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Glacial geomorphology of the Central Arctic Ocean : the Chukchi Borderland and the Lomonosov RidgeJAKOBSSON, M; POLYAK, L; EDWARDS, M et al.Earth surface processes and landforms. 2008, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 526-545, issn 0197-9337, 20 p.Article

Rel'ef dna Karskogo morja Le relief du fond de la mer de KaraLASTOCKIN A. N.Geomorfologija. 1977, Num 2, pp 84-91Article

Ordovician strata on the Southeastern Baffin Island Shelf revealed by shallow drillingMacLEAN B; JANSA L. F; FALCONER R. K et al.The Canadian journal of earth science. 1977, Vol 14, Num 8, pp 1925-1939Article

Problems and possible solutions concerning radiocarbon dating of surface marine sediments, Ross Sea, AntarcticaANDREWS, J.T; DOMACK, E.W; CUNNINGHAM, W.L et al.Quaternary research (Print). 1999, Vol 52, Num 2, pp 206-216, issn 0033-5894Article

Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the inner shelf seaward of the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, Canadian Beaufort SeaHEQUETTE, A; HILL, P. R.Canadian journal of earth sciences (Print). 1989, Vol 26, Num 10, pp 1990-2002, issn 0008-4077Article

Glacigenic sediments and sedimentary environments on continental shelves: general principles with a case study from the Norwegian shelf in Glacial deposits in north-west EuropeVORREN, T. O; HALD, M; EDVARDSEN, M et al.1983, pp 61-73, isbn 90-6191-223-7, isbn 90-6191-223-7Book

Identification of a new marginal sea in the AntarcticBOTNIKOV, V. N; KOBLENTS, Y. P; KOROTKEVICH, Y. S et al.Polar geography Washington. 1978, Vol 2, Num 1, pp 25-27Article

Opyt geomorfologiceskoj interpretacii raspredelenii glubin na sel'fah Essai d'interprétation géomorphologique de la répartition bathymétrique sur les plates-formes continentalesLASTOCKIN A. N; AKSENOVA L. P.Izvestija vsesojuznogo geograficeskogo obscestva. 1977, Vol 109, Num 1, pp 21-30Article

Geomorphology of the onset area of a paleo-ice stream, Marguerite Bay, Antarctic PeninsulaANDERSON, J.B; OAKES FRETWELL, L.Earth surface processes and landforms. 2008, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 503-512, issn 0197-9337, 10 p.Article

Struktura i proishoždenie Vostočno-Novozemel'skogo želobaDUNAEV, N. N; LEVČENKO, O. V; MERKLIN, L. R et al.Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seria geografičeskaâ. 1991, Num 2, pp 82-86, issn 0373-2444Article

Revised magnetostratigraphies confirm low sedimentation rates in Artic Ocean CoresWITTE, W. K; KENT, D. V.Quaternary research. 1988, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 43-53Article

Sediment distribution and sea-floor morphology of Storbanken : implications for the glacial history of the northern Barents SeaSOLHEIM, A; MILLIMAN, J. D; ELVERHOI, A et al.Canadian journal of earth sciences (Print). 1988, Vol 25, Num 4, pp 547-556, issn 0008-4077Article

Rol'materikovogo l'da v razvitii zelobov gljacial'nyh sel'fov Arktiki i Subarktiki. (Le rôle de la glace continentale dans l'évolution des fossés des plates-formes continentales glaciaires arctique et subarctique)MATISOV, G. G.Geomorfologija Moskva. 1982, Num 2, pp 20-30Article

Géophysical studies on the eastern continental margin of Baffin Bay and in Lancaster SoundJACKSON H. R; KEEN C. E; BARRETT S. L et al.The Canadian journal of earth science. 1977, Vol 14, Num 9, pp 1991-2001Article

Ice gouge recurrence and rates of sediment reworking, Beaufort Sea, AlaskaREIMNITZ E; BARNES P. W; TOIMIL L. J et al.Geology. 1977, Vol 5, Num 7, pp 405-408Article

Seafloor evidence for ice shelf flow across the Alaska-Beaufort margin of the Arctic OceanENGELS, J.L; EDWARDS, M.H; POLYAK, L et al.Earth surface processes and landforms. 2008, Vol 33, Num 7, pp 1047-1063, issn 0197-9337, 17 p.Article

Paleomagnetic constraints on sedimentation rates in the Eastern Arctic OceanSCHNEIDER, D.A; BACKMAN, J; CURRY, W.B et al.Quaternary research (Print). 1996, Vol 46, Num 1, pp 62-71, issn 0033-5894Article

Late Quaternary glacial history of the South Orkney Plateau, AntarcticaHERRON, M. J; ANDERSON, J. B.Quaternary research (Print). 1990, Vol 33, Num 3, pp 265-275, issn 0033-5894Article

Beloe more, sedimentogenez i istorija razvitija v golocene.. (La mer Blanche, sédimentologie et histoire de son évolution à l'Holocène)NEVESSKIJ, E. N; MEDVEDEV, V. S; KALINENKO, V. V et al.1977, 236 p.Book

Novye dannye ob Antarkticeskom cirkumpoljarnom tecenii Données nouvelles concernant le courant antarctique circumpolaireGANSON P. P; KRIVOSEJA V. G; NEJMAN V. G et al.Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1977, Vol 233, Num 3, pp 473-475Article

Geophysical Studies on the eastern continental margin of Baffin Bay and in Lancaster SoundJACKSON H. R; KEEN C. E; BARRETT D. L et al.The Canadian journal of earth science. 1977, Vol 14, Num 9, pp 1991-2001Article

Hamilton Bank, Labrador shelf| post-glacial sediment dynamics and paleooceanographyFILLON R. H.Bulletin de l'Office national de météorologie. 1976, Vol 20, Num 1, pp 7-25Article

Multibeam bathymetric and sediment profiler evidence for ice grounding on the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic OceanJAKOBSSON, M; GARDNER, J.V; VOGT, P.R et al.Quaternary research (Print). 2005, Vol 63, Num 2, pp 150-160, issn 0033-5894, 11 p.Article

Reljef u podmorju Sjevernog ledenog mora Relief sous-marin de l'océan ArctiqueRIDANOVIC, J.Radovi. Glasilo Geografskog Odjela PMF-a Sveucilista u Zagrebu. 1990, Vol 25, pp 105-111, issn 0514-1664Article

Late Quaternary sedimentation in Baffin BayAKSU, A. E; PIPER, D. J. W.Canadian journal of earth sciences (Print). 1987, Vol 24, Num 9, pp 1833-1846, issn 0008-4077Article

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