Résultats 1 à 25 sur 189
Sélection :
An empirical estimation of the price effects of development impact feesSKABURSKIS, A; QADEER, M.Urban studies (Harlow). 1992, Vol 29, Num 5, pp 653-667, issn 0042-0980Article
The economics of planning gain : a re-appraisalBOWERS, J.Urban studies (Harlow). 1992, Vol 29, Num 8, pp 1329-1339, issn 0042-0980Article
« Rabbit hutches on postage stamps » : planning, development and political economyEVANS, A. W.Urban studies (Harlow). 1991, Vol 28, Num 6, pp 853-870, issn 0042-0980, spécArticle
The impact of spatial-temporal interactions on industrial land valuesKOWALSKI, J. G; PARASKEVOPOULOS, C. C.Urban studies (Harlow). 1991, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 577-583, issn 0042-0980Article
The impact of state land-use controls on residential land valuesSHILLING, J. D; SIRMANS, C. F; GUIDRY, K. A et al.Journal of regional science. 1991, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 83-92, issn 0022-4146Article
Les friches industrielles : de l'économique à l'urbainBLANC, J. N.Revue de géographie de Lyon. 1991, Vol 66, Num 2, pp 103-107, issn 0035-113XArticle
The differential incidence of a land taxPASHA, H. A.Urban studies (Harlow). 1990, Vol 27, Num 4, pp 591-595, issn 0042-0980Article
Le paysage, la construction et la promotion : l'Etat et les friches industrielles in Les régions anciennement industrialiséesDUMAS, J.Hommes et terres du Nord. 1989, Num 4, pp 210-214, issn 0018-439XArticle
Validing flexibility measures in a linear resource use modelCHAPMAN, G. R; DYER, A; SMIT, B et al.Geographical analysis. 1987, Vol 19, Num 4, pp 353-363, issn 0016-7363Article
Choice of agricultural tenancy in the presence of transaction costsDATTA, S. K; O'HARA, D. J; NUGENT, J. B et al.Land economics. 1986, Vol 62, Num 2, pp 145-158Article
Land investment, planning permission, and uncertaintyWILTSHAW, D. G.Environment & planning A (Print). 1986, Vol 18, Num 2, pp 207-215, issn 0308-518XArticle
The determination of stability and similarity of Markovian land use change processes : a theoretical and empirical analysisJAHAN, S.Socio-economic planning sciences. 1986, Vol 20, Num 4, pp 243-251, issn 0038-0121Article
Land use change in Environmental quality-A relevant concern for the 1980sHILL, R. D; REES (J. A.) ed.Geoforum. Journal of physical, human and regional geosciences Oxford. 1984, Vol 15, Num 3, pp 457-461Article
Rural land-use policies and rural povertyPOPPER, F. J.Journal of the American Planning Association. JAPA Chicago. 1984, Vol 50, Num 3, pp 326-334Article
Comparison of Boolean and fuzzy classification methods in land suitability analysis by using geographical information systemsHALL, G. B; WANG, F; SUBARYONO et al.Environment & planning A (Print). 1992, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 497-516, issn 0308-518XArticle
On differential rent and landed propertyEVANS, A. W.International journal of urban and regional research. 1992, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 81-96, issn 0309-1317Article
A computer-based land resource information system. A geographical contribution to land use planningJONES, G. E; DAVIDSON, D. A.Town planning review. 1987, Vol 58, Num 1, pp 81-94Article
Rent and social relations : a reply to ClarkBALL, M.Environment & planning A (Print). 1987, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 269-272, issn 0308-518XArticle
Floodplain delineation and housing submarkets : two case studiesMONTZ, B. E.The Professional geographer. 1987, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 59-61, issn 0033-0124Article
Freehold land tenure : problems and prospectsMARGEOT, M. Y. G. H.Development Southern Africa. 1987, Vol 4, Num 3, pp 531-537Article
Property, policy and politics : towards a theory of urban land-use conflictPLOTKIN, S.International journal of urban and regional research. 1987, Vol 11, Num 3, pp 382-404Article
The supply of land for a particular useNEUTZE, M.Urban studies (Harlow). 1987, Vol 24, Num 5, pp 379-388, issn 0042-0980Article
Demand, segmentation, and timing effects of an urban containment program on urban fringe land valuesNELSON, A. C.Urban studies Glasgow. 1985, Vol 22, Num 5, pp 439-443Article
The impact of suburban growth restrictions on U.S. housing price inflation, 1975-1978SEGAL, D; SRINIVASAN, P.Urban geography Silver Spring, MD. 1985, Vol 6, Num 1, pp 14-26Article
The price effects of urban growth boundaries in metropolitan Portland, OregonKNAAP, G. J.Land economics Madison. 1985, Vol 61, Num 1, pp 26-35Article