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Called to Be a Dabar PeopleCONDE-FRAZIER, Elizabeth.American Baptist quarterly. 2011, Vol 30, Num 1-2, pp 87-91, issn 0745-3698, 5 p.Article

Off the Beaten PathCOLLIER, Jamison A.American Baptist quarterly. 2011, Vol 30, Num 1-2, pp 104-107, issn 0745-3698, 4 p.Article

PELERINAJE NATIONALE GRECO-CATOLICE ROMÂNEŞTI LA ROMA (1886-1937) = Pèlerinages nationaux de l'Église grecque-catholique roumaine à Rome (1886-1937)RUS, Anton.Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Theologia Graeco-Catholica Varadiensis. 2007, Num 1, pp 111-124, issn 1454-8933, 14 p.Article

Faith healing for mental and social disorders in the northern province (South Africa)PELTZER, K.Journal of religion in Africa. 1999, Vol 29, Num 3, pp 387-402, issn 0022-4200Article

The Wesleyan reformers in NorfolkVIRGOE, N.Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society. 1999, Vol 52, Num 3, pp 87-101, issn 0043-2873Article

Fra religione e lingua/grafia nei balcani, II : Sincretismo religioso e codeswitching presso musulmani e cristiani in Bulgaria (sec. XIX-XX) = Between religion and language in the Balcans, II : Religious synchretismKAPPLER, M.Rivista degli studi orientali. 1999, Vol 72, Num 1-4, pp 61-99, issn 0392-4866Article

Konfessionelles oder universelles Christentum : Zur gegenwärtigen Aktualität von Paul Schütz' Kritik am Luthertum = Denominational or Universal Christianity : Actuality of the Criticism of Paul Schütz about the LutheranismOTT, H.Theologische Zeitschrift. 1998, Vol 54, Num 2, pp 151-161, issn 0040-5701Article

Alexander Winchell's science with a soul : Piety, profession, and the perils of 19th century popular scienceHARROLD, P. E.Methodist history. 1998, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 97-112, issn 0026-1238Article

Apostolicae curae and the snares of TraditionTAVARD, G. H.Anglican theological review. 1996, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 30-47, issn 0003-3286Article

Introduction : the opening of the Vatican archives and the ARCIC processFRANKLIN, R. W.Anglican theological review. 1996, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 8-29, issn 0003-3286Article

To the intent that these orders may be continued : an Anglican theology of holy ordersSYKES, S.Anglican theological review. 1996, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 48-63, issn 0003-3286Article

Una vexata quæstio : il nome valdese = A Vexata Quaestio : the Waldense NameGONNET, G.Bollettino della Società di studi valdesi. 1996, Num 178, pp 88-92, issn 0037-8739Article

Milton and the Early Mormon Defense of PolygamyTANNER, J. S.Milton quarterly. 1987, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 41-46, issn 0026-4326Article

Nephiten und Lamaniten. Mormonen und Indianer als Vettern und NachbarnRAEITHEL, G.Merkur Stuttgart. 1984, Vol 38, Num 425, pp 316-322Article

The Church of England and the Question of a Nestorian Bishop for Malabar 1894-7COAKLEY, J. F.Ostkirchliche Studien Würzburg. 1981, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 28-32Article

L'atteggiamento della Chiesa Valdese nei confronti della guerra di Libia e della I guerra mondialeADAMO, A.Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi Torre Pellice. 1980, Num 147, pp 9-29Article


Homecoming SundayMITCHELL, Henry H.American Baptist quarterly. 2011, Vol 30, Num 1-2, pp 70-76, issn 0745-3698, 7 p.Article

Aiye loja, orun nile : The appropriation of ritual space-time in the cosmology of the Celestial Church of ChristADOGAME, A.Journal of religion in Africa. 2000, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 3-29, issn 0022-4200Article

Denominational difference in Quaker relief work during the Spanish Civil War : The operation of corporate concern and liberal theologies = Différence confessionnelle dans l'oeuvre de secours quaker pendant la Guerre Civile d'Espagne : L'opération d'intérêt civil et théologies libéralesMENDLESOHN, F.Journal of religious history. 2000, Vol 24, Num 2, pp 180-195, issn 0022-4227Article

L'eglise arménienne de l'an 2000 = The Armenian Church in the year 2000TER MINASSIAN, Anahide.Etudes (1945). 2000, Vol 393, Num 5, pp 513-523, issn 0014-1941Article

Du rural à l'urbain : L'Eglise des Assemblées de Dieu au Burkina Faso : Eglises et recompositions identitaires = From rural to urban. The Church of the Assemblies of God in the Burkina Faso : Churches and identity recompositionsLAURENT, P.-J.Dieu dans la cité (dynamiques religieuses en milieu urbain ouagalais). 1999, pp 143-157, isbn 2-908065-47-9Book Chapter

L'œuvre sociale, artistique et scientifique d'un jesuite en Egypte : Le père Philippe Akermann = The social, artisic and scientific work of a jesuit priest in Egypt: father Philippe Ackermann. IntroductionSADEK, A; SADEK, B.Le Monde copte. 1999, Num 32, pp 57-58, issn 0399-905XArticle

Gender and religion on the mission station : Roxie reeve and the Friends Africa MissionTHOMAS, S. S.Quaker history. 1999, Vol 88, Num 2, pp 25-46, issn 0033-5053Article

Identifying evangelical organizations : A new look at an old problemCHAPMAN, M.Studies in religion. 1999, Vol 28, Num 3, pp 307-321, issn 0008-4298Article

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