Résultats 1 à 25 sur 1021
Sélection :
Townscapes, townshapes, townships : investigating experiences of urban South Africa through Black artLAMMAS, R.GeoJournal. 1993, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 45-51, issn 0343-2521Article
Insiders and outsiders, or core and periphery in the novels of Kenneth RobertsDE BRES, K; ERNST, P.Political geography. 1992, Vol 11, Num 5, pp 449-460, issn 0962-6298Article
On the superabundance of signs in our landscape : selections from a slide lectureZELINSKY, W.Landscape (Berkeley, Calif.). 1992, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 30-38, issn 0023-8023Article
The cultural geography of health care deliveryGESLER, W. M.1991, IX + 245 pBook
A transactional geography of the image-event : the films of Scottish director, Bill ForsythAITKEW, S. C.Transactions - Institute of British Geographers (1965). 1991, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 105-118, issn 0020-2754Article
Further information on the geography of the blowgun and its implications for early transoceanic contactsJETT, S. C.Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 1991, Vol 81, Num 1, pp 89-102, issn 0004-5608Article
Language and the making of place : a narrative-descriptive approachTUAN, Y. F.Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 1991, Vol 81, Num 4, pp 684-696, issn 0004-5608Article
Témoignages de femmes sur la violence durant la Grande Partition in Le sous-continent indienDAS, V.Revue européenne des migrations internationales. 1991, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 31-44, issn 0765-0752Article
On geographical literature as popular culture in rural France, c. 1860-1900BAKER, A. R. H.Geographical journal. 1990, Vol 156, Num 1, pp 39-43, issn 0016-7398Article
Realism and fantasy in art, history, and geographyTUAN, Y. F.Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 1990, Vol 80, Num 3, pp 435-446, issn 0004-5608Article
Problemy formirovanija kul'turnogo landsafta i ego izucenie Problèmes de formation du paysage culturel et de son étudeVEDENIN, Ju. A.Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seria geografičeskaâ. 1990, Num 1, pp 5-17, issn 0373-2444Article
A terrain of metaphor : cultural geography 1988-89COSFROVE, D.Progress in human geography. 1989, Vol 13, Num 4, pp 566-575, issn 0309-1325Article
Survey 14 : the locally spoken word and local strugglesPRED, A.Environment and planning. D. Society & space. 1989, Vol 7, Num 2, pp 211-233, issn 0263-7758Article
Retour vers les espaces francophonesUZAN, L. J; PERGNIER, M.Acta geographica (Paris). 1989, Num 79, pp 3-19, issn 0001-5687Article
Geografija kul'tury : nekotorye aspekty formirovanija novogo naucnogo napravlenija Géographie de la culture : quelques aspects de formation d'une nouvelle branche scientifiqueDRUZININ, A. G.Izvestiâ Vsesoûznogo geografičeskogo obŝestva. 1989, Vol 121, Num 4, pp 307-312, issn 0373-353XArticle
Pilgrimage in World religions. Presented to Prof. Dr. Angelika Sievers on the occasion of her 75th birthdayBHARDWAJ, S. M; RINSCHEDE, G.1988, 200 p., isbn 3-496-00959-4Book
A hard act to swallow? The geography of education after the great Education Reform BillBURDETT, F. J.Geography. 1988, Vol 73, Num 320, pp 208-215, issn 0016-7487Article
Zentralismus - Regionalismus Centralisme - RégionalismeDURR, H; HEINRITZ, G.Geographische Rundschau. 1987, Vol 39, Num 10, pp 524-525, issn 0016-7460Article
Le thème régional dans la littérature françaiseCLAVAL, P.Espace géographique (Paris). 1987, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 60-73, issn 0046-2497Article
Cultural/humanistic geographyROWNTREE, L.Progress in human geography. 1986, Vol 10, Num 4, pp 580-586, issn 0309-1325Article
On the geography of religionLEVINE, G. J.Transactions - Institute of British Geographers (1965). 1986, Vol 11, Num 4, pp 428-440, issn 0020-2754Article
Langue dominée, langue dominante : à propos de deux scénarios d'extinction ou d'expansion de l'arabe in Géopolitique des languesROTH, A.Hérodote. 1986, Num 42, pp 65-74, issn 0333-8487Article
Vieille cité, nouveau musée. Pour un musée alsacien de la culture ouvrière in Vieilles villes industrielles d'Europe occidentaleRAPHAEL, F.Revue géographique de l'Est Nancy. 1985, Vol 25, Num 2-3, pp 255-268Article
A quantitative analysis of the science and technology manpower, with special reference to IndiaRAJESWARI, A. R.1984, app, isbn 0-86094-169-8Book
The Arab house. A report. (Report of a colloquium, School of Architecture, 15-16 March 1984)HYLAND, A. D. S.Third World planning review Liverpool. 1984, Vol 6, Num 4, pp 389-394Article