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Tolley's model : some more time series of actual and predicted urban growthBERRY, B. J. L.Urban geography. 1992, Vol 13, Num 6, pp 557-566, issn 0272-3638Article
Las ciudades espanõlas a mediados del siglo XIX = Les villes espagnoles au milieu du XIXe siècleQUIROS LINARES, F.1991, 315 p.Book
A framework for speculating about future urban growth patterns in the USCHINITZ, B.Urban studies (Harlow). 1991, Vol 28, Num 6, pp 939-959, issn 0042-0980, spécArticle
Urban growth and form : scaling, fractal geometry, and diffusion-limited aggregationBATTY, M; LONGLEY, P; FOTHERINGHAM, S et al.Environment & planning A (Print). 1989, Vol 21, Num 11, pp 1447-1472, issn 0308-518XArticle
Centre et périphérie : éléments d'une problématique urbaineBONNET, J; TOMAS, F.Revue de géographie de Lyon. 1989, Vol 64, Num 1, pp 3-12, issn 0035-113XArticle
Big private developers and urban developmentMATSUBARA, H.1988, 229 p., isbn 4-623-01822-9Book
La question du centre villeLEVY, J. P.Historiens et géographes (Neuilly-sur-Seine). 1988, Vol 78, Num 319, pp 137-143, issn 0046-757XArticle
Flood hazard in Kansas City since 1880DRIEVER, S. L; VAUGHN, D. M.Geographical review. 1988, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 1-19, issn 0016-7428Article
Urban policy in the US : introduction in US urban policyHICKS, D. A.Urban studies (Harlow). 1987, Vol 24, Num 6, pp 439-446, issn 0042-0980Article
Adjudicating jurisdictional disputes in Chicago and Toronto : legal formalism and urban structureCLARK, G. L.Urban geography. 1986, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 63-80Article
Coburg und Gotha. Die Entwicklung der Geschäftszentren zweier ehemaliger Residenzstädte in verschiedenen Gesellschafts-und Wirtschaftssystemen. (Cobourg et Gotha. Développement du centre des affaires de deux villes résidentielles anciennes dans des systèmes social et économique différents)HAUCK, Ch.Mitteilungen der frankischen geographischen Gesellschaft Erlangen. 1985, Vol 29-30, pp 467-487Article
Urban form in Canada and the United States: an examination of urban density gradientsEDMONSTON, B; GOLDBERG, M. A; MERCER, J et al.Urban studies Glasgow. 1985, Vol 22, Num 3, pp 209-217Article
Regards sur la reconstructionColloque international des Villes Reconstruites. 1. 1984, 274 p.Conference Proceedings
Third world colonial cities in context: conceptual and theoretical approaches with particular reference to AfricaSIMON, D.Progress in human geography London. 1984, Vol 8, Num 4, pp 493-514Article
Rolul oraselor mici în structura teritoriala a economiei nationale. (Le rôle des petites villes dans la structure territoriale de l'économie nationale)DEICA, P.Buletinul Societatii de Stiinte Geografice din R. S. România Bucarest. 1984, Vol 7, pp 96-98Article
Wohin entwickeln sich die Städte? (Quel est l'avenir des villes?)ZIMM, A.Spectrum Berlin. 1983, Vol 14, Num 12, pp 1-4Article
Inner-city reinvestment: neighbourhood characteristics and spatial patterns over timeLASKA, S. B; SEAMAN, J. M; Mc SEVENEY, D. R et al.Urban studies Glasgow. 1982, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 155-165Article
The factors of urban population growth: net immigration versus national increase in Urbanization and developmentLEDENT, J.International regional science review Philadelphie. 1982, Vol 7, Num 2, japArticle
Les politiques commerciales en centre-villePALU, P.Annales de géographie Paris. 1982, Vol 91, Num 506, pp 435-441Article
Trois exemples d'utilisation de sites fluviaux: Edmonton, Montréal, LyonPELLETIER, J.Revue de géographie de Lyon Lyon. 1982, Vol 57, Num 3, pp 211-239Article
The geography of settlementDANIEL, P; HOPKINSON, M.1981, 289 p., isbn 0-05-003128-7Book
A dynamic model of a central place system-IIALLEN, P. M; SANGLIER, M.Geographical analysis Columbus. 1981, Vol 13, Num 2, pp 149-164Article
Geographic contributions to the inner city deprivation debate: a critical assessmentKIRBY, A.Area. The journal of the Institute of British geographers London. 1981, Vol 13, Num 3, pp 177-181Article
Optimal urban plansGORDON, P; WINGO, L.Environment and planning A London. 1981, Vol 13, Num 5, pp 575-580Article
Understanding late nineteenth-century American citiesLLYOD, W. J.Geographical review New York. 1981, Vol 71, Num 4, pp 460-471Article