Résultats 1 à 25 sur 1031
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AND ARE WE YET ALIVE?: METHODISM IN GREAT BRITAIN, 1945-2010 = Sommes-nous encore là ? : Méthodisme en Grande-Bretagne, 1945-2010WELLINGS, Martin.Methodist history. 2012, Vol 51, Num 1-2, pp 38-60, issn 0026-1238, 23 p.Article
METHODISM IN DENMARK AFTER WORLD WAR II = Le méthodisme au Danemark après la Seconde Guerre mondialeTHAARUP, JØrgen.Methodist history. 2012, Vol 51, Num 1-2, pp 28-37, issn 0026-1238, 10 p.Article
Ordnende Verwaltung und Aufbrüche der Erweckung: Die kirchengeschichtliche Entwicklung des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Dekanatsbezirks Naila seit seiner Gründung 1810/11 bis zur Gegenwart'HOHENBERGER, Thomas.Zeitschrift für bayerische Kirchengeschichte. 2011, Vol 80, pp 307-347, issn 0342-4316, 41 p.Article
Picturesque visions and hopeful dreams. W.J. Birkbeck, Stephen Graham and British responses to Russian Orthodoxy on the eve of Revolution = Visions pittoresques et rêves d'espoir. W.J. Birkbeck, Stephen Graham et réponses britanniques à l'orthodoxie russe à la veille de la révolutionHUGHES, Michael.Sobornost. 2011, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 6-29, issn 0144-8722, 24 p.Article
The Missionaries' Position: Polygamy and Divorce in the Anglican Communion, 1888-1988JONES, Timothy Willem.Journal of religious history. 2011, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 393-408, issn 0022-4227, 16 p.Article
Water Martin, Friends Visit Jomo Kenyatta at MaralalTHOMAS, Donald B; NUGENT, P. J.Quaker history. 2010, Vol 99, Num 1, pp 32-46, issn 0033-5053, 15 p.Article
Anti-Americanism and the Wesleyan-Holiness Churches in AustraliaO'BRIEN, Glen.Journal of ecclesiastical history. 2010, Vol 61, Num 2, pp 314-343, issn 0022-0469, 30 p.Article
Pentecôtismes et néo-pentecôtismes: des religions de l'accumulation?LAURENT, Pierre-Joseph; PLAIDEAU, Charlotte.Revue théologique de Louvain. 2010, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 208-242, issn 0080-2654, 35 p.Article
Le fonti locali per lo studio dell'emigrazione. Il caso delle Valli valdesiREGINATO, Mauro.Bollettino della Società di studi valdesi. 2009, Num 204, pp 63-75, issn 0037-8739, 13 p.Conference Paper
Gli archivi valdesi e l'emigrazioneBALLESIO, Gabriella.Bollettino della Società di studi valdesi. 2009, Num 204, pp 115-120, issn 0037-8739, 6 p.Conference Paper
Methodists and County Durham Mining Disasters, 1880-1909ROSE, E. Alan.Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society. 2009, Vol 57, pp 25-31, issn 0043-2873, 7 p., 2Article
Da collezionista a storico: i libri, le carte e la riflessione storiografica sulla Riforma italiana del conte Piero GuicciardiniMAGHENZANI, Simone.Bollettino della Società di studi valdesi. 2009, Num 205, pp 89-114, issn 0037-8739, 26 p.Article
Recollections: The Controversy Surrounding Brazilian Media Accusations of Presbyterian Mission Involvement in Genocide in 1967ARNOLD, Frank.Journal of Presbyterian history (1997). 2009, Vol 87, Num 1, pp 17-26, issn 1521-9216, 10 p.Article
Le Calvin de Ferdinand Buisson = Fernand Buisson's CalvinCABANEL, Patrick.Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 2009, Vol 155, Num JANMARS, issn 0037-9050, 269-280, 370 [13 p.]Article
The Church of England and the Origins of Homosexual Law ReformWILLETT, Graham.Journal of religious history. 2009, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 418-434, issn 0022-4227, 17 p.Article
UNE COMMUNAUTÉ RÉFORMÉE DISSÉMINÉE. PROTESTANTS ET PROTESTANTISME EN HAUTE SAINTONGE, DES ARTICLES ORGANIQUES AUX LENDEMAINS DE LA SÉPARATION (1802-1914) = A Scattered Reformed Community. Protestants and Protestantism in Upper Saintonge from the Organic Articles to After the Separation of Church and State (1802-1914)CHAMP, Nicolas.Annales du Midi. 2008, Vol 120, Num 261, issn 0003-4398, 59-90, 167-168 [34 p.]Article
Protestantisme et Libéralisme à la fin du XIXe Siècle: Charles Wagner et Le Libéralisme Théologique. Colloque = Protestantism and liberalism at the end of the 19th century : Charles Wagner and the theological liberalismENCREVE, André; NICOLAS, Jean.Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 2008, Vol 154, Num JUILSEP, pp 347-459, issn 0037-9050, 112 p.Conference Paper
CENTENARY HISTORY OF THE BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY Part 1. 1908-2008BOWERS, Faith.Baptist quarterly (London). 2008, Vol 42, Num 5, pp 325-339, issn 0005-576X, 15 p.Article
SENATOR MARGARET CHASE SMITH AGAINST MCCARTHISM: THE METHODIST INFLUENCECROUSE, Eric.Methodist history. 2008, Vol 46, Num 3, pp 167-178, issn 0026-1238, 12 p.Article
American Baptists and the League of NationsRUOTSILA, Markku.American Baptist quarterly. 2006, Vol 25, Num 1, pp 49-62, issn 0745-3698, 14 p.Article
Strangled at birth with newsprint : The failed merger of General Baptists with the Freewill Baptists 1868LOW, Douglas.American Baptist quarterly. 2006, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 175-195, issn 0745-3698, 21 p.Article
Religion and politics : James O'Kelly's republicanism and Francis Asbury's federalismALLEN, J. Timothy.Methodist history. 2006, Vol 44, Num 3, pp 153-165, issn 0026-1238, 13 p.Article
Baptist World Aid : 85 years of caringMONTACUTE, Paul.American Baptist quarterly. 2005, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 34-40, issn 0745-3698, 7 p.Article
Freedom and justiceLORENZEN, Thorwald.American Baptist quarterly. 2005, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 41-52, issn 0745-3698, 12 p.Article
La séparation de l'église et de l'état à Genève en 1907 = Geneva's separationLESCAZE, Bernard.Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 2005, Vol 151, Num OCTDEC, pp 719-732, issn 0037-9050, 14 p.Article