Résultats 1 à 25 sur 128
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The Antarctic ice sheet during the last glacial interglacial cycle : a three-dimensional experimentHUYBRECHTS, P.Annals of glaciology. 1990, Vol 14, pp 115-119, issn 0260-3055Article
Antarktida : prosloe i buduscee oledenenija. L'Antarctide : passé et avenir de la glaceMJAGKOV, S. M.1989, 160 p., isbn 5-211-00452-3Book
Late Quaternary ice-surface fluctuations of Beardmore Glacier, Transantarctic MountainsDENTON, G. H; BOCKHEIM, J. G; WILSON, S. C et al.Quaternary research (Print). 1989, Vol 31, Num 2, pp 183-209, issn 0033-5894Article
Antarktische Gletscher und globale Eiszeitchronologie Glaciers antarctiques et chronologie mondiale de la glaciationSCHLUCHTER, C.Geographische Rundschau. 1988, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 15-19, issn 0016-7460Article
Novye kartometriceskie opredelenija ob''ema l'da Antarktidy (Nouvelles déterminations cartométriques du volume de la glace du continent antarctique)BERLJANT, A. M; SERAPINAS, B. B; SUETOVA, I. A et al.Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ filosofiâ. 1987, Num 1, pp 34-40, issn 0201-7385Article
Atmosfernye uslovija juznoj poljarnoj oblasti. (Les conditions atmosphériques des régions polaires australes)DOLGANOV, L. V.1986, 176 p.Book
Novye dannye o polozenii lednika Bellinsgauzena (Données nouvelles sur la position du glacier de Bellingshausen)JAKOVLEV, V. N; KOVALEV, A. D.Izvestiâ Vsesoûznogo geografičeskogo obŝestva. 1986, Vol 118, Num 3, pp 255-258, issn 0373-353XArticle
L'dy Juznogo okeana i uslovija sudohodstva.. (Les glaces de l'océan Austral et les conditions de la navigation)ROMANOV, A. A.1984, 88 p.Book
Spatial variability of Antarctic temperature anomalies and their association with the Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulationROGERS, J. C.Annals of the Association of American geographers Washington. 1983, Vol 73, Num 4, pp 502-518Article
Tritievye vypadenija i stok stratosfernoj vlagi v Antarktide. (Précipitations de tritium et flux d'humidité stratosphérique sur le continent antarctique)BOROUHIN, E. A; NESTEROV, V. N; ANAN'IN, E. G et al.Vodnye resursy Moskva. 1982, Num 5, pp 66-71Article
Glaciological interpretation of microparticle concentrations from the French 905 m Dome C, Antarctica core in Sea level ice and climatic changeTHOMPSON, L. G; MOSLEY-THOMPSON, E; ALLISON, I et al.General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. 17 th. 1981, pp 227-234Conference Proceedings
O svjazi nekotoryh klimaticeskih osobennostej Antarktiki s vnesnim gravitacionnym polem Zemli. (Sur la relation entre certaines particularités climatiques de l'Antarctique et le champ de gravité externe de la Terre)RUDJAEV, F. I.Izvestija vsesojuznogo geograficeskogo obscestva Leningrad. 1980, Vol 112, Num 6, pp 489-496Article
Tropospheric jet streams in the AntarcticSAVITSKYI, G. B; LESSING, V. M.Polar geography Washington. 1979, Vol 3, Num 3, pp 157-160Article
Izmenenie ploščadi i tolščiny morskih l'dov Južnogo okeana pri poteplenii klimataBAJKOVA, I. M.Meteorologiâ i gidrologiâ. 1991, Num 5, pp 51-56, issn 0130-2906Article
A comparison of deep Antarctic ice cores and their implications for climate between 65,000 and 15,000 years agoJOUZEL, J; RAISBECK, G; BENOIST, J. P et al.Quaternary research (Print). 1989, Vol 31, Num 2, pp 135-150, issn 0033-5894Article
Ross ice shelf oxygen isotopes and West Antarctic climate historyGROOTES, P. M; STUIVER, M.Quaternary research. 1986, Vol 26, Num 1, pp 49-67Article
Izmerenija tolsciny godovyh sloev snega v Antarktide metodom radiolokacionnogo zondirovanija. (Mesures de l'épaisseur des couches annuelles de neige sur le continent antarctique par échosondage)BOGORODSKIJ, V. V; POZNJAK, V. I; TREPOV, G. V et al.Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR Moskva. 1982, Vol 264, Num 4, pp 909-911Article
Variations in valley glaciers activity in the Transantarctic Mountains as indicated by associated flow bands in the Ross Ice Shelf in Sea level ice and climatic changeBENTLEY, C. R; ALLISON, I.General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. 17 th. 1981, pp 247-251Conference Proceedings
Variations of sea ice conditions in Lützhow-Holm Bay area, in Antarctica, in the last 20 years in Sea level ice and climatic changeKUSUNOKI, K; ALLISON, I.General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. 17 th. 1981, pp 171-176Conference Proceedings
Apuntes geograficos sobre el clima polar oceanico del hemisferio Austral Islas Orcadas del SurCAPEL MOLINA, J. J.Boletin de la Real Sociedad geografica Madrid. 1980, Vol paru 1983, Num 1-12, pp 257-273Article
Use of the macrocirculation method for preparing three-day experimental forecasts of pressure field and weather in the AntarcticSAVITSKYI, G. B.Polar geography Washington. 1979, Vol 3, Num 3, pp 148-157Article
A 3-D model for the Antarctic ice sheet : a sensitivity study on the glacial-interglacial contrastHUYBRECHTS, P.Climate dynamics. 1990, Vol 5, pp 79-92, issn 0930-7575Article
Late Wisconsin and early Holocene glacial history, inner Ross Embayment, AntarcticaDENTON, G. H; BOCKHEIM, J. G; WILSON, S. C et al.Quaternary research (Print). 1989, Vol 31, Num 2, pp 151-182, issn 0033-5894Article
Polar perspective of late-Quaternary climates in the southern hemisphereHEUSSER, C. J.Quaternary research (Print). 1989, Vol 32, Num 1, pp 60-71, issn 0033-5894Article
Vodnye massy i cirkuljacija Juznogo okeana. (Les masses d'eau et la circulation de l'océan Austral)SARUHANJAN, E. I; SMIRNOV, N. P.1986, 288 p.Book