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Mauritius. Erfolgsgeschichte eines Entwicklungslandes = L'île Maurice. L'histoire réussie d'un pays en développementKOOP, K.Geographische Rundschau. 2002, Vol 54, Num 10, pp 24-30, issn 0016-7460, 7 p.Article

Osobennosti cirkuljacii i gidrologiceskoj struktury vod Krasnogo morja Particularités de la circulation et de la structure hydrologique des eaux de la mer RougeKOSAREV, A. N; MASLOV, A. F.Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ filosofiâ. 1988, Num 3, pp 58-64, issn 0201-7385Article

O roli mussonnogo faktora v izmenčivosti tečenij Indijskogo okeanaBYŠEV, V.I; NEJMAN, V.G; SERYH, I.V et al.Meteorologiâ i gidrologiâ. 2007, Num 3, pp 54-68, issn 0130-2906, 15 p.Article

Vodnye massy Mozambijskogo prolivaSHMATKOV, V.A.Izvestiâ Russkogo geografičeskogo obŝestva. 1996, Vol 128, Num 4, pp 63-68, issn 0869-6071Article

Le bourrelet oriental d'Afrique du Sud: esquisse d'évolution morphologique au Transvaal et au Swaziland in Bourrelets périphériques des vieux socles et marges continentales passivesLAGEAT, Y.Physio-Géo Paris. 1983, Num 7, pp 55-73Article

Methodology for an operational monitoring of remotely-sensed sea surface temperatures in IndonesiaGASTELLU-ETCHEGORRY, J. P; BOELY, T.International Journal of Remote Sensing. 1988, Vol 9, Num 3, pp 423-438Article

Vlijanie podvodnogo vulkanizma na gidrologo-gidrohimiceskuju strukturu vod zapadnoj casti Adenskogo zaliva (L'influence du volcanisme sous-marin sur la structure hydrologique et hydrochimique des eaux dans la partie occidentale du golfe d'Aden)ARHIPKIN, V. S; ZELENOV, K. K; MASLOV, A. F et al.Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriâ filosofiâ. 1986, Num 3, pp 81-86, issn 0201-7385Article

Gidrologija Indijskogo okeana Hydrologie de l'océan Indien1977Book

Temperature and salinity effects on alkenone ratios measured in surface sediments from the Indian OceanSONZOGNI, C; BARD, E; ROSTEK, F et al.Quaternary research (Print). 1997, Vol 47, Num 3, pp 344-355, issn 0033-5894Article

A quantitative assessment of the Arabian Sea sediment record using GCM simulated upwellingBIGG, G. R; JIANG, D; MITCHELL, J. F. B et al.Quaternary research (Print). 1991, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 464-468, issn 0033-5894, 1Article

The temperature/salinity relationships of the south west Indian OceanLUTJEHARMS, J. R. E.South African geographer/Suid-Afrikaanse geograaf. 1991, Vol 18, pp 15-30, issn 0378-5327Article

Struktura i cirkuljacija vod Indijskogo okeana Structure et circulation des eaux de l'océan IndienSCERBININ A. D.1976Book

Field observations of wave refraction and propagation pathways on coral reef platformsMANDLIER, P.G.Earth surface processes and landforms. 2013, Vol 38, Num 9, pp 913-925, issn 0197-9337, 13 p.Article

Hydrodynamics and sediment flux of Hoa in an Indian Ocean atollKENCH, P.S; MCLEAN, R.F.Earth surface processes and landforms. 2004, Vol 29, Num 8, pp 933-953, issn 0197-9337, 21 p.Article

Agulhas Current meanders : review and case studyGRUNDLINGH, M. L.South African geographical journal. 1992, Vol 74, Num 1, pp 19-28, issn 0373-6245Article

Ecologic and paleoclimatic implications of morphologic variation of Orbulina universa in the Indian OceanHECHT A. D; BE A. W; LOTT L et al.Science. 1976, Vol 194, Num 4263, pp 422-424Article

Subtropical convergence fluctuations and Quaternary climate in the Middle latitudes of the Indian OceanBE A. W. H; DUPLESSY J. C.Science. 1976, Vol 194, Num 4263, pp 419-421Article

Soderžanie osnovnyh biohimičeskih komponentov v vodah Ohotskogo morâAGATOVA, A.I; LAPINA, N.M; TORGUNOVA, N.I et al.Vodnye resursy. 1998, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 206-216, issn 0321-0596Article

Gorizontal'naja cirkuljacija vod v Somalijskom rajone Indijskogo okeana. (Circulation horizontale des eaux dans le région somalienne de l'océan Indien)POKUDOV, V. V; GOLOVASTOV, V. A; TUNEGOLOVEC, V. P et al.Meteorologija i gidrologija Moskva. 1980, Num 6, pp 64-73Article

The Somali Current response to the Southwest Monsoon: the relative importance of local and remote sensingANDERSON D. L. T; ROWLANDS P. B.Journal of marine research. 1976, Vol 34, Num 3, pp 395-417Article

Spreeding of Antarctic bottom water and its effects on the floor of the Indian Ocean inferred from bottom-water potentiel temperature, turbidity and sea-floor photographyKOLLA V; SULLIVAN L; STREETER S. S et al.Marine geology. 1976, Vol 21, Num 3, pp 171-189Article

The Agulhas current system during the Northeast mousoon seasonLUTJEHARMES J. R. E.Journal of physical oceanography. 1976, Vol 6, Num 5, pp 665-670Article

Transequatorial movement of water masses int the Indian OceanSHARMA G. S.Journal of marine research. 1976, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 143-154Article

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