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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 962

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Theoretical and methodological promises of geomorphological forecastingTROFIMOV, A. M; PHILLIPS, J. D.Geomorphology (Amsterdam). 1992, Vol 5, Num 3-5, pp 203-211, issn 0169-555XConference Paper

Geomorphic application of the Hausdorff-Besicovich dimensionOUTCAULT, S. I; MELTON, M. A.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1992, Vol 17, Num 8, pp 775-787, issn 0197-9337Article

Modélisation statistique et conceptuelle des matières en suspensionGAFREJ, R; LEVIANDIER, T.Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français. 1992, Vol 69, Num 2, pp 177-184, issn 0004-5322Article

The application of cellular automata to the erosion of landformsSMITH, R.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1991, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 273-281, issn 0197-9337Article

Quel peut être l'apport de la gravimétrie à la tectonique récente et actuelle en Belgique?POITEVIN, C.Bulletin trimestriel de la Société belge de photogrammétrie-télédétection et cartographie. 1991, Num 183-184, pp 41-54Article

Aerodynamic entrainment thresholds and dislodgement rates on impervious and permeable bedsWILLIAMS, J. J; BUTTERFIELD, G. R; CLARK, D. G et al.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1990, Vol 15, Num 3, pp 255-264, issn 0197-9337Article

Trei note de morfometrie = Trois notes sur la morphométrieUNGUREANU, I.Lucrările Seminarului Geografic « D. Cantemir ». 1990, Vol 10, pp 21-28Article

Prostranstvenno-konceptual'nye modeli razvitija sklonov F. AnertaTROFIMOV, A. M.Geomorfologiâ (Moskva). 1990, Num 4, pp 44-48, issn 0435-4281Article

A model for headcut retreat in rills and gullies in Arid and semi-arid environments. Geomorphological and pedological aspectsDE PLOEY, J.1989, pp 81-86, isbn 3-923381-17-4, isbn 3-923381-17-4Book

Neuere Datierungsmethoden für geowissenschaftliche Forschungen. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Thermolumineszenz in Physische Geographie. Méthodes récentes de datation pour la recherche géographique. En tenant particulièrement compte de la thermoluminescenceWAGNER, G. A; ZOLLER, L.Geographische Rundschau. 1989, Vol 41, Num 9, pp 507-512, issn 0016-7460Article

A miniature flume for sampling interrill overland flowPARSONS, A. J; ABRAHAMS, A. D.Physical geography. 1989, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 85-94, issn 0272-3646Article

Some mathematical models for permafrostGRIGORJAN, S; GUSEVA, E; KRASS, M et al.GeoJournal. 1989, Vol 18, Num 4, pp 429-439, issn 0343-2521Article

Episodische Murschübe in den Pragser Dolomiten. Semiquantitative Erfassung von Frequenz und Transportmenge in Alpen und Alpenvorland. Beiträge zur Geomorphologie. Coulées boueuses épisodiques dans les Dolomites de Prags. Etude semiquantitative de leur fréquence et des volumes transportésSTRUNK, H.Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementband. 1988, Num 70, pp 163-186, issn 0044-2798Article

An evaluation of the use of size distribution of sediment in runoff as a measure of aggregate breakdown in the surface of a cracking clay soil under rainLOCH, R. J; CLEARY, J. L; THOMAS, E. C et al.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1988, Vol 13, Num 1, pp 37-44Article

Strukturno-cifrovaja model' rel'efa dlja bankov geomorfologiceskoj informacii Modèle numérique structural du relief à l'usage des banques de données géomorphologiquesKAZANSKIJ, B. A.Geomorfologiâ (Moskva). 1988, Num 2, pp 47-52, issn 0435-4281Article

On constructing detailed geomorphological mapsKLIMASZEWSKI, M.Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. 1988, Vol 32, Num 4, pp 457-470, issn 0372-8854Article

The potential use of digital image processing in geomorphology : erosion of stony soils. A case studyFARRES, P. J; SMITH, G.Catena. 1988, Vol 15, Num 2, pp 119-126Article

The role of spatial scale in geomorphic systemsPHILLIPS, J.D.Geographical analysis. 1988, Vol 20, Num 4, pp 308-317, issn 0016-7363Article

Metodica cercetarii teraselor La méthodologie de l'étude des terrassesJELENICZ, M.Terra (Bucuresti). 1988, Vol 20, Num 1, pp 15-22, issn 0373-9570Article

Analysen der Stauraumverlandung am Beispiel des Pantano de Pena (Nordost-Spanien) (Etude de la sédimentation de réservoir, exemple du Pantano de Pena (Espagne Nord Est))SCHNABEL, S; ERGENZINGER, P.Erde. 1987, Vol 118, Num 3, pp 217-225, issn 0013-9998Article

210 Pb as a chronometer and tracer, Burrinjuck reservoir, AustraliaWASSON, R. J; CLARK, R. L; NANNINGA, P. M et al.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1987, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 399-414Article

Dendrogeomorphological analysis of mass movement. A technical note on the research methodBRAAM, R. R; WEISS, E. E. J; BURROUGH, P. A et al.Catena. 1987, Vol 14, Num 6, pp 585-589Article

Fractals in karstLAVERTY, M.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1987, Vol 12, Num 5, pp 475-480Article

Raindrop impact and water flow on the vegetative surfaces of trees and the effects on stemflow and throughfall generationHERWITZ, S. R.Earth surface processes and landforms. 1987, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 425-432Article

Thermoluminescence dating applied to glaciolacustrine sediments from central British columbiaBERGER, G. W; CLAGUE, J. J; HUNTLEY, D. J et al.Canadian journal of earth sciences (Print). 1987, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 425-434, issn 0008-4077Article

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