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Treeline (Pinus sylvestris) landscape evolution in the Swedish Scandes - a 40-year demographic effort viewed in a broader temporal contextKULLMAN, L.Norsk geografisk tidsskrift. 2014, Vol 68, Num 3, pp 155-167, issn 0029-1951, 13 p.Article

Geografía de las Plantas en La Alcarria Occidental y Mesa de Ocaña (II). Análisis fitoecológico y biotípico de la flora autóctona en cinco localidades representativas = La géographie des plantes de la Alcarria Occidental et de la Mesa de Ocaña (II). L'analyse phyto-écologique et des biotypes de la flore autochtone dans cinq localités représentativesGARCĺA-ABAD ALONSO, J.J.Anales de geografía de la Universidad Complutense. 2011, Vol 31, Num 2, pp 103-124, issn 0211-9803, 22 p.Article

Ohrana redkih vidov rastenij v Podmoskov'e = La protection des plantes rares dans la région de MoscouSOUSLOVA, E.G; ZAVIALOVA, E.A.Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ 5. Geografiâ. 2011, Num 3, pp 9-12, issn 0579-9414, 4 p.Article

Evapotranspiration réelle et résistance du couvert d'une savane à Loudetia arundinacea (bassin du Kouilou, Congo-Brazzaville)NIZINSKI, J.J; GALAT, G; GALAT-LUONG, A et al.Climatologie. 2009, Vol 6, pp 33-45, issn 1996-3041, 13 p.Article

Invasive saltcedar (Tamarix) : its spread from the American southwest to the northern Great PlainsPEARCE, C.M; SMITH, D.G.Physical geography. 2007, Vol 28, Num 6, pp 507-530, issn 0272-3646, 24 p.Article

Variability of the start of the growing season in Fennoscandia, 1982-2002KARLSEN, S.R; SOLHEIM, I; BECK, P et al.International journal of biometeorology. 2007, Vol 51, Num 6, pp 513-524, issn 0020-7128, 12 p.Article

Méthodes d'échantillonnage pour l'estimation paysagère : comment mesurer les dégâts d'une tempêteGODARD, V.Espace géographique (Paris). 2007, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 237-250, issn 0046-2497, 14 p.Article

A disappearing biome ? Reconsidering land-cover change in the Brazilian savannaJEPSON, W.Geographical journal. 2005, Vol 171, Num 2, pp 99-111, issn 0016-7398, 13 p.Article

Source areas of north cordilleran endemic plants : evidence from sheep and outpost mountains, Kluane national park, Yukon territoryHARRIS, S.A.Erdkunde. 2004, Vol 58, Num 1, pp 62-81, issn 0014-0015, 20 p.Article

Wärmeliebende, azidophile Berghaarstrang-Saumgesellschaften in Mitteldeutschland = les communautés (espèces) thermophiles et acidophiles en lisière de forêt en Allemagne centraleREICHHOFF, L; WARTHEMANN, G.Hercynia. 2003, Vol 36, Num 1, pp 13-22, issn 0018-0637, 10 p.Article

Regeneration dynamics and genetic variability of sugar maple (Acer saccharum (Marsh.)) seedlings at the species'northern growth limit, Lake Superior Provincial Park, CanadaDIOCHON, A; RIGG, L.S; GOLDBLUM, D et al.Physical geography. 2003, Vol 24, Num 5, pp 399-413, issn 0272-3646, 15 p.Article

Effects of ice storms, southern pine beetle infestation, and fire on Table Mountain pine forests of southwestern VirginiaLAFON, C.W; KUTAC, M.J.Physical geography. 2003, Vol 24, Num 6, pp 502-519, issn 0272-3646, 18 p.Article

Feedback-driven response to multidecadal climatic variability at an alpine treelineALFTINE, K.J; MALANSON, G.P; FAGRE, D.B et al.Physical geography. 2003, Vol 24, Num 6, pp 520-535, issn 0272-3646, 16 p.Article

Riparian seed banks : structure, process and implications for riparian managementGOODSON, J.M; GURNELL, A.M; ANGOLD, P.G et al.Progress in physical geography. 2001, Vol 25, Num 3, pp 301-325, issn 0309-1333Article

Zakonomernosti razvitiâ plejstocenovoj periglâcial'noj rastitel'nosti v raznyh rajonah Severnoj EvraziiBOLIHOVSKAÂ, N.S; GUNOVA, V.S; KAREVSKAÂ, I.A et al.Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ filosofiâ. 2001, Num 6, pp 62-68, issn 0201-7385, 7 p.Article

Does vegetation suit our models ? Data and model assumptions and the assessment of species distribution in spaceBIO, A.M.F.Collection Nederlandse geografische studies. 2000, Vol 265, issn 0169-4839, isbn 90-6809-288-X, 195 p., isbn 90-6809-288-XBook

Réduction, sous l'action humaine, de l'aire des peuplements arborescents du Haut Atlas occidental (Maroc) : premiers résultats d'une approche pédoanthracologiqueALIFRIQUI, M; THINON, M.Etudes de géographie physique. 1999, Num 28, pp 145-149, issn 1278-5105Conference Paper

Differences in exposure and altitudinal limits as climatic indicators in a profile from Western Himalaya to Tian ShanRICHTER, M; PFEIFER, H; FICKERT, T et al.Erdkunde. 1999, Vol 53, Num 2, pp 89-107, issn 0014-0015Article

Geografiâ florističeskogo bogatstva Vostočnoj EvropyMOROZOVA, O.V.Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seria geografičeskaâ. 1999, Num 1, pp 38-48, issn 0373-2444Article

Spontane Vegetation und Naturschutz in der Stadt = Végétation spontanée et protection de la nature en villeHARD, G.Geographische Rundschau. 1997, Vol 49, Num 10, pp 562-568, issn 0016-7460Article

Distribution patterns of leaf area index for major coniferous forest types in ChinaLUO TIANXIANG; LI WENHUA; ZHAO SHIDONG et al.The Journal of Chinese geography. 1997, Vol 7, Num 4, pp 61-73, issn 0218-1444Article

Human and environmental influences on forest composition of a Tennessee loess bluffCOWELL, C.M; GALLIEN, G.S.Physical geography. 1997, Vol 18, Num 3, pp 232-245, issn 0272-3646Article

Leaf growth dynamics of Nothofagus species dominant in the foothills of the AndesMONTENEGRO, G; RAVANAL, E; CHACON, P et al.Mountain research and development. 1997, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 69-74, issn 0276-4741Article

Influence du climat sur les groupements à genévrier rouge du littoral ouest algérienDJELLOULI, Y; HABEL-LAIMECHE, F.Publications de l'Association internationale de climatologie. 1997, Vol 10, pp 13-21, issn 1140-0307Article

Beginnings of olive cultivation in eastern Spain in relation to Holocene bioclimatic changesTERRAL, J.F; ARNOLD-SIMARD, G.Quaternary research (Print). 1996, Vol 46, Num 2, pp 176-185, issn 0033-5894Article

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