'Est. 2007, Vol 57, Num 1, pp 279-294, issn 0365-2017, 16 p.Article
Evaluating liturgies of the reformation : The limitations of the comparative methods of BaumstarkSPINKS, Bryan D.Orientalia christiana analecta. 2001, Num 265, pp 283-303, issn 1590-7449, 21 p.Conference Paper
Baumstark's kievan contemporary, Mikhail N. Skaballanovich (1871-1931[?]) : A sketch of his life and heortologyGALADZA, Peter.Orientalia christiana analecta. 2001, Num 265, pp 761-775, issn 1590-7449, 15 p.Conference Paper