Résultats 1 à 25 sur 1377
Sélection :
IN MEMORIAM DI CESARE CENCI, OFM (1925-2010) PROFILO BIO-BIBLIOGRAFICO DELL'ULTIMO DEI FRATI EDITORI DI QUARACCHISELLA, Pacifico.Archivum Franciscanum historicum. 2011, Vol 104, Num 1-2, issn 0004-0665, 227-261, 300-301 [37 p.]Article
Adolf von Harnack als Systematiker = Adolf von Harnack: a systematic theologianOSTHÖVENER, Claus-Dieter.Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche. 2002, Vol 99, Num 3, pp 296-331, issn 0044-3549, 36 p.Article
Die Biographie in der Kirchengeschichte = The biography in the History the ChurchGRESCHAT, Martin.Revue d'Allemagne. 2001, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 385-394, issn 0035-0974Article
Berta Subilia, Teologa del laicato = Berta Subilia, woman theologian of the laityROSTAGNO, Sergio.Protestantesimo. 2000, Vol 55, Num 4, pp 305-307, issn 0033-1767Article
Wojtyla, uomo di fine millennio : Due saggi - di Accattoli e Svidercoschi - fanno il punto sul pontificato a vent'anni dall'elezione = Wojtyla, a man of the end of the millennium : two essays - of Accattoli and Svidercoschi - takes stock of the pontificateVINCIGUERRA, E.Studium. 1999, Vol 95, Num 3, pp 417-428, issn 0039-4130Article
Joachim Schiffhauer zum Gedenken = In Memory of Joachim SchiffhauerPERSCH, M.Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte. 1999, Vol 51, pp 609-611, issn 0066-6432Article
Rudolf Kittel (1853-1929)SMEND, R.Theologische Zeitschrift. 1999, Vol 55, Num 4, pp 326-353, issn 0040-5701Article
El Espiritu Santo, Cristo y María en la experiencia mística de la M. Angeles Sorazu (1873-1921) = The Holy Spirit, Christ and Mary and the mystic experience of the Mother Angeles Sorazu (1873-1921)CALVO MORALEJO, G.Antonianum. 1999, Vol 74, Num 2, pp 307-331, issn 0003-6064Article
Zaccagnini : la politica come dialogo = Zaccagnini : policy as dialogueBONARDI, B.Studium. 1999, Vol 95, Num 5, pp 683-698, issn 0039-4130Article
Teresa de Calcuta = Teresa of CalcuttaNOVOA M., C. J.Theologica Xaveriana. 1998, Vol 48, Num 125, pp 89-92, issn 0120-3649Article
Recalling Anton Baumstark on the fiftieth anniversary of his death = A la mémoire d'Anton Baumstark pour le quinzième anniversaire de sa mortWARD, A; KOLLAMPARAMPIL, A. G.Ephemerides liturgicae. 1998, Vol 112, Num 3, pp 246-278, issn 0013-9505Article
Edith Stein: L'histoire en secret = Edith SteinLENA, M.Etudes (1945). 1998, Vol 388, Num 6, issn 0014-1941, 723, 803-816 [15 p.]Article
La cultura al sevizio della società : Mario Romani a vent'anni dalla morte = Culture waiting on Society : Mario Romani Dead Twenty Years agoZANINELLI, S.Studium. 1996, Vol 92, Num 1, pp 5-6, issn 0039-4130, 11 p.Article
Il Card. Carlo M. Martini come educatore del clero nel primo decennio dell'episcopato a Milano = The Cardinal Carlo M. Martini as Educator of the Clerk in the First Decade of his Episcopate in MilanoORCZYK, A.Salesianum. 1996, Vol 58, Num 3, pp 559-579, issn 0036-3502Article
Liturgie und Mission : Zum wissenschaftlichen Werk von Jakob Baumgartner SMB (1926-1996) mit einer Bibliographie seiner Schriften 1986-1997 = Liturgy and mission. A contribution to the theological work of Jakob Baumgartner SMB (1926-1996) with a bibliography of his publications 1986-1997 = Liturgie et mission. Une contribution à l'oeuvre théologique de Jakob Baumgartner SMB '1926-1996 avec une bibliographie de ses publications 1986-1997KLÖCKENER, M.Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft. 1996, Vol 38-39, Num 2-3, pp 273-304, issn 0066-6386Article
The ecumenical and social leadership of G. Bromley OxnamHAWKINS, M. JR.Methodist history. 1995, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 71-83, issn 0026-1238Article
Cornelio Fabro fra s. Tomaso, Kierkegaard e la morte a Pompei = Cornelio Fabro between Saint Thomas Aquinas, Kierkegaard and the Death in PompeiDE ROSA, G.Ricerche di storia sociale e religiosa. 1995, Num 48, pp 165-170, issn 0392-1581Article
Theologin und Religionspädagogin aus Leidenschaft: Herlinde Pissarek-Hudelist zum Gedenken = Theologian and Pedagogue of the Religion through Passion. Herlinde Pissarek-HudelistBADER, G.Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie. 1994, Vol 116, Num 4, pp 494-499, issn 0044-2895Article
Le roi Baudouin, un saint pour notre temps? : Actualité: le pape en Belgique et au Liban = King Baudouin, A Saint for Nowadays : The Pope in Belgium and LebanonLECLERC, M.Communio (Paris). 1994, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 107-113, issn 0338-781XArticle
Monachesimo e senso della Chiesa: un ricordo di Dom Jean Leclercq OSB = Monachism and Sense of Church : a Memory of Dom Jean Leclercq OSBGREGOIRE, R.Studia monastica. 1994, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 311-317, issn 0039-3258Article
Erzbischof Lorenz Kardinal Jaeger: Diener des Wortes―Zeuge des Glaubens = Archbishop Lorenz Cardinal Jaeger: Servant of the Word - Witness of the FaithSCHEELE, B. P.-W.Theologie und Glaube. 1993, Vol 83, Num 1, pp 10-25, issn 0049-366XArticle
Giovanni XXIII, trent'anni dopo = Johannes XXIII, Thirty Years afterCAPOVILLA, L. F.Humanitas (Brescia). 1993, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 336-354, issn 0018-7461Article
In memoriam. P. Germán Zamora Sánchez (1933-1992)VILLAPADIERNA, I. de.Collectanea franciscana. 1992, Vol 62, Num 1-2, pp 349-363, issn 0010-0749Article
Catholicisme et résistanceSOMMET, J.Recherches de science religieuse. 1992, Vol 80, Num 3, pp 327-344, issn 0034-1258Article
Edith Stein ou « la chasteté des choses »BERRANGER, O. de.Nouvelle revue théologique. 1992, Vol 114, Num 4, pp 533-557, issn 0029-4845Article