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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 1309

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The birth of design: a Kuna theory of body and personhoodFORTIS, Paolo.Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 2010, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 480-495, issn 1359-0987, 16 p.Article

Le dimorphisme de genre dans la terminologie des couleurs des peuples du CaucaseSAMARINA, L. V.Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2010, Num 1, pp 67-83, issn 0869-5415, 17 p.Article

Taureau, cerf, maïs, peyotl : Le quadrant de la culture wixarika (huichol) = Cattle, Deer, Corn and Peyote : The Foursome in Wixaritari Culture (Huichol)SAUMADE, Frédéric.L' Homme (Paris. 1961). 2009, Vol 189, pp 191-227, issn 0439-4216, 37 p.Article

Mere SymbolsHERZFELD, Michael.Anthropologica (Ottawa). 2008, Vol 50, Num 1, pp 141-155, issn 0003-5459, 15 p.Article

KrižišČa niso nikoli sama. Mejni prostori na Krasu in v Istri = Les croisements ne sont jamais seuls. Les zones limitrophes du Karst et d'Istrie = Crossroads are never alone. Border areas of the Karst and IstriaHROBAT, Katja; LIPOVEC CEBRON, Ursula.Studia mythologica Slavica (Tiskana izd). 2008, Num 11, pp 25-37, issn 1408-6271, 13 p.Article

Dreams in Khanty Culture = Rêves dans la Culture KhantyMOLDANOVA, T. A.Anthropology & archeology of Eurasia. 2007, Vol 46, Num 2, pp 55-72, issn 1061-1959, 18 p.Article

The Image of Human Being in the Mirror of Khanty and Nentsy LanguagesSPODINA, V. I.Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2007, Num 6, pp 171-178, issn 0869-5415, 8 p.Article

Can animals break taboos? : Applications of 'taboo' among the nage of eastern IndonesiaFORTH, Gregory.Oceania. 2007, Vol 77, Num 2, pp 215-231, issn 0029-8077, 17 p.Article

Notions of Time and Sentience : Methodological Considerations for Arctic Climate Change Research = les notions de temps et de sensibilité : considérations méthodologiques pour la recherche de changement climatique arctiqueNATCHER, David. C; HUNTINGTON, Orville; HUNTINGTON, Henry et al.Arctic anthropology. 2007, Vol 44, Num 2, pp 113-126, issn 0066-6939, 14 p.Article

The symbolic dimensions of whale bone use in Thule winter dwellingsPATTON, A. Katherine; SAVELLE, James M.Etudes inuit. 2006, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 137-161, issn 0701-1008, 25 p.Article

Transcending the debate over the ecologically noble Indian: Indigenous peoples and environmentalismNADASDY, Paul.Ethnohistory (Print). 2005, Vol 52, Num 2, pp 291-331, issn 0014-1801, 41 p.Article

A sense of place, a place of senses : Land and a landscape in the west of Ireland = Le sens du lieu, un lieu de raison : le terrain et le paysage à l'ouest de l'IrlandePEACE, Adrian.Journal of anthropological research. 2005, Vol 61, Num 4, pp 495-512, issn 0091-7710, 18 p.Article

La naissance des monstres dans l'imaginaire proche-oriental = The appearance of monsters in early Near Eastern imaginationDANREY, Virginie.Anthropozoologica. 2004, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 365-370, issn 0761-3032, 6 p.Conference Paper

Egos and ogres: Aspects of psychosexual development and cannibalistic demons in Central AustraliaEICKELKAMP, Ute.Oceania. 2004, Vol 74, Num 3, pp 161-189, issn 0029-8077, 29 p.Article

Roi, loi, espace et cosmologie : le camp militaire traditionnel en Éthiopie = King, law, space and cosmology: the traditional military camp in EthiopiaLILY STYLIANOUDI, M.-G; LAGOPOULOS, Alexandros-Ph.Droit et cultures. 2004, Num 47, pp 209-230, issn 0247-9788, 22 p.Article

Pouvoir ou efficacité symbolique des images = Symbolic power or effectiveness of imagesPREVOST, Bertrand.Homme (Paris. 1961). 2003, Vol 165, pp 275-282, issn 0439-4216, 8 p.Article

Le signe $, marque du dollar ou du peso ? = The sign $, mark of the dollar or of the peso?CLEMENT, Jean-Pierre.Les Langues néo-latines. 2003, Vol 97, Num 326, pp 93-119, issn 0184-7570, 27 p.Article

Body count: Autobiographies by women living with breast cancerCARTER, Thatcher.Journal of popular culture. 2003, Vol 36, Num 4, pp 653-668, issn 0022-3840, 16 p.Article

Réseaux de vivants, solidarités de morts: Un système symbolique en Islande = Networks of the living, the solidarity of the dead: A symbolic system in IcelandPONS, Christophe.Terrain (Paris, 1983). 2002, Num 38, pp 127-140, issn 0760-5668, 166 [15 p.]Article

Buying into the American dream: Reforming national symbols in Bulgaria = S'acheter le rêve américain : La réforme des symboles nationaux en BulgarieKANEFF, Deema.Ethnologia Europaea. 2002, Vol 32, Num 1, pp 35-47, issn 0425-4597, 13 p.Article

Continuity of bodies: The infant's placenta and the island's navel in Eastern PolynesiaSAURA, Bruno; CAPESTRO, Maryann; BOVA, Henri et al.Journal of the Polynesian Society. 2002, Vol 111, Num 2, pp 127-145, issn 0032-4000, 19 p.Article

The American president meets the ogre in Hollywood: Linking the mytho-cognitive constructs of the Gikuyu ogre tale to the American filmWAINAINA, Michael.Fabula. 2002, Vol 43, Num 1-2, pp 119-128, issn 0014-6242, 10 p.Article

The purity of spirit and the power of blood: A comparative perspective on nation, gender and kinship in CyprusBRYANT, Rebecca.Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 2002, Vol 8, Num 3, pp 509-530, issn 1359-0987, 22 p.Article

Towards the image of a swan in the Kazakh shamanismKUKASHEV, R. Sh.Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2002, Num 6, pp 38-44, issn 0869-5415, 7 p.Article

L'albero della libertà e l'albero della fecondità = The tree of freedom and the tree of fecundityBRONZINI, Giovanni Battista.Lares. 2002, Vol 68, Num 3, pp 427-438, issn 0023-8503, 12 p.Article

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