Résultats 1 à 25 sur 775
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Paolo, un ebreo del suo tempo : Canone, norma e autorità = Paul, un hébreu de son temps : Canon, law, and authorityBOCCACCINI, Gabriele.Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni (1983). 2012, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 103-124, issn 0393-8417, 22 p.Article
QUESTIONS ET IMPLICATIONS DU SILENCE DE PAUL SUR JÉSUS = Questions and implications of Paul's silence about JesusREYNIER, Chantal.Recherches de science religieuse. 2011, Vol 99, Num 1, pp 61-77, issn 0034-1258, 17 p.Conference Paper
Paulus als Kritiker Roms?: Politische Herrschaftsdiskurse in den PaulusbriefenSCHREIBER, Stefan.Theologie und Glaube. 2011, Vol 101, Num 3, pp 338-359, issn 0049-366X, 22 p.Article
Some Observations on the Relevance of the Early Byzantine Glossary of Paul for the Textual Criticism of the Corpus PaulinumJONGKIND, Dirk.Novum Testamentum. 2011, Vol 53, Num 4, pp 358-375, issn 0048-1009, 18 p.Article
Paul, le judaïsme et la Torah: Discussion sur une nouvelle perspectiveFOCANT, Camille.Revue théologique de Louvain. 2011, Vol 42, Num 1, pp 35-52, issn 0080-2654, 18 p.Article
EL JESÚS DE PABLO. UNA APORTACIÓN DESDE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALESGUIJARRO OPORTO, Santiago.Salmanticensis. 2010, Vol 57, Num 3, pp 415-435, issn 0036-3537, 21 p.Article
THE CENTRALITY OF JESUS CHRIST IN THE THEOLOGY OF ST. PAULUDOETTE, Donatus.Euntes docete. 2009, Vol 62, Num 3, pp 181-197, issn 0394-9850, 17 p.Article
PAOLO COME PROBLEMA IL'PAOLINISMO' DILEMMA DEL CRISTIANESIMO (seguito)BARTOLOME, Juan José.Salesianum. 2009, Vol 71, Num 2, pp 213-238, issn 0036-3502, 26 p.Article
L'antropologia paolina come riflessione sul corpo : La teologia di Paolo in discussione = The Anthropology of Paul as a Reflection on the Body : Debating Paul's TheologySCORNAIENCHI, Lorenzo.Protestantesimo (Roma). 2009, Vol 64, Num 2-3, issn 0033-1767, 181-208, 326-327 [30 p.]Article
Aproximación a la teologia paulina = AN APPROACH TO PAULINE THEOLOGYDE LA SERNA, Eduardo.Theologica Xaveriana. 2008, Vol 58, Num 165, pp 51-86, issn 0120-3649, 36 p.Article
On Israel's god and god's Israel : Assessing supersessionism in PaulLONGENECKER, Bruce.Journal of theological studies. 2007, Vol 58, pp 26-44, issn 0022-5185, 19 p., 1Article
Le lettere pastorali : Profili etico-morali in dialogo con l'ambiente ellenisticoDE VIRGILIO, Giuseppe.Bibbia e Oriente. 2006, Vol 48, Num 230, pp 223-248, issn 0006-0585, 26 p.Article
The objectives of change, factors of transformation, and the causes of results : The evidence of Paul's corinthian correspondenceSCHNABEL, Eckhard J.Trinity journal. 2005, Vol 26, Num 2, pp 179-204, issn 0360-3032, 26 p.Article
The myth of the 'Traditional view of paul' and the role of the apostle in modern Jewish-Christian polemicsLANGTON, Daniel R.Journal for the study of the New Testament. 2005, Vol 28, Num 1, pp 69-104, issn 0142-064X, 36 p.Article
Poverty in pauline studies : Beyond the so-called new consensus. DiscussionFRIESEN, Steven J; BARCLAY, John; OAKES, Peter et al.Journal for the study of the New Testament. 2004, Vol 26, Num 3, pp 323-371, issn 0142-064X, 48 p.Article
Les choix apostoliques de Paul et leur portée : Ou: Comment être témoin d'une vérité divine sans devenir un fanatique religieux ?POFFET, Jean-Michel.Théologiques (Montréal). 2004, Vol 12, Num 1-2, pp 233-244, issn 1188-7109, 12 p.Article
Grace: Probing the limits = La grâce : sonder les limitesBASSLER, Jouette M.Interpretation (Richmond). 2003, Vol 57, Num 1, pp 24-33, issn 0020-9643, 10 p.Article
Ekklesia und Koinonia: Grundbegriffe paulinischer Ekklesiologie = Ekklesia and koinonia: basis notions of Pauline ecclesiologySÖDING, Thomas.Catholica (Münster). 2003, Vol 57, Num 2, pp 107-123, issn 0008-8501, 17 p.Article
Paul Interprète de Jésus : Juifs et chrétiens: histoire d'une séparation = Paul interpreter of Jesus : Jews and Christians: history of a separationMARGUERAT, Daniel.Le Monde de la Bible (Paris). 2003, Num 150, pp 20-24, issn 0154-9049, 5 p.Article
The struggle to define Heilsgeschichte: Paul on the origins of the Christian traditionKELHOFFER, James A.Biblical research. 2003, Vol 48, pp 45-67, issn 0067-6535, 23 p.Article
Justification in recent Pauline studiesFULLER, Reginald H.Anglican theological review. 2002, Vol 84, Num 2, pp 411-416, issn 0003-3286, 6 p.Article
Radical orthodox sex? Francis Watson's pauline sexual ethicMOORE, Stephen D.Journal for the study of the New Testament. 2002, Vol 25, Num 1, pp 97-107, issn 0142-064X, 11 p.Article
Paulus von Tarsus: Eine lebensstilorientierte Annäherung = Paul of TarseGÜNTHER, Matthias.Theologische Zeitschrift. 2002, Vol 58, Num 1, pp 31-45, issn 0040-5701, 15 p.Article
Die paulinische Antithese von »Fleisch« und »Geist« und die palästinisch-jüdische Weisheitstradition = The antithesis of flesh and spirit by Paul and the palestinian-jewish tradition of wisdomFREY, J.Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche. 1999, Vol 90, Num 1-2, pp 45-77, issn 0044-2615Article
James D. G. Dunn, the theology of Paul the Apostle, XXXVI + 808 S. T&T Clark Edinburgh 1998 = James D. G. Dunn, The theology of Paul the apostleLÖHR, H.Verkündigung und Forschung. 1999, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 78-83, issn 0342-2410Article