Résultats 1 à 25 sur 391
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CRISIS, COLLAPSE, AND HOPE: METHODISM IN 1945 EUROPE = Crise, chute et espoir : le méthodisme en Europe en 1945SCHULER, Ulrike.Methodist history. 2012, Vol 51, Num 1-2, pp 5-27, issn 0026-1238, 23 p.Article
Christianizing the Klan: Alma White, Branford Clarke, and the Art of Religious IntoleranceNEAL, Lynn S.Church history. 2009, Vol 78, Num 2, pp 350-378, issn 0009-6407, 29 p.Article
Feminist Theology and embedded fundamentalism : Re-imagining reconsideredSTEENHUISEN, Lauve H.Studies in religion. 2008, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 311-333, issn 0008-4298, 23 p.Article
SOUTHERN BAPTISTS AND THE NEW CHRISTIAN RIGHTAMMERMAN, Nancy T.Review of religious research. 2008, Vol 50, pp 69-91, issn 0034-673X, 23 p., NSArticle
Toward a modern belief : Modernist protestantism and problems of national religion in meiji JapanNIREI, Yosuke.Japanese journal of religious studies. 2007, Vol 34, Num 1, pp 151-175, issn 0304-1042, 25 p.Article
Preparing the soil for global revival : Station HCJB's radio circle, 1949-59STONEMAN, Timothy H. B.Church history. 2007, Vol 76, Num 1, pp 114-155, issn 0009-6407, 42 p.Article
Pilgrimage, place, and people : A history of the locations of mennonite world conference assemblies, 1925-2003HEISEY, Nancy R.Church history. 2006, Vol 75, Num 4, pp 849-879, issn 0009-6407, 31 p.Article
Factors leading to clergy job search in two protestant denominationsWILDHAGEN, Tina; MUELLER, Charles W; MINGLU WANG et al.Review of religious research. 2005, Vol 46, Num 4, pp 380-402, issn 0034-673X, 23 p.Article
Lost in the market, saved at McDonald's : Conversion to christianity in urban ChinaFENGGANG YANG.Journal for the scientific study of religion. 2005, Vol 44, Num 4, pp 423-441, issn 0021-8294, 19 p.Article
The secularization of confessional protests : The role of religious processes of rationalization and differentiationYOUNG, Michael P; CHERRY, Stephen M.Journal for the scientific study of religion. 2005, Vol 44, Num 4, pp 373-395, issn 0021-8294, 23 p.Article
An exception to the exception: Second-generation Korean American church participation : Religions des minorités éthniques aux Etat-Unis = Religions of ethnic minorities in the USAKIM, Henry H; PYLE, Ralph E.Social compass. 2004, Vol 51, Num 3, pp 321-333, issn 0037-7686, 13 p.Article
Ferdinand Buisson et l'individualisme = Ferdinand Buisson and individualismHAYAT, Pierre.Archives de sciences sociales des religions. 2003, Vol 124, pp 5-18, issn 0335-5985, 14 p.Article
Mysticism: Troeltsch's third type of religious collectivities : La paradigme mystique dans la post-modernité = The postmodern mystical paradigmDAIBER, Karl-Fritz.Social compass. 2002, Vol 49, Num 3, pp 329-341, issn 0037-7686Article
University cultural wars: Rival protestant pieties in early twentieth-century Princeton = Les guerres culturelles de l'Université : les piétés protestantes rivales à Princeton au début du 20e siècleKEMENY, P. C.Journal of ecclesiastical history. 2002, Vol 53, Num 4, pp 735-764, issn 0022-0469, 30 p.Article
Christianity and Crisis in the 1950s and early 1960s : A case study in the transformation of liberal Protestant social thoughtHULSETHER, Mark.Journal of Presbyterian history (1997). 2001, Vol 79, Num 2, pp 151-171, issn 1521-9216Article
The Mennonite year in review: Mennonites in the year 2000LAPP, John A.The Mennonite quarterly review. 2001, Vol 75, Num 1, pp 99-118, issn 0025-9373Article
Accompagner des lycéens entre rêves et réalité = Walking with the youth between dreams and realityJANUS, Gérard.Etudes théologiques et religieuses. 2001, Vol 76, Num 1, pp 85-101, issn 0014-2239Article
Les méga-Eglises ou l'adaptation de l'évangélisme américain à la modernité = The mega-churches or the adaptation of American Evangelicalism to modernityBEN BARKA, Mokhtar.Etudes théologiques et religieuses. 2001, Vol 76, Num 1, pp 31-45, issn 0014-2239Article
The inseparable and dependent relationship of the academic disciplines of Christian Education and Youth MinistryTRIMMER, E.American Baptist quarterly. 2000, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 56-62, issn 0745-3698Article
The Hicksite Quaker world, 1875-1900HAMM, Thomas D.Quaker history. 2000, Vol 89, Num 2, pp 17-41, issn 0033-5053Article
The archbishop of York and Anglo-American relations during the Second World War and early Cold War, 1942-1955 = L'archevêque de York et les relations anglo-américaines pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et le début de la Guerre Froide, 1942-1955KIRBY, D.Journal of religious history. 1999, Vol 23, Num 3, pp 327-345, issn 0022-4227Article
Charles Stelzle and the roots of Presbyterian industrial missionPOETHIG, R. P.Journal of Presbyterian history (1997). 1999, Vol 77, Num 1, pp 29-43, issn 1521-9216Article
Des protestantismes en lusophonie catholique = Protestantisms in Catholic LusophonyCAMPICHE, R. J; BASTIAN, J.-P; DAS NEVES, J et al.Lusotopie (Paris). 1998, pp 199-420, issn 1257-0273Serial Issue
Conversion amongst female methodists, 1825-75WILSON, L.Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society. 1998, Vol 51, Num 6, pp 217-225, issn 0043-2873Article