Résultats 1 à 25 sur 441
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Galen und AsklepiosBROCKMANN, Christian.Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. 2013, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 51-67, issn 0949-9571, 17 p.Article
Ammianus, Libanius, Chrysostomus, and the Martyrs of AntiochTEITLER, H. C.Vigiliae christianae. 2013, Vol 67, Num 3, pp 263-288, issn 0042-6032, 26 p.Article
How Christian was Fourth Century Egypt? Onomastic Perspectives on ConversionDEPAUW, M; CLARYSSE, W.Vigiliae christianae. 2013, Vol 67, Num 4, pp 407-435, issn 0042-6032, 29 p.Article
Jerome's Understanding of Old Testament Quotations in the New TestamentKATO, Teppei.Vigiliae christianae. 2013, Vol 67, Num 3, pp 289-315, issn 0042-6032, 27 p.Article
Papias, Origen, and Eusebius: The Criticisms and Defense of the Gospel of JohnMANOR, T. Scott.Vigiliae christianae. 2013, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 1-21, issn 0042-6032, 21 p.Article
Eine Sache der Familie?Zur Transformation häuslicher bzw. familiarer Religiosität im antiken ChristentumGRESCHAT, Katharina.Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. 2013, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 248-267, issn 0949-9571, 20 p.Article
Origenes alt und neu: Die Psalmenhomilien in der neuentdeckten Münchner HandschriftPERRONE, Lorenzo.Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. 2013, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 193-214, issn 0949-9571, 22 p.Article
Jerome and Paulinian, BrothersKIM, Young Richard.Vigiliae christianae. 2013, Vol 67, Num 5, pp 517-530, issn 0042-6032, 14 p.Article
In Search of Christian Paideia Education and Conversion in Early Christian BiographyGEMEINHARDT, Peter.Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. 2012, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 88-98, issn 0949-9571, 11 p.Conference Paper
Did Christian Ethics have any Influence on the Conversion to Christianity?ISSERMANN, Ilka.Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. 2012, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 99-112, issn 0949-9571, 14 p.Conference Paper
Bibelauslegen in der Antike ― ein neues AkademienvorhabenMARKSCHIES, Christoph.Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. 2012, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 423-432, issn 0949-9571, 10 p.Article
Origen's Doctrine of Pre-Existence and the Opening Chapters of GenesisMARTENS, Peter W.Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. 2012, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 516-549, issn 0949-9571, 34 p.Article
Oἰκείωσις πρὸς θεόν: Gregory of Nazianzus and the heteronomous subject of Eastern Christian penanceMASLOV, Boris.Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. 2012, Vol 16, Num 2, pp 311-343, issn 0949-9571, 33 p.Article
Les minorités dans la Rome antiqueFILORAMO, Giovanni.Collection Le temps de l'histoire. 2009, pp 15-26, issn 1631-946X, isbn 978-2-85399-739-3, 1Vol, 12 p.Conference Paper
Conversion by the Numbers: Benefits and Pitfalls of Quantitative Modelling in the Study of Early Christian GrowthSCHOR, Adam M.Journal of religious history. 2009, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 472-498, issn 0022-4227, 27 p.Article
Voter pour définir Dieu : trois siècles de conciles (253-553)MacMullen, Ramsay; Regnot, Franz.Histoire (Paris. 1989). 2008, Vol 89, issn 1140-2539, isbn 978-2-251-38089-6, 1Vol, 232 p., isbn 978-2-251-38089-6Book
L'Empire gréco-romain de Paul Veyne ou le retour à l'histoire des civilisationsLE ROUX, Patrick.Revue historique (Paris). 2008, Num 645, pp 85-97, issn 0035-3264, 13 p.Article
Idee e formule persistenti nella storia della cristologia occidentale da Tertulliano a Leone Magno = Persistent ideas and expressions in the history of Occidental christology from Tertullian to Leo the GreatGORI, Franco.Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa. 2001, Vol 37, Num 3, pp 413-436, issn 0035-6573, 24 p.Article
Das Jüdische im Christentum - Verlust oder Gewinn christlicher Identität? = The Jewish in Christianity - Loss or Benefit of the christian Identity ?SÖDING, T.Trierer theologische Zeitschrift. 2000, Vol 109, Num 1, pp 54-76, issn 0041-2945Article
Jesús y los cínicos. (II) = Jesus and the CynicsMIELGO, C.Estudio agustiniano. 2000, Vol 35, Num 2, pp 237-270, issn 0425-340XArticle
Sincretismo e tolleranza religiosa dell'età dei Severi: Per una tipologia storico-religiosa dei culti orientali del secondo ellenismo = Syncretism and religious tolerance under the Severus: For an historical-religious typology of the eastern cults in the 2nd hellenismSANZI, Ennio.Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni (1983). 2000, Vol 66, Num 1, pp 109-144, issn 0393-8417Article
Les Nazoréens : Recherche étymologique et historique = The Nazarene : Etymological and historical researchMIMOUNI, S. C.Revue biblique. 1998, Vol 105, Num 2, pp 208-262, issn 0035-0907Article
Aux origines du christianisme en Gaule (IIe-VIe siècle) = The Origines of Christianity in Gaul (2nd-6th Centuries)PIETRI, C.Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome. 1997, Vol 234, pp 393-411, issn 0223-5099, 1Article
L'entrée du droit dans la vie de l'Eglise = The entrance of law into the life of the ChurchGAUDEMET, J.Revue de droit canonique (Strasbourg). 1997, Vol 47, Num 1, pp 7-20, issn 0556-7378, 249, 252 [16 p.]Conference Paper
L'Eglise de Dieu qui est à Rome = The Church of God that is in RomePERROT, J.Les Dossiers d'archéologie (Dijon). 1996, Num 217, pp 6-25, issn 1141-7137Article