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SIDI JDIDI II. LE GROUPE ÉPISCOPAL = Sidi Jdidi. Episcopal complexBEN ABED-BEN KHADER, Aïcha; FIXOT, Michel; ROUCOLE, Sylvestre et al.Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome. 2011, Vol 451, issn 0223-5099, 395 p.Serial Issue

Sacred Scriptures as Trash: Biblical Papyri from OxyrhynchusLUIJENDIJK, Annemarie.Vigiliae christianae. 2010, Vol 64, Num 3, pp 217-254, issn 0042-6032, 38 p.Article

I miracoli di Gesù nella pittura e nella scultura dei primi secoli del cristianesimo = Jesus' Miracles in early Christian Painting and SculptureLANDI, Corinna.Protestantesimo (Roma). 2009, Vol 64, Num 4, issn 0033-1767, 369-392, 446-447 [26 p.]Article

Note sull'iconografia di Noè nell'arca (III-VI sec.)AVELLIS, Luca.Vetera christianorum. 2008, Vol 45, Num 2, pp 193-219, issn 1121-9696, 27 p.Article

Sepphoris : La ville invisible des Evangiles = Sepphoris : the invisible city of GospelsLAURANT, Sophie.Le Monde de la Bible (Paris). 2007, Num 180, pp 56-57, issn 0154-9049, 2 p.Article

Anasartha, Andarin et les villes de la steppeHOYLAND, Robert.Les Dossiers d'archéologie (Dijon). 2005, Num 309, pp 72-73, issn 1141-7137, 2 p.Article

Palmyre chrétienne et sa cathédraleGAWLIKOWSKI, Michel.Les Dossiers d'archéologie (Dijon). 2005, Num 309, pp 70-71, issn 1141-7137, 2 p.Article

ÉdesseBRIQUEL-CHATONNET, Francoise.Les Dossiers d'archéologie (Dijon). 2005, Num 309, pp 74-75, issn 1141-7137, 2 p.Article

Sobre un cubîculo decorado de la catacumba de PriscillaWARBURG, Inés.Rivista di archeologia cristiana. 2004, Vol 80, pp 63-83, issn 0035-6042, 21 p.Article

Un monument funéraire de l'antiquité tardive a Syracuse : Le mausolée politiGRIESHEIMER, Marc; REGALBUTO, Luigi.Rivista di archeologia cristiana. 2004, Vol 80, pp 85-113, issn 0035-6042, 29 p.Article

Sobre arqueología y liturgia en las iglesias hispanas = On archeology and liturgy in Spanish ChurchesGODOY FERNANDEZ, Cristina.Rivista di archeologia cristiana. 2001, Vol 77, Num 1-2, pp 469-480, issn 0035-6042Article

Sulle presunte testimonianze paleocristiane nel territorio di Grotte di Castro - S. Lorenzo Nuovo in Val di Lago = On the presumed early Christian traces in the Grotte di Castro - S. Lorenzo Nuovo area in the Val di LagoBIAMONTE, Giuseppe.Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni (1983). 2001, Vol 67, Num 2, pp 321-380, issn 0393-8417, 60 p.Article

Notes d'épigraphie Christo-Palestinienne Cisjordanienne = Notes of Christo-palestinian epigraphy found on the right bank of the river JordanPUECH, Emile.Revue biblique. 2001, Vol 108, Num 1, pp 61-72, issn 0035-0907, 12 p.Article

Un sarcofago con temi agro-pastorali dallo scavo dell'arenario centrale della catacomba di Priscilla = A sarcophagus with agro-pastoral themes in excavations of the catacomb of PriscillaSPERA, Lucrezia.Rivista di archeologia cristiana. 2000, Vol 76, Num 1-2, pp 243-284, issn 0035-6042Article

Ricerche sui monumenti paleocristiani del Lazio = Inquiries on paleochristian monuments in LazioNICOLAI, Vincenzo Fiocchi.Vetera christianorum. 2000, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 353-390, issn 1121-9696Article

Recent discoveries at Sepphoris and their relevance for biblical research = Découvertes récentes à Sepphoris et leur importance pour la recherche bibliqueSTRANGE, James F.Neotestamentica. 2000, Vol 34, Num 1, pp 125-141, issn 0254-8356, 17 p.Article

Art et christianisme: Histoire raisonnée = Art and Christianism : Reasoned historyBESANCON, A.Commentaire (Revue). 1999, Vol 22, Num 88, pp 819-830, issn 0180-8214Article

Sectilia parietali dalle catacombe di S. Gennaro a Capodimonte (Napoli) = Cave paintings of the catacomb of S. Gennaro in Capodimonte (Napoli)NOVARA, P.Rivista di archeologia cristiana. 1998, Vol 74, Num 1, pp 149-162, issn 0035-6042Article

Beobachtungen an den Quedlinburger Itala-Fragmenten = Remarks on the Quedlinburg Itala-FragmentsRICKERT, F.Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband. 1996, Vol 23, pp 575-581, issn 0448-1488Article

Zur Deutung der Szene Frau vor Christus auf frühchristlichen Sarkophagen : Einleitung = Meaning of the Thema Spouse of Christ in Early Christian Sarcophagus: IntroductionFRERICH, S.Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband. 1996, Vol 23, pp 557-574, issn 0448-1488, 32 p.Article

Des catacombes à l'art Roman : l'émergence d'un symbole : Aux origines de la croix = From the Catacombs to Romanesque Art: the Rising of a SymbolCAILLET, J.-P.Le Monde de la Bible (Paris). 1996, Num 97, pp 17-19, issn 0154-9049Article

Early Byzantine pilgrimage Devotionalia as evidence of the apperance of pilgrimage shrinesVIKAN, G.Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband. 1995, Vol 20, Num 1, pp 377-388, issn 0448-1488Conference Paper

Das leere Grab Mariens = Mary Empty TumbNAUERTH, C.Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband. 1995, Vol 20, Num 2, pp 1051-1058, issn 0448-1488Conference Paper

Zur Lage der frühchristlichen Kirche in der antiken Stadt = The Situation of the Early Christian Church in the Ancient CityWOLFF, A.Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband. 1995, Vol 20, Num 2, pp 1295-1308, issn 0448-1488Conference Paper

Martyrion und Bischofskirche : Anmerkungen zur Architektur und Bauornamentik des Zentralbaus von Rusāfa = Martyrdom and Bishop Church: Remarks on the Architecture and Decoration of Rusāfa Central BuildingBRANDS, G.Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband. 1995, Vol 20, Num 1, pp 590-597, issn 0448-1488Conference Paper

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