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The market and social forces : a comparative analysis of industrial changeMAGATTI, M.International journal of urban and regional research. 1993, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 213-231, issn 0309-1317Article

Essai de typologie des régions anciennement industrialiséesBATTIAU, M.Revue belge de géographie. 1992, Vol 116, Num 1-4, pp 67-74, issn 0035-0796Article

Neo-Marshallian nodes in global networksAMIN, A; THRIFT, N.International journal of urban and regional research. 1992, Vol 16, Num 4, pp 571-587, issn 0309-1317Article

The changing corporate head office and its spatial implicationsAKSOY, A; MARSHALL, N.Regional studies. 1992, Vol 26, Num 2, pp 149-162, issn 0034-3404Article

Systèmes locaux d'entreprises et externalités : un essai de typologieCOURLET, C; PECQUEUR, B.Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine. 1991, Num 3-4, pp 391-406, issn 0180-7307, spécArticle

The operation of regional labor markets for highly trained manufacturing workers in the United StatesBARFF, R; ELLIS, M.Urban geography. 1991, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 339-362, issn 0272-3638Article

Dealing with uncertainty and fuzziness in development planning : a simulation of high-technology industrial location decisionmaking by the analytic hierarchy processBANAI-KASHANI, A. R.Environment & planning A (Print). 1990, Vol 22, Num 9, pp 1183-1203, issn 0308-518XArticle

The location of US manufacturing : some empirical evidence on recent geographical shiftsO'HUALLACHAIN, B.Environment & planning A (Print). 1990, Vol 22, Num 9, pp 1205-1222, issn 0308-518XArticle

The new industrial space-science parks in Singapore and TaiwanCHI WAI CHEUNG.Asian Geographer. 1990, Vol 9, Num 1, pp 65-85Article

Alcune considerazioni su un fenomeno di interazione spaziale : i processi di diffusione delle innovazioni = Quelques considérations sur un phénomène d'interaction spatiale : les processus de diffusion des innovationsDELLA CAPANNA, M. L.Ricerche di geografia. 1990, pp 1-21Article

Buitenlandse ondernemingen in regionaal perspectief. Vestigingsstrategieën en regionale effecten van buitenlandse bedrijven in Nederland. Foreign companies in a regional perspective. Locational strategies and regional impact of foreign firms in the NetherlandsLOEVE, A.1989, 266 p.Book

Japan's direct manufacturing investment in the United StatesKANG-TSUNG CHANG.The Professional geographer. 1989, Vol 41, Num 3, pp 314-328, issn 0033-0124Article

Essai d'analyse comparative des politiques de traitement et de reconversion des friches sidérurgiques dans les Régions Nord-Pas-de-Calais et de la Ruhr in Les régions anciennement industrialiséesKOHLER, D.Hommes et terres du Nord. 1989, Num 4, pp 336-345, issn 0018-439XArticle

Formes d'agglomération et de dispersion dans les régions anciennement industrialisées in Les régions anciennement industrialiséesDEZERT, B.Hommes et terres du Nord. 1989, Num 4, pp 206-209, issn 0018-439XArticle

Ownership structure and linkage patterns of industry in Israel's development townsRAZIN, E.Regional studies. 1988, Vol 22, Num 1, pp 19-31Article

The limits to flexibility : comments on the post-Fordist vision of production and its geographyGERTLER, M. S.Transactions - Institute of British Geographers (1965). 1988, Vol 13, Num 4, pp 419-432, issn 0020-2754Article

Les nouveaux espaces industriels. Une bibliographie internationale sélectiveBENKO, G. B.Notes de recherche du Centre de recherches sur l'industrie et l'aménagement (CRIA). 1988, Num 10, issn 0982-3131, 72 p.Article

ST. Réflexions relatives à la régionalisation et à la localisation de l'industrieTIDJANE, B.1987, 143 p.Book

Computer-controlled manufacture and the spatial distribution of productionMEYER, P. B.Area (London, 1969). 1986, Vol 18, Num 3, pp 209-213, issn 0004-0894Article

The development of high technology industry in Newbury DistrictMACGREGOR, B. D; LANGRIDGE, R. J; ADLEY, J et al.Regional studies. 1986, Vol 20, Num 5, pp 433-448Article

Industrializzazione del Terzo Mondo e nuovi modelli produttiviSABEL, C.Strato e mercato. 1986, Num 2, pp 217-251Article

The use of matched-pairs research design in industrial surveysPECK, F. W.Environment and planning A London. 1985, Vol 17, Num 7, pp 981-989Article

Industrial dispersion as an instrument for the achievement of development goalsBAR-EL, R.Economic geography Worcester. 1985, Vol 61, Num 3, pp 205-222Article

Industrial location and planning: theory, models and factors in localization. A bibliographyMILLER, E. W; MILLER, R. M.1984, 49 p., isbn 0-88066-833-4Book

The effect of business cycles on metropolitan suburbanizationMANSON, D. M; HOWLAND, M; PETERSON, G. E et al.Economic geography Worcester. 1984, Vol 60, Num 1, pp 71-80Article

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