Résultats 1 à 25 sur 56
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Working Out Back: The Veterinary Technician and Dirty Work = Le technicien vétérinaire et le sâle boulotSANDERS, Clinton R.Journal of contemporary ethnography. 2010, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 243-272, issn 0891-2416, 30 p.Article
Camelid domestication on the western slope of the Puna de Atacama, northern ChileCARTAJENA, Isabel; NUNEZ, Lautaro; GROSJEAN, Martin et al.Anthropozoologica. 2007, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 155-173, issn 0761-3032, 19 p.Conference Paper
Les éleveurs de rennes contemporains de la péninsule de Seward : Des réalistes qui ont le sens de l'histoire : Mémoires du Nord = Contemporary reindeer herders on the Seward Peninsula: Realists with a sense of history : Northern memoriesSCHNEIDER, William; MAUFFETTE, Michelle.Anthropologie et sociétés. 2002, Vol 26, Num 2-3, pp 161-177, issn 0702-8997, 17 p.Article
L'élevage du mouton dans le Sud du GroenlandHILL, H.Inuktitut Ottawa. 1983, Num 52, pp 33-40Article
End of the trail: Los últimos pastores roncaleses en las montañas de Nevada (EE.UU.) = End of the trail : les derniers bergers du Roncal dans les montagnes du Nevada (USA) = End of the Trail: Last Shepherds of Roncal in the Mountains of Nevada (USA)ORDUNA PORTUS, Pablo.Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares. 2012, Vol 67, Num 2, pp 409-430, issn 0034-7981, 22 p.Article
Genetic defects or generative prototypes? Competing models for livestock improvement in southern BoliviaBOLTON, Maggie.Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 2006, Vol 12, Num 3, pp 531-549, issn 1359-0987, 19 p.Article
Animal de loisir et animal de rente : l'énigme de la monte du taureau au Mexique = Leisure animal and utilitarian animal: the mystery of the bull riding in MexicoSAUMADE, Frédéric.Anthropozoologica. 2004, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 61-72, issn 0761-3032, 12 p.Conference Paper
The social and ecological consequences of early cattle ranching in the little Colorado River BasinABRUZZI, W. S.Human ecology (New York). 1995, Vol 23, Num 1, pp 75-98, issn 0300-7839Article
Navajo Livestock Wealth and the Effects of the Stock Reduction Program of the 1930s in Navajo EthnologyHENDERSON, E.Journal of anthropological research. 1989, Vol 45, Num 4, pp 379-403, issn 0091-7710Article
De l'hacienda à l'autogestion: le cas des bergers du haut plateau péruvienPOZO, E. del.1985, 305 p.Thesis
Organisation sociale et organisation territoriale chez des éleveurs du sud du PérouBROUGERE, A.-M.Production Pastorale et Société Paris. 1984, Num 14, pp 65-77Article
Revisiting distinctions between ranching and pastoralism: A matter of interspecies relations between livestock, people, and predatorsLAROCQUE, Olivier.Critique of anthropology. 2014, Vol 34, Num 1, pp 73-93, issn 0308-275X, 21 p.Article
Worldviews and human-animal relations: Critical perspectives on bison-human relations among the Euro-Canadians and BlackfootOETELAAR, Gerald A.Critique of anthropology. 2014, Vol 34, Num 1, pp 94-112, issn 0308-275X, 19 p.Article
I'd Be Foolish to Tell You They Were Caribou: Local Knowledge of Historical Interactions between Reindeer and Caribou in Barrow, Alaska = je serais idiot de vous dire qu'ils étaient caribou : connaissance locale des interactions historiques entre rennes et caribous à Barrow, en AlaskaMAGER, Karen H.Arctic anthropology. 2012, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 162-181, issn 0066-6939, 20 p.Article
Coping with collapses? Problems in the use of common and private terrestrial animal resources in central West GreenlandRASMUSSEN, H.-E.Folk. 1994, Vol 36, pp 131-151, issn 0085-0756Article
Traditional Cattle-Herding Practices in Southern FloridaSOLOMON OTTO, J.Journal of American Folklore Austin, Tex. 1984, Vol 97, Num 385, pp 291-309Article
Institutional Arrangements for the Management and Exploration of the George River Caribou Herd: Remote or Local Control?MEREDITH, T. C.Etudes Inuit = Inuit Studies Québec. 1983, Vol 7, Num 2, pp 95-112Article
Causas que originaron la actual distribucion espacial de las alpacas y llamas in El Hombre y su Ambiente en los Andes Centrales. (Causes à l'origine de la distribution spatiale actuelle des alpagas et des lamas)FLORES OCHOA, J. A; MILLONES (L.) ED; TOMOEDA (H.) ed et al.Senri Ethnological Studies Osaka. 1982, Num 10, pp 63-92Article
An Andean Regional Economy in the World SystemOLIVER-SMITH, A.Reviews in Anthropology Storrs, Conn. 1982, Vol 9, Num 2, pp 151-161Article
L'adoption de l'élevage chez les Indiens GuajirosPICON, F.Techniques et Cultures. Bulletin de l'Equipe de Recherche 191 Paris. 1978, Vol 3, pp 5-45Article
Apuntes sobre la alteridad constituyente en los Andes. Ambivalencias rituales y lingüísticas sobre un espacio imaginario : El culto a los cerros en el mundo andino = Explorations about the Constituent Alterity in the Andes. Ritual and Linguistic Ambiguities about an Imaginary SpaceRIVERA ANDIA, Juan Javier.Revista espanola de antropología americana. 2008, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 191-215, issn 0556-6533, 25 p.Article
Factors in the adaptation of reindeer herders to caribou on the Seward Peninsula, AlaskaSCHNEIDER, William; KIELLAND, Knut; FINSTAD, Gregory et al.Arctic anthropology. 2005, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 36-49, issn 0066-6939, 14 p.Article
Des manèges aux tipis. «Equitation éthologique » et mythes indiens = From the riding stables to the tipis. Ethologic Horseriding and Indian mythsDIGARD, Jean-Pierre.Techniques & culture (Paris). 2004, Num 43-44, pp 129-141, issn 0248-6016, 13 p.Article
Cowboys and Indians : Creek and Seminole Stock Raising, 1700-1900SATTLER, R. A.American Indian culture and research journal. 1998, Vol 22, Num 3, pp 79-99, issn 0161-6463Article
Pastizales de regadio para alpacas en la puna alta (El ejemplo de Chichillapi) = Irrigated pastures for alpacas in the high puna (the Chichillapi example)RIOS, F. P.Comprender la agricultura campesina en los Andes Centrales : Perú - Bolivia = Understanding the peasant agriculture in Central Andes (Peru - Bolivia). Travaux de l'I.F.E.A. 1996, Vol 96, pp 207-213, issn 0768-424XBook Chapter