Résultats 1 à 25 sur 39
Sélection :
What childhood characteristics predict psychological resilience to economic shocks in adulthood?POWDTHAVEE, Nattavudh.Journal of economic psychology. 2014, Vol 45, pp 84-101, issn 0167-4870, 18 p.Article
Exiting unemployment: How do program effects depend on individual coping strategies?ANDERSEN, Signe Hald.Journal of economic psychology. 2011, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 248-258, issn 0167-4870, 11 p.Article
The impact of reemployment on access to the latent and manifest benefits of employment and mental healthNANCEY HOARE, P; MACHIN, M. Anthony.Journal of occupational and organizational psychology. 2010, Vol 83, pp 759-770, issn 0963-1798, 12 p., 3Article
De quelques variables modulatrices des relations entre croyance en un monde juste, internalité et allégeance : une étude sur des chômeurs = Some modulating variables of the relations between the belief in a just world, internality and allegiance : a study on unemployed personsGangloff, B; Abdellaoui, S; Personnaz, B et al.Les Cahiers de psychologie politique. 2007, Num 11, pp E01-E01, issn 1776-274XArticle
Problem-Focused Content in the Job Search: Two Tests of the Cognitive-Emotional Theory of Esteem Support MessagesHOLMSTROM, Amanda J; CLARE, David D; RUSSELL, Jessica C et al.Human communication research. 2014, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 161-187, issn 0360-3989, 27 p.Article
A Grounded Theory Exploration of Undergraduate Experiences of Vicarious UnemploymentTHOMPSON, Mindi N; NITZARIM, Rachel S; HER, Pa et al.Journal of counseling psychology. 2013, Vol 60, Num 3, pp 421-431, issn 0022-0167, 11 p.Article
Unraveling the Daily Stress Crossover Between Unemployed Individuals and Their Employed SpousesZHAOLI SONG; UY, Marilyn A; FOO, Maw-Der et al.Journal of applied psychology. 2011, Vol 96, Num 1, pp 151-168, issn 0021-9010, 18 p.Article
Identité sociale de femmes cadres en recherche d'emploi : action et projet : Identités et orientations (2e partie) = Social identity of executive job applicant women : Action and plansJACQUIN, Philippe; COSTALAT-FOUNEAU, Anne-Marie.L' Orientation scolaire et professionnelle. 2008, Vol 37, Num 4, pp 509-525, issn 0249-6739, 17 p.Article
Les dimensions psychologiques et psychosociales dans l'évaluation de l'efficacité des dispositifs d'insertion : L'accompagnement psychologique 2 = Psychological and psychosocial dimensions in efficacy of unemployment training programsROQUES, M.Pratiques psychologiques (Le Bouscat). 2008, Num 3, pp 375-388, issn 1269-1763, 14 p.Article
Financial Strain and Regional Unemployment as Barriers to Job Search Self-Efficacy: A Test of Social Cognitive Career TheoryDAHLING, Jason J; MELLOY, Robert; THOMPSON, Mindi N et al.Journal of counseling psychology. 2013, Vol 60, Num 2, pp 210-218, issn 0022-0167, 9 p.Article
Unemployment expectations, excessive pessimism, and news coverageGARZ, Marcel.Journal of economic psychology. 2013, Vol 34, pp 156-168, issn 0167-4870, 13 p.Article
Recruitment sources and organizational attraction: A field study of Belgian nursesVAN HOYE, Greet.European journal of work and organizational psychology (Print). 2012, Vol 21, Num 3, pp 376-391, issn 1359-432X, 16 p.Article
État émotionnel négatif et organisation des représentations sociales du travail et du chômage de jeunes adultes en recherche d'emploi = Negative emotional state and organization of social representations of work and unemployment of young adults seeking employmentMETHIVIER, Jeremy.Les Cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale. 2012, Num 95-96, pp 417-437, issn 0777-0707, 21 p.Article
CHÔMEURS OU TRAVAILLEURS, COMPRENDRE LES INTERMITENTS DU SPECTACLE: Face à un marché de l'emploi très déprimé, le bilan de compétence, un outil qui aggrave le problème ? = Unemployed or in work? Understanding the intermittents du spectacle (workers in the entertainment industry without steady employment) Given that the job market is very sluggish, is a skills assessment something which exacerbates the problem?LEGUEY, Dominique.Revue internationale de psychosociologie. 2011, Vol 17, Num 43, issn 1260-1705, 283-292, 354, 363 [12 p.]Article
Les dispositifs d'accompagnement à destination des publics de « bas niveau de qualification »: évaluation et proposition d'actions Les dispositifs d'accompagnement: évaluation et propositions : Quelle insertion pour les publics dits de bas niveau de qualification = Training programs for less qualified unemployed people: evaluation and actions : When insertion for the public of low level of qualification?ROQUES, Martine.L' Orientation scolaire et professionnelle. 2011, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 247-267, issn 0249-6739, 21 p.Article
Effect of mortality salience on implicit ageism: Implication of age stereotypes and sexBOUDJEMADI, V; GANA, K.European review of applied psychology. 2012, Vol 62, Num 1, pp 9-17, issn 1162-9088, 9 p.Article
Comparaisons sociales et temporelles, estime de soi et activité de recherche d'emploi en situation de chômage de longue durée = Social and temporal comparisons, self-esteem, and job-search activity among long-term unemployed peopleBRUNOT, Sophie; JUHEL, Jacques.Année psychologique. 2012, Vol 112, Num 2, pp 197-226, issn 0003-5033, 30 p.Article
The Individual Experience of UnemploymentWANBERG, Connie R.Annual review of psychology (Print). 2012, Vol 63, pp 366-396, issn 0066-4308, 31 p.Article
Unemployed Individuals' Work Values and Job Flexibility: An Explanation from Expectancy-Value Theory and Self-Determination TheoryVAN DEN BROECK, Anja; VANSTEENKISTE, Maarten; LENS, Willy et al.Applied psychology (Print). 2010, Vol 59, Num 2, pp 296-317, issn 0269-994X, 22 p.Article
Investigating the Relationship between Meaningful time use and Health in 18- to 25-year-old Unemployed People in New South Wales, AustraliaSCANLAN, Justin Newton; BUNDY, Anita C; MATTHEWS, Lynda R et al.Journal of community & applied social psychology. 2010, Vol 20, Num 3, pp 232-247, issn 1052-9284, 16 p.Article
The relationship between core self-evaluations, employment commitment and well-being in the unemployedCREED, Peter A; LEHMANN, Kim; HOOD, Michelle et al.Personality and individual differences. 2009, Vol 47, Num 4, pp 310-315, issn 0191-8869, 6 p.Article
Activation du stéréotype, performance intellectuelle et intentions d'action : Le cas des personnes sans emploi = Stereotype activation, intellectual performance and action tendencies : The case of unemployed peopleBOURGUIGNON, David; DESMETTE, Donatienne; YZERBYT, Vincent et al.Revue internationale de psychologie sociale. 2007, Vol 20, Num 4, pp 123-153, issn 0992-986X, 31 p.Article
Le bien-être subjectif des demandeurs d'emploi en situation de handicap: le rôle de l'estime de soi, du lieu de contrôle et de l'acceptation de leur handicap = The subjective well-being of disabled job seekers: The role of self-esteem, locus of control AND acceptance of their disabilityMACHADO, Tony; NTSAME SIMA, Murielle; DESRUMAUX, Pascale et al.Les Cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale. 2013, Num 98, pp 211-236, issn 0777-0707, 26 p.Article
Ethnic and gender differences in the labour market perceptions of post-higher education job seekers: 'Double jeopardy' or 'ethnic prominence'?TAYLOR, Susan D; CHARLTON, John P; RANYARD, Rob et al.Journal of occupational and organizational psychology. 2012, Vol 85, pp 353-369, issn 0963-1798, 17 p., 2Article