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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 242

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La pluralité du trafic transmancheJOAN, J. M.Hommes et terres du Nord. 1992, Num 1, pp 21-25, issn 0018-439XArticle

Modeling U.S. coal export planning decisionsKUBY, M; RATICK, S; OSLEEB, J et al.Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 1991, Vol 81, Num 4, pp 627-649, issn 0004-5608Article

Ocean change in global change. Introductory geographical analysisVALLEGA, A.1990, 136 p.Book

Car imports in the UK : the geography of an expending trafficJONES, P. N; NORTH, J.Regional studies. 1990, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 1-13, issn 0034-3404Article

La puissance portuaire des pays de l'Extrême-OrientMARCADON, J.L' Information géographique. 1990, Vol 54, Num 5, pp 195-209, issn 0020-0093Article

Technology and the changing port system of England and WalesHILLING, D.Geography. 1989, Vol 74, Num 323, pp 117-127, issn 0016-7487Article

Morskoe pravo i mezdunarodnoe torgovoe moreplavanie. Le droit de la mer et le transport maritime internationalKOLODKIN, A.L.1987, 129 p.Book

Genova, Marsiglia, Barcellona. Note di geografia comparata in Miscellanea. 1LEARDI, E.1986, pp 9-68Book

Changing spatial patterns of maritime transport in the world economic system : 1970-1980MEESTER, W. J; VAN DEN BREMEN, W. J.1986, 80 p.Book

The aggregate spatial patterns of maritime transport at world scale : a macro-scale approach in transport geography in Geography of transportVAN DEN BREMEN, W. J; DE JONG, B.Geojournal. 1986, Vol 12, Num 3, pp 289-303Article

The development of a national port system - Denmark 1950-1980 in Issue dedicated by the Geographical Society of Finland to Professor Leo Aario on his 80th birthday, 26th November 1986WESTERHOLM, J.Fennia (Helsinki. 1889). 1986, Vol 164, Num 2, pp 211-290, issn 0015-0010Article

Présentation de l'Institut méditerranéen des transports maritimes in Transports et aménagement de l'espace littoral dans le domaine méditerranéenFABRE, M. H.Méditerranée Aix-en-Provence. 1984, Num 4, pp 5-6Article

Mutation dans les activités portuaires toulonnaises in Transports et aménagement de l'espace littoral dans le domaine méditerranéenCARALP, R.Méditerranée Aix-en-Provence. 1984, Num 4, pp 7-12Article

Les compagnies maritimes face à la criseMARCADON, J.Norois. Revue géographique de l'Ouest et des pays de l'Atlantique Nord Poitiers. 1983, Vol 30, Num 117, pp 21-38Article

Regimes of international ocean waterways in Changing maritime transportALEXANDER, L. M; MUSCARA, C; SORICILLO, M et al.Meeting of the IGU. Working Group on Geography of transport. 1982, pp 209-222Conference Proceedings

Triptyque portuaire, conteneurisation et analyse multivariée in Changing maritime transportCHARLIER, J; MUSCARA, C; SORICILLO, M et al.Meeting of the IGU. Working Group on Geography of transport. 1982, pp 74-101Conference Proceedings

Coal ports and coal carriers in light of the growth of seaborne coal trade in Changing maritime transportHAYUTH, Y; MUSCARA, C; SORICILLO, M et al.Meeting of the IGU. Working Group on Geography of transport. 1982, pp 237-243Conference Proceedings

L'impact de la réouverture du canal de Suez sur les ports françaisVERLAQUE, C.Les cahiers nantais Nantes. 1982, Num 21, pp 97-126Article

Les ports et l'organisation régionaleDAMAIS, J. P; VERLAQUE, C; GAY, F et al.Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français Paris. 1982, Vol 59, Num 487-488, pp 159-182Article

Un nouveau rôle pour le port de Volos (Grèce) en Méditerranée orientaleGOUSSIOS, D; PECHOUX, P. Y.Méditerranée Aix-en-Provence. 1982, Num 1, pp 39-45Article

Fresh-water transport by seaDUNLAP, R. M.Journal of hydrology Amsterdam. 1981, Vol 51, Num 1-4, pp 313-318Article

Technology and seaports in the 1980 sSLACK, B.Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie Rotterdam. 1980, Vol 71, Num 2, pp 108-113Article

Valori storici della posizione e del sito: gli esempi di Genova, Marsiglia, BarcellonaLEARDI, E.Studi e ricerche di geografia Genova. 1979, Vol 2, Num 2, pp 157-170Article

Ports of the Arab worlds: an annotated bibliographyBARBAR A. M.Council of planning librarians exchange bibliography. 1977, Num 1243, PP. 1-6 pArticle

Traffici marittimi e dipendenza funzionale di spazi continentaliVALLEGA A.Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Scienze geografica della Faculta magistero dell'Universita di Genova. 1974, Vol 1, PP. 1-82 pArticle

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