Résultats 1 à 25 sur 451
Sélection :
The internationalization of corporate R&D and the automotive industry R&D of East-Central EuropePAVLINEK, P.Economic geography. 2012, Vol 88, Num 3, pp 279-310, issn 0013-0095, 32 p.Article
Measuring concentration : Lorenz curves and their decompositionsALONSO-VILLAR, O.The Annals of regional science. 2011, Vol 47, Num 2, pp 451-475, issn 0570-1864, 25 p.Article
L'industrie spatiale en Europe, marché et nouvelles tendances économiques, vision d'acteurBADURSKA, A.L' Information géographique. 2010, Vol 74, Num 2, pp 95-102, issn 0020-0093, 8 p.Article
Value chains and the geographies of wine production and consumptionGeographical journal. 2008, Vol 174, Num 2, pp 95-148, issn 0016-7398, 54 p.Serial Issue
Une filière en recomposition et ses incidences territoriales : l'endive dans la France du NordMANOUVRIER, E.Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine. 2008, Num 2, pp 211-224, issn 0180-7307, 14 p.Article
Local customers - global buyers : der deutsche Schuhfachhandel zwischen den Fronten = Local customers - global buyers : la filière de la chaussure allemande entre deux frontsBERTRAM, H.Geographische Rundschau. 2008, Vol 60, Num 9, pp 20-27, issn 0016-7460, 8 p.Article
Agro-food activism in California and the politics of the possible. Themed issueGUTHMAN, J.Geoforum. 2008, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 1171-1253, issn 0016-7185, 83 p.Article
Emerging districts facing structural reform : the Madrid electronics district and the reshaping of the Spanish telecom monopolyRAMA, R; FERGUSON, D.Environment & planning A (Print). 2007, Vol 39, Num 9, pp 2207-2231, issn 0308-518X, 25 p.Article
Ethical trading and socioeconomic transformation : critical reflections on the South African wine industryBEK, D; MCEWAN, C; BEK, K et al.Environment & planning A (Print). 2007, Vol 39, Num 2, pp 301-319, issn 0308-518X, 19 p.Article
Place from one glance : the use of place in the marketing of New Zealand and Australian winesBANKS, G; KELLY, S; LEWIS, N et al.Australian Geographer. 2007, Vol 38, Num 1, pp 15-35, issn 0004-9182, 21 p.Article
Codification, patents and the geography of knowledge transfer in the electronic musical instrument industryREIFFENSTEIN, T.Canadian geographer. 2006, Vol 50, Num 3, pp 298-318, issn 0008-3658, 21 p.Article
Trade liberalization, industrial upgrading, and regionalization in the global apparel industry. Theme issuePICKLES, J.Environment & planning A (Print). 2006, Vol 38, Num 12, pp 2201-2344, issn 0308-518X, 144 p.Article
Les effets spatiaux de l'intégration européenne : l'exemple de la construction automobileBATTIAU, M.Annales de géographie (Paris). 2006, Vol 115, Num 652, pp 732-745, issn 0003-4010, 14 p.Article
Internationalisierung im Textil und Bekleidungsgewerbe = Internationalisation dans le textile et l'industrie de l'habillementHAAS, H. D; ZADEMACH, H.-M.Geographische Rundschau. 2005, Vol 57, Num 2, pp 30-38, issn 0016-7460, 9 p.Article
Competition, variety and the geography of technology evolutionESSLETZBICHLER, J; RIGBY, D.Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. 2005, Vol 96, Num 1, pp 48-62, issn 0040-747X, 15 p.Article
Making knowledge industries a GO : some commercial considerationsLAULAJEINEN, R.Cybergeo. 2005, Num 320, issn 1278-3366, 23 p.Article
Biotechnology and the state. Themed sectionBRIDGE, G; MCMANUS, P; MARSDEN, T et al.Geoforum. 2003, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 165-233, issn 0016-7185, 69 p.Article
Spatializing globalization : a geography of quality in the seafood industryMANSFIELD, B.Economic geography. 2003, Vol 79, Num 1, pp 1-16, issn 0013-0095, 16 p.Article
Innovación tecnológica y territorio = Innovation technologique et territoireCHAPARRO, J.Cuadernos de geografía. 2003, Vol 12, Num 1-2, pp 29-60, issn 0121-215X, 32 p.Article
Réputation environnementale en agro-alimentaire : milieu de production versus processus de productionBOUGHERARA, D; GROLLEAU, G; THIÉBAUT, L et al.Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine. 2003, Num 1, pp 121-144, issn 0180-7307, 24 p.Article
The changing geography of automobile production. SymposiumLUNG, Y; FRIGANT, V; RAMALHO, J.R et al.International journal of urban and regional research. 2002, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 737-814, issn 0309-1317, 78 p.Article
The competitive foundations of localized learning and innovation : the case of women's garment production in New York CityRANTISI, N.M.Economic geography. 2002, Vol 78, Num 4, pp 441-462, issn 0013-0095, 22 p.Article
L'innovation dans l'industrie européenne des produits alimentairesCHRISTENSEN, J; LINDGAARD RAMA, R; VON TUNZELMANN, G.N et al.REM. Revue de l'économie méridionale. 2002, Vol 50, Num 200, pp 427-443, issn 0987-3813, 17 p.Article
Competitive adjustment and advancement in global commodity chains : I. Firm strategies and trajectories in the East Asian apparel industryVAN GRUNSVEN, L; SMAKMAN, F.Singapore journal of tropical geography. 2001, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 173-188, issn 0129-7619Article
Quality, nature, and embeddedness : some theoretical considerations in the context of the food sectorMURDOCH, J; MARSDEN, T; BANKS, J et al.Economic geography. 2000, Vol 76, Num 2, pp 107-125, issn 0013-0095Article