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Sravnenie rezul'tatov rasčetov po dvuh- i trehmernoj modelâm teploobmena meždu okeanom i atmosferoj v pripolârnyh rajonahNADEŽINA, E.D; STERNZAT, A.V.Meteorologiâ i gidrologiâ. 1999, Num 10, pp 53-62, issn 0130-2906, 10 p.Article

Fram Strait ice flux calculations and associated arctic ice conditionsENGLEBRETSON, R. E; WALSH, J. E.GeoJournal. 1989, Vol 18, Num 1, pp 61-67, issn 0343-2521Article

Interpretation of Seasat radar-altimeter data over sea ice using neer-simultaneous SAR imagery in International symposium on Microwave Signatures in Remote SensingULANDER, L. M. H.International Journal of Remote Sensing. 1987, Vol 8, Num 11, pp 1679-1686Article

Kvazistacionarnyj cikloniceskij vihr' v Antarkticeskom cirkumpoljarnom tecenii k jugu ot Afriki (Tourbillon cyclonique quasi stationnaire dans le courant circumpolaire antarctique au sud de l'Afrique)BUBNOV, V. A; BURKOV, V. A; KOSLJAKOV, M. N et al.Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1984, Vol 275, Num 3, pp 737-740, issn 0002-3264Article

Ice spirals off Barrow as seen by satelliteSOLOMON, H; AHLNAS, K.Arctic. Journal of the Arctic institute of North Montreal. 1980, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 184-188Article

Ice movement and distribution in the Bering Sea from march to June 1974MUENCH R. D; AHLNAS K.Journal of geophysical research. 1976, Vol 81, Num 24, pp 4467-4476Article

The Barrow Submarine Canyon: a drain for the Chukchi SeaGARRISON G. R; BECKER P.Journal of geophysical research. 1976, Vol 81, Num 24, pp 4445-4453Article

Ocenka sezonnoj i mnogoletnej izmenčivosti okeanologičeskih uslovij v Beringovom prolive = Estimation de la variabilité saisonnière et pluriannuelle des conditions océanologiques dans le détroit de BéringMASTRIUKOV, S.I.Meteorologiâ i gidrologiâ. 2012, Num 11, pp 56-64, issn 0130-2906, 9 p.Article

Pritok rastvorёnnyh himičeskih veŝestv v Obsko-Tazovskuû ust'evuû oblast' = Afflux de matières chimiques dissoutes dans la zone du golfe d’Ob-TazBRYZGALO, V.A; IVANOV, V.V; IVANOVA, I.M et al.Meteorologiâ i gidrologiâ. 2011, Num 3, pp 82-90, issn 0130-2906, 9 p.Article

Rol' morskih l'dov v dinamike beregovoj zony Arktičeskih morejOGORODOV, S.A.Vodnye resursy. 2003, Vol 30, Num 5, pp 555-564, issn 0321-0596, 10 p.Article

Gidrometeorologiceskie issledovanija Barenceva, Grenlandskogo i Norvezskogo morej. Etude hydrométéorologique des mers de Barents, du Groënland et de NorvègeGIRDJUK, G. V; DEMENT'EV, A. A.1989, 167 p., isbn 5-286-00464-4Book

Hydrographic investigations in the Iceland and Greenland Seas in late winter 1971-Deep Water ProjectMALMBERG, S. A.Jokull Reykjavik. 1983, Vol 33, pp 133-140Article

Les glaces marines dans l'ArctiqueMOIGN, A.Inter-Nord Paris. 1978, Vol 15, pp 283-288Article

Antarctic Polar front zone in the western Scotian Sea, Summer 1975GORDON A. L; GEORGI D. T; TAYLOR M. W et al.Journal of physical oceanography. 1977, Vol 7, Num 3, pp 309-328Article

Antarctic circumpolar current: space and time fluctuations in the Drake PassageBAKER D. J; NOWLIN W. D; PILLSBURY R. D et al.Nature. 1977, Vol 268, Num 5622, pp 696-699Article

Mixing on the Weddell Sea continental slopeKILLWORTH P. D.Deep sea rechearch. 1977, Vol 24, Num 5, pp 427-448Article

Les inconnues du comportement de l'Océan Glacial-Arctique après un premier déglacementBROCHU, M.Il Polo. 2009, Num 3, pp 51-54, issn 0032-3667, 4 p.Article

O tečeniâh v more SodrušestvaKIRILLIN, G.B; KOZLOVSKIJ, A.M; RADIKEVIČ, V.M et al.Izvestiâ Russkogo geografičeskogo obŝestva. 1999, Vol 131, Num 4, pp 79-83, issn 0869-6071Article

Réflexions sur l'englacement de l'Océan Austral entre 70° W et 150° E [70]TABEAUD, M.Cahiers du Centre de Recherches de Climatologie. 1992, Num 14, pp 19-22, issn 0989-6112Article

Suloj v Belom more (Le phénomène du suloj en mer Blanche)BARENBLATT, G. I; LEJKIN, I. A; KAZ'MIN, A. S et al.Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1985, Vol 281, Num 6, pp 1435-1439, issn 0002-3264Article

The ice conditions in Davis Strait April 3-21 1979 as interpreted from APT Satellite imagesVALEUR, H. H.Geografisk Tidsskrift Kobenhavn. 1980, Vol 80, pp 45-56Article

Clorophyll and nitrate fine structure in the southeastern Bering Sea shelf break frontIVERSON, R. L; WHITLEDGE, T. E; GOERING, J. J et al.Nature London. 1979, Vol 281, Num 5733, pp 664-666Article

Response of deep-sea benthonic foriminifera to development of the psychrosphere near the Eocene/Oligocene boundaryCORLISS, B. H.Nature London. 1979, Vol 282, Num 5734, pp 63-65Article

Recent mollusc distribution patterns and paleobathymetry southeastern Beaufort SeaWAGNER F. J. E.The Canadian journal of earth science. 1977, Vol 14, Num 9, pp 2013-2028Article

Formation and exchange of deep water in the Greenland and Norwegian seasPETERSON W. H; ROOTH C. G. H.Deep sea rechearch and oceanographic abstract. 1976, Vol 23, Num 4, pp 273-283Article

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