Résultats 1 à 25 sur 1200
Sélection :
Lebenssättigung als Programm: Praktisch-theologische Überlegungen zu Seelsorge und Liturgie an der GrenzeROSER, Traugott.Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche. 2012, Vol 109, Num 3, pp 397-414, issn 0044-3549, 18 p.Article
EL CONCEPTO TRINITARIO DE PERSONA = The Trinitarian Concept of PersonCORDOVILLA PEREZ, Angel.Estudíos eclesíástícos. 2012, Vol 87, Num 340, pp 3-49, issn 0210-1610, 47 p.Article
La maturité: s'unifier dans ses valeurs = Maturity: An integration of personal valuesROY, Louis.Counseling et spiritualité. 2012, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 31-48, issn 1910-703X, 18 p.Article
Psychothérapie et direction spirituellePITAUD, Bernard.Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique. 2012, Vol 113, Num 2, pp 167-176, issn 0007-4322, 10 p.Article
Ik geloof in mezelf: Religie en spiritualiteit in een uitblinkcultuur = I BELIEVE IN ME: RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITYIN A 'CULTURE OF SHINING'SCHAAP-JONKER, Hanneke.Nederlandsch theologisch tijdschrift. 2012, Vol 66, Num 4, pp 253-265, issn 0028-212X, 13 p.Article
Auscultation d’un coeur battant : l’intuition, la durée et la critique du possible chez Bergson = Pounding Heart's Auscultation: Intuition, Duration, and Criticism of the Possibility in BergsonFradet, Pierre-Alexandre.Vatican II et sa réception. Laval théologique et philosophique. 2011, Vol 67, Num 3, pp 531-552, 22 p.Book Chapter
Ziehen neureligiöse Bewegungen Jugendliche an?: Religionspsychologische Aspekte : Religiose BewegungenUTSCH, Michael.Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift. 2011, Vol 159, Num 3, pp 265-275, issn 0040-5663, 11 p.Article
The impact of spirituality on posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among military personnelESTUPINIAN, Ginny; WAELDE, Lynn C.Counseling et spiritualité. 2011, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 91-106, issn 1910-703X, 16 p.Article
Pastoralpsychologie im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theologie und PsychologiePAVESI, Ermanno.Forum katholische Theologie. 2010, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 275-299, issn 0178-1626, 25 p.Article
Using Spiritually Modified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Help Clients Wrestling with Depression: A Promising Intervention for Some Older AdultsHODGE, David R; BONIFAS, Robin P.Journal of religion & spirituality in social work. 2010, Vol 29, Num 3, pp 185-206, issn 1542-6432, 22 p.Article
Orgueil, humilité et leurs vicissitudes Une approche psychologiqueSAROGLOU, Vassilis.Revue théologique de Louvain. 2010, Vol 41, Num 4, pp 539-562, issn 0080-2654, 24 p.Article
ZWISCHEN UNSCHULDSWAHN UND SCHULDKULTUR: Sozial- und tiefenpsychologische Anmerkungen zu einem spätmodernen DilemmaWAHL, Heribert.Liturgisches Jahrbuch. 2009, Vol 59, Num 2, pp 79-95, issn 0024-5100, 17 p.Article
Organizational Leadership in a Time of Ideological TurbulenceKERNBERG, Otto F.Gregorianum. 2009, Vol 90, Num 4, pp 820-835, issn 0017-4114, 16 p.Article
RESEARCH IN FOWLER'S FAITH DEVELOPMENT THEORY: A REVIEW ARTICLEPARKER, Stephen.Review of religious research. 2009, Vol 51, Num 3, pp 233-252, issn 0034-673X, 20 p.Article
La scrupulosité : une approche cognitive et comportementale : Peur et anxiété = Moral obsessions : a cognitive-behavioural approach : Fear and anxietyLANGLOIS, Frédéric; BOUVETTE, Alexandre; MASSICOTTE, Pier-Luc et al.Counseling et spiritualité. 2008, Vol 27, Num 1, pp 33-50, issn 1910-703X, 18 p.Article
Prayer, God Imagery, and Symptoms of PsychopathologyBRADSHAW, Matt; ELLISON, Christopher G; FLANNELLY, Kevin J et al.Journal for the scientific study of religion. 2008, Vol 47, Num 4, pp 644-659, issn 0021-8294, 16 p.Article
InsensitivityRAMSAY, Hayden.Heythrop journal. 2007, Vol 48, Num 4, pp 546-560, issn 0018-1196, 15 p.Article
Comparing women's roles in two faith-based communities with implications for value-based practiceRINGEL, Shoshana; BELCHER, John.Journal of religion & spirituality in social work. 2007, Vol 26, Num 1, pp 17-33, issn 1542-6432, 17 p.Article
Mennonite cookbooks and the pleasure of habitTROLLINGER, Rebekah.The Mennonite quarterly review. 2007, Vol 81, Num 4, pp 531-547, issn 0025-9373, 17 p.Article
A jungian perspective on religious violence and personal responsibilityBURNS, Charlene P. E.Cross currents. 2006, Vol 56, Num 1, pp 16-24, issn 0011-1953, 9 p.Article
Le corpsGOSSELINK, Carol A; COX, Deborah L; GRABER, Anne-Cathv et al.Counseling et spiritualité. 2006, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 11-126, issn 1910-703X, 116 p.Article
Diverse sociopolitical reactions to the 9/11 attack and associations with religious copingAI, Amy L; EVANS-CAMPBELL, Teresa; AISENBERG, Gino et al.Journal of religion & spirituality in social work. 2006, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 19-42, issn 1542-6432, 24 p.Article
A metapsicologia vantiliana : Uma incursão preliminarGOMES, Davi Charles.Fides reformata (impresso). 2006, Vol 11, Num 1, pp 113-139, issn 1517-5863, 27 p.Article
Issues of divine healing in psychotherapy : Opening a dialogBELCHER, John R; BENDA, Brent B.Journal of religion & spirituality in social work. 2005, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 21-38, issn 1542-6432, 18 p.Article
Neuro-spirituality : A theoretical, philosophical, and physiological examination of the conversion experience in alcoholics anonymousSANDOZ, Jeff.American journal of pastoral counseling. 2005, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 55-71, issn 1094-6098, 17 p.Article