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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 712

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Is Geoffrey also among the Theologians? PART II = Doit-on compter Geoffrey parmi les théologiens ? partie IISELL, Alan P. F.Journal of the United Reformed Church History Society. 2012, Vol 8, Num 10, pp 624-639, issn 0049-5433, 16 p.Article

JAMES GAWTHORN AND DERBYSHIRE CONGREGATIONALISM = James Gawthorn and le congrégationalisme de DerbyshireORCHARD, Stephen.Journal of the United Reformed Church History Society. 2012, Vol 9, Num 1, pp 3-21, issn 0049-5433, 19 p.Article

Bowling Along: Early Travel Adventures of Mary Morris VauxJONES, Marjorie G.Quaker history. 2011, Vol 100, Num 1, pp 22-39, issn 0033-5053, 18 p.Article

JAMES MERRIMAN: A Baptist EngineerBOWERS, Brian.Baptist quarterly (London). 2010, Vol 43, Num 7, pp 428-433, issn 0005-576X, 6 p.Article

L'histoire mouvementée d'Aimee S. McPherson (1890-1944), la première grande prédicatrice américaine du xxe siècle = The Agitated Story of Aimee S. McPherson (1890-1944): the First Greatest American Woman Preacher of the XXth CenturyBEN BARKA, Mokhtar.Revue de l'histoire des religions. 2009, Vol 226, Num 2, pp 227-245, issn 0035-1423, 19 p.Article

OSCAR CULLMANN ET L' « AFFAIRE LOHMEYER » (1946-1951) = Oscar Cullmann et 1'«affaire Lohmeyer» (1946-1951)/Oscar Cullmann and the « Lohmeyer Affair »» (1946-1951)ARNOLD, Matthieu.Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses. 2009, Vol 89, Num 1, pp 11-27, issn 0035-2403, 17 p.Article

ROBERT JAMES McCRACKEN : Theology of MissionROXBURGH, Kenneth.Baptist quarterly (London). 2008, Vol 42, Num 7, pp 477-500, issn 0005-576X, 24 p.Article

FRIEDRICH WEYERMÜLLER, CHANTRE DU REVEIL LUTHÉRIEN EN ALSACESIEGWALT, Martin.Positions luthériennes. 2008, Vol 56, Num 2, pp 197-216, issn 0032-5228, 20 p.Article

Portrait d'un « fou de la République » Jean Zay, réformateur de l'école, protestant réformé et cible de l'antisémitisme = Portrait of a « Republican outsider » : Jean Zay, school reformer, Reformed Protestant and target of antisemitismLOUBES, Olivier.Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 2008, Vol 154, Num JANMAR, pp 61-74, issn 0037-9050, 14 p.Article

Shadrach Kerr : Priest and MissionaryLAWLOR, Jim.American Baptist quarterly. 2007, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 388-402, issn 0745-3698, 15 p.Article

Apostelfahrten und Königserinnerungen : Ludwig Schneller als geo-religiöser Reiseschriftsteller und politischer Prediger von der Kaiserzeit bis zum Ende des Zweiten WeltkriegesLÖFLLER, Roland.Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte. 2007, Vol 118, Num 2, pp 213-245, issn 0044-2925, 33 p.Article

Amy Carmichael : The child-rescuing ammaJEYARAJ, Daniel.American Baptist quarterly. 2005, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 220-241, issn 0745-3698, 22 p.Article

Tillich et l'école de FrancfortO'KEEFFE, Terence.Etudes théologiques et religieuses. 2005, Vol 80, Num 1, issn 0014-2239, 12 p., 71-80, 151-152 [12 p.]Article

Benjamin-Sigismond Frossard et Guillaume de Félice : Deux théologiens protestants anti-esclavagistesZORN, Jean-Francois.Etudes théologiques et religieuses. 2004, Vol 79, Num 4, issn 0014-2239, 18 p., 493-509, 602 [18 p.]Article

The Kingdom of God and the theological ethics of Walter RauschenbuschSUNDQUIST, Stephen E.American Baptist quarterly. 2003, Vol 22, Num 1, pp 77-98, issn 0745-3698, 22 p.Article

Nathaniel Micklem and the ecumenical movementTUCKER, Anthony.Journal of the United Reformed Church History Society. 2001, Vol 6, Num 9, pp 700-710, issn 0049-5433, 11 p.Article

Erik Stave; From biblical theology to biblical criticism: Old Testament scholarship at Uppsala University, 1866-1922Coniectanea Biblica. Old Testament series. 2000, Num 47, pp 153-192, issn 0069-8954Thesis

The heavenly twins : The lives and ministries of William van Orsdel (brother van) and Thomas IliffJOHNSTON, L.Methodist history. 2000, Vol 38, Num 3, pp 191-198, issn 0026-1238Article

Marc Lods (1908-1988)PERES, J.-N.Positions luthériennes. 2000, Vol 48, Num 1, pp 39-48, issn 0032-5228Article

Reflections on Pierre Bayle and Elisabeth Labrousse, and their Huguenot critique of intoleranceJENKINSON, Sally.Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 2000, Vol 27, Num 3, pp 325-334, issn 0957-0756Article

The field is endless : Hallie Paxson Winsborough and interracial work in the PCUS woman's auxiliary, 1912-1940DURWAY, Julie.Journal of Presbyterian history (1997). 2000, Vol 78, Num 3, pp 207-219, issn 1521-9216Article

Dr. Mary Ella Kirby Berry of Assam : Servant in her heart's true homeDALTON, L. J. C.American Baptist quarterly. 1999, Vol 18, Num 4, pp 396-409, issn 0745-3698Article

Nengwa Dokuta : The story of Dr. Catharine L. MabieJUMP, M.American Baptist quarterly. 1999, Vol 18, Num 4, pp 319-341, issn 0745-3698Article

Lena Adell Benjamin : Missionary gold medallistWASHBURN, A.American Baptist quarterly. 1999, Vol 18, Num 4, pp 342-354, issn 0745-3698Article

Temple Gairdner of Cairo revisited = A nouveau Temple Gairdner du CaireSHELLEY, M. T.Islam and Christian-Muslim relations. 1999, Vol 10, Num 3, pp 261-278, issn 0959-6410Article

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