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Gender and space : lesbians and gay men in the cityADLER(S.); BRENNER, J.International journal of urban and regional research. 1992, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 24-34, issn 0309-1317Article

Gentrification in recession : social change in six Canadian inner cities, 1981-1986LEY, D.Urban geography. 1992, Vol 13, Num 3, pp 230-256, issn 0272-3638Article

The politics of prostitution control : interest group politics in four Canadian citiesLARSEN, E. N.International journal of urban and regional research. 1992, Vol 16, Num 2, pp 169-189, issn 0309-1317Article

Le ghetto, un lieu commun impropre et banal. Approches conceptuelles et représentationsVIEILLARD-BARON, H.Annales de la recherche urbaine (Paris). 1991, Num 49, pp 13-22, issn 0180-930XArticle

Residential density patterns in London - any role left for the exponential density gradient?CRAMPTON, G. R.Environment & planning A (Print). 1991, Vol 23, Num 7, pp 1007-1024, issn 0308-518XArticle

Hedonic prices, identification, and the demand for public safetyCLARK, D. E; COSGROVE, J. C.Journal of regional science. 1990, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 105-121, issn 0022-4146Article

Invisible women? The contribution of the Chicago School of Social Service Administration to urban analysisSIBLEY, D.Environment & planning A (Print). 1990, Vol 22, Num 6, pp 733-745, issn 0308-518XArticle

Urban riots and public expenditure : New Jersey and Pennsylvania, 1962-1974HOGGART, K.Urban geography. 1990, Vol 11, Num 4, pp 347-372, issn 0272-3638Article

Sovetskij gorod : social'naja struktura. Structure sociale de la ville soviétiqueAITOV, N. A.1988, 288 p.Book

Municipal decline and inequality in American suburban rings, 1960-1980BOLLENS, S. A.Regional studies. 1988, Vol 22, Num 4, pp 277-285Article

Social theory, social movements and public policy : recent accomplishments of the gay and lesbian movements in Minneapolis, MinnesotaKNOPP, L.International journal of urban and regional research. 1987, Vol 11, Num 2, pp 243-261Article

Evolution de la famille et croissance des villes moyennes : Sarh (Tchad) et Toumodi (Côte d'Ivoire)CHAUVET, J.Les Cahiers d'Outre-Mer. 1987, Vol 40, Num 158, pp 173-204, issn 0373-5834Article

Local community involvement and participation in neighbourhood watch : a case-study in Cork, IrelandHOURIHAN, K.Urban studies (Harlow). 1987, Vol 24, Num 2, pp 129-136, issn 0042-0980Article

Genres de vie, découpage de l'espace urbain et géographie : le cas du zonage municipal in Les genres de vie urbains : essais exploratoiresLANDRY, L.1986, pp 35-45Book

Awareness of spatial inequality in the living environment of the modern Japanese city in Cosmology, epistemology and the history of geographyMIZUUCHI, T.Japanese Contributions to the History of geographical Thought. 1986, Num 3, pp 27-38Article

Housing-consumption sectors and political response in urban CanadaPRATT, G.Society and space. 1986, Vol 4, Num 2, pp 165-182Article

Urban social movements and neighborhood conflicts : questions of spaceCOX, K. R.Urban geography. 1986, Vol 7, Num 6, pp 536-546Article

Pouvoirs locaux et territoires. Une approche des espaces politiques in L'Etat en perspectiveGAUDIN, J. P.Etudes rurales. 1986, Num 101-102, pp 21-33Article

Berlin (West) und Berlin (Ost). Sozialräumliche Strukturen einer Stadt mit unterschiedlichen Gesellschaftssystemen (Berlin-Ouest et Berlin-Est. Les structures socio-spatiales d'une ville aux systèmes sociaux différents)MULLER, H.Geographische Rundschau. 1985, Vol 37, Num 9, pp 437-441, issn 0016-7460Article

Commentary on G. C. Pickvance's The rise and fall of urban movements..CASTELLS, M.Society and space London. 1985, Vol 3, Num 1, pp 55-61Article

Some qualitative aspects of the urban environment in developed countries in Environmental quality-A relevant concern for the 1980sGOODEY, B; GOLD, J. R; REES (J. A.) ed et al.Geoforum. Journal of physical, human and regional geosciences Oxford. 1984, Vol 15, Num 3, pp 433-445Article

The city around the clock: space time patterns of urban ecological structureGOODCHILD, M. F; JANELLE, D. G.Environment and planning A London. 1984, Vol 16, Num 6, pp 807-820Article

La petite ville au présent et au futurLUGAN, J. C.1983, 336 p., isbn 2-232-03387-XBook

Determinants of urban population density functions. A procedure for efficient estimatesALPEROVICH, G.Regional science and urban economics Amsterdam. 1983, Vol 13, Num 2, pp 287-295Article

Diurnal patterns of social group distributions in a Canadian cityJANELLE, D; GOODCHILD, M.Economic geography Worcester. 1983, Vol 59, Num 4, pp 403-425Article

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