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Breast cancer and sexuality: the impacts of breast cancer treatment on the sex lives of women in BrazilSANTOS, Daniela Barsotti; FORD, Nicholas John; DOS SANTOS, Manoel Antonio et al.Culture, health & sexuality. 2014, Vol 16, Num 3-4, pp 246-257, issn 1369-1058, 12 p.Article

Matched and mismatched appraisals of the effectiveness of communication strategies by family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's diseaseSAVUNDRANAYAGAM, Marie Y; ORANGE, J. B.International journal of language & communication disorders (Print). 2014, Vol 49, Num 1, pp 49-59, issn 1368-2822, 11 p.Article

Perfectionism, Type D personality, and illness-related coping styles in cardiac rehabilitation patientsSHANMUGASEGARAM, Shamila; FLETT, Gordon L; MADAN, Mina et al.Journal of health psychology. 2014, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 417-426, issn 1359-1053, 10 p.Article

Self-compassion and reactions to serious illness: The case of HIVBRION, John M; LEARY, Mark R; DRABKIN, Anya S et al.Journal of health psychology. 2014, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 218-229, issn 1359-1053, 12 p.Article

Stressors, social support, and tests of the buffering hypothesis: Effects on psychological responses of injured athletesMITCHELL, Ian; EVANS, Lynne; REES, Tim et al.British journal of health psychology. 2014, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 486-508, issn 1359-107X, 23 p.Article

The Prevalence of Chronic Health Conditions Impacting on Daily Functioning and the Association With Emotional Well-Being Among a National Sample of High School StudentsDENNY, Simon; DE SILVA, Mandy; FLEMING, Theresa et al.Journal of adolescent health. 2014, Vol 54, Num 4, pp 410-415, issn 1054-139X, 6 p.Article

The psychological well-being of couples experiencing a chronic illness: A matter of personal and partner illness cognitions and the role of marital qualityKARADEMAS, Evangelos C.Journal of health psychology. 2014, Vol 19, Num 11, pp 1347-1357, issn 1359-1053, 11 p.Article

Stigma: Advances in Theory and ResearchPRYOR, John B; BOS, Arjan E.R.Basic and applied social psychology. 2013, Vol 35, Num 1, issn 0197-3533, 151 p.Serial Issue

Intergroup Relations and Health Disparities: A Social Psychological PerspectiveMAJOR, Brenda; BERRY MENDES, Wendy; DOVIDIO, John F et al.Health psychology (Hillsdale, N.J.). 2013, Vol 32, Num 5, pp 514-524, issn 0278-6133, 11 p.Article

Entre cancer biomédical et cancer vécu: peut-on, et comment, dire au patient qu'il n'est pas malade?PERINO, Luc.Correspondances en onco-hématologie. 2013, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 70-71, issn 1954-4820, 2 p.Article

Un groupe d'accueil pour la fratrie lors d'une naissance à risque dans un service de néonatologie = A support group for the siblings of newborn in NICUDESPARS, Josée; JAUNIN, Lyne; MONNIER, Maryline et al.Devenir (Genève. 1989). 2013, Vol 25, Num 4, pp 233-243, issn 1015-8154, 11 p.Article

Burden, Interdependence, Ethnicity, and Mental Health in Caregivers of Patients with SchizophreniaSURO, Giulia; WEISMAN DE MAMANI, Amy G.Family process. 2013, Vol 52, Num 2, pp 299-311, issn 0014-7370, 13 p.Article

Loneliness Promotes Inflammation During Acute StressJAREMKA, Lisa M; FAGUNDES, Christopher P; JUAN PENG et al.Psychological science. 2013, Vol 24, Num 7, pp 1089-1097, issn 0956-7976, 9 p.Article

Self-Concept Among Youth With a Chronic Illness: A Meta-Analytic ReviewFERRO, Mark A; BOYLE, Michael H.Health psychology (Hillsdale, N.J.). 2013, Vol 32, Num 8, pp 839-848, issn 0278-6133, 10 p.Article

Self-esteem and quality of life in adolescents with extreme obesity in Saudi Arabia: the effect of weight loss after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomyALDAQAL, Saleh M; SEHLO, Mohammad G.General hospital psychiatry. 2013, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 259-264, issn 0163-8343, 6 p.Article

Spiritual Coping and Psychosocial Adjustment of Adolescents With Chronic Illness: The Role of Cognitive Attributions, Age, and Disease GroupREYNOLDS, Nina; MRUG, Sylvie; GUION, Kimberly et al.Journal of adolescent health. 2013, Vol 52, Num 5, pp 559-565, issn 1054-139X, 7 p.Article

The Unifying Concept of Illness BehaviorSIRRI, Laura; FAVA, Giovanni A; SONINO, Nicoletta et al.Psychotherapy and psychosomatics. 2013, Vol 82, Num 2, pp 74-81, issn 0033-3190, 8 p.Article

The neuropathic component in persistent postsurgical pain: A systematic literature reviewHAROUTIUNIAN, Simon; NIKOLAJSEN, Lone; BRIX FINNERUP, Nanna et al.Pain (Amsterdam). 2013, Vol 154, Num 1, pp 95-102, issn 0304-3959, 8 p.Article

L'incertitude en oncogénétique: La rencontre d'un savoir qui ne dit rien du sujet : L'après cancer = Uncertainty in oncogenetics Encountering of a knowledge which says nothing about the person : After cancerDUFFOUR, B.Psycho-oncologie. 2013, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 18-22, issn 1778-3798, 5 p.Article

Processus de subjectivation dans un groupe d'adolescents cérébrolésés = Subjectivation process in a group of adolescents with brain injuryTOUBERT-DUFFORT, D; COURTINAT-CAMPS, A.Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence. 2013, Vol 61, Num 2, pp 118-124, issn 0222-9617, 7 p.Article

Vivre après un cancer: un autre état de vulnérabilité ?: De nouvelles difficultés à affronter, de nouvelles problématiques à penser pour les soignants : L'après cancer = Life after cancer: another state of vulnerability? New issues to face, new problems to think about for professional caregivers : After cancerMASSON, A.Psycho-oncologie. 2013, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 23-29, issn 1778-3798, 7 p.Article

RESILIENCE: SOCIAL-CLINICAL PERSPECTIVESSHAHAR, Golan.Journal of social and clinical psychology. 2012, Vol 31, Num 6, issn 0736-7236, 129 p.Serial Issue

A snapshot and scorecard for analgesic clinical trials for chronic pain: The RReACT databaseGREENE, Kaitlin; DWORKIN, Robert H; ROWBOTHAM, Michael C et al.Pain (Amsterdam). 2012, Vol 153, Num 9, pp 1794-1797, issn 0304-3959, 4 p.Article

Urologic chronic pelvic painPOTTS, Jeannette M; PAYNE, Christopher K.Pain (Amsterdam). 2012, Vol 153, Num 4, pp 755-758, issn 0304-3959, 4 p.Article

'You needed to rehab ... families as well': family members' own goals for aphasia rehabilitationHOWE, Tami; DAVIDSON, Bronwyn; WORRALL, Linda et al.International journal of language & communication disorders (Print). 2012, Vol 47, Num 5, pp 511-521, issn 1368-2822, 11 p.Article

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