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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 239

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Mechanisms of Change in Brief Couple Therapy for DepressionCOHEN, Shiri; O'LEARY, K. Daniel; FORAN, Heather M et al.Behavior therapy. 2014, Vol 45, Num 3, pp 402-417, issn 0005-7894, 16 p.Article

Jésus, mari imaginaire et ressource thérapeutique = Jésus, imaginary husband and therapeutic resourceCAILLEAU, Françoise.Thérapie familiale. 2014, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 279-292, issn 0250-4952, 14 p.Article

Working with Identity and Self-soothing in Emotion-Focused Therapy for CouplesGOLDMAN, Rhonda N; GREENBERG, Leslie.Family process. 2013, Vol 52, Num 1, pp 62-82, issn 0014-7370, 21 p.Article

Dissociative Identity Disorder and the Process of Couple TherapyMACINTOSH, Heather B.Journal of trauma & dissociation. 2013, Vol 14, Num 1, pp 84-96, issn 1529-9732, 13 p.Article

A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Couple Relationship and Coparenting Program (Couple CARE for Parents) for High- and Low-Risk New ParentsPETCH, Jemima F; KIM HALFORD, W; CREEDY, Debra K et al.Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2012, Vol 80, Num 4, pp 662-673, issn 0022-006X, 12 p.Article

Déterminants conjugaux et personnels de la violence maritale féminine chez les couples où l'homme consulte pour violence conjugale = Marital and personal determinants of woman's dyadic violence in couples where the man is consulting for marital violenceMATHIEU, Cynthia; BELANGER, Claude.Perspectives psychiatriques (Paris). 2012, Vol 51, Num 3, pp 286-300, issn 0031-6032, 15 p.Article

L'ÉCOUTE POLYPHONIQUE EN THÉRAPIE DE COUPLE = Polyphonic Listening in Couple's TherapySOULIE, Muriel.Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe. 2012, Num 58, issn 0297-1194, 41-48, 207, 211, 215 [11 p.]Article

LE TRANSFERT FRATERNEL: GÉNOCIDE ET LIEN DE COUPLE = The Brother Transference, Genocide and the Marital BondJAITIN, Rosa.Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe. 2012, Num 58, issn 0297-1194, 91-104, 208, 212, 216 [17 p.]Article

« Qu'est-ce qu'on fait encore ensemble?: Propositions méthodologiques pour que les partenaires y voient plus clair et que les thérapeutes survivent aux couples en thérapie » = What do we make still together? Methodological proposals so that the partners can see more clearly about it and so that the therapists can survive the couples in therapyCALICIS, Florence.Thérapie familiale. 2012, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 315-336, issn 0250-4952, 22 p.Article

Transmission de vie, projet de naissance dans la mort = Transmission in Life, projecting Birth in DeathPLAT, Aurore.Topique (Paris). 2011, Num 116, pp 89-96, issn 0040-9375, 8 p.Article

A Comparison of Attachment Outcomes in Enactment-Based Versus Therapist-Centered Therapy Process Modalities in Couple TherapyBUTLER, Mark H; HARPER, James M; MITCHELL, Cari B et al.Family process. 2011, Vol 50, Num 2, pp 203-220, issn 0014-7370, 18 p.Article

Enhancing Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy Through the Practice of Mindfulness: A Case AnalysisBECKERMAN, Nancy L; SARRACCO, Michele.Journal of family psychotherapy. 2011, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 1-15, issn 0897-5353, 15 p.Article

The Role of Leaders' Working Alliance in Premarital EducationOWEN, Jesse J; RHOADES, Galena K; STANLEY, Scott M et al.Journal of family psychology. 2011, Vol 25, Num 1, pp 49-57, issn 0893-3200, 9 p.Article

A Socio-Emotional Relational Framework for Infidelity: The Relational Justice ApproachWILLIAMS, Kirstee.Family process. 2011, Vol 50, Num 4, pp 516-528, issn 0014-7370, 13 p.Article

Couple Therapy Research and the Practice of Couple Therapy: Can We Talk?GURMAN, Alan S.Family process. 2011, Vol 50, Num 3, pp 280-292, issn 0014-7370, 13 p.Article

The Language of Demand/Withdraw: Verbal and Vocal Expression in Dyadic InteractionsBAUCOM, Brian R; ATKINS, David C; ELDRIDGE, Kathleen et al.Journal of family psychology. 2011, Vol 25, Num 4, pp 570-580, issn 0893-3200, 11 p.Article

Um estudo de follow up em psicoterapia psicanalitica de casais = A follow up study concerning psychoanalytical psychotherapy of couplesRIOS, Maria Galrão; GOMES, Isabel Cristina.Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto. Impresso). 2011, Vol 21, Num 48, pp 101-109, issn 0103-863X, 9 p.Article

A Dyadic Analysis of the Between- and Within-System Alliances on DistressANDERSON, Shayne R; JOHNSON, Lee N.Family process. 2010, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 220-235, issn 0014-7370, 16 p.Article

Marital Status and Satisfaction Five Years Following a Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Traditional Versus Integrative Behavioral Couple TherapyCHRISTENSEN, Andrew; ATKINS, David C; BAUCOM, Brian et al.Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2010, Vol 78, Num 2, pp 225-235, issn 0022-006X, 11 p.Article

Liens narcissiques et objectaux du couple et leur articulation avec la différence des genres = Narcissistic and objectal links of the couple and their articulation with gender differenceEIGUER, Alberto.Le Divan familial. 2010, Num 24, pp 149-165, issn 1292-668X, 17 p.Article

Comparing Sildenafil Alone Vs. Sildenafil Plus Brief Couple Sex Therapy on Erectile Dysfunction and Couples' Sexual and Marital Quality of Life : A Pilot StudyAUBIN, Sylvie; HEIMAN, Julia R; BERGER, Richard E et al.Journal of sex and marital therapy. 2009, Vol 35, Num 2, pp 122-143, issn 0092-623X, 22 p.Article

Marital Satisfaction, Sexual Problems, and the Possible Difficulties on Sex Therapy in Traditional Islamic CultureYASAN, Aziz; GÜRGEN, Faruk.Journal of sex and marital therapy. 2009, Vol 35, Num 1, pp 68-75, issn 0092-623X, 8 p.Article

Couple Discord and Depression in Couples During Couple Therapy and in Depressed Individuals During Depression TreatmentATKINS, David C; BEDICS, Jamie D; DIMIDJIAN, Sona et al.Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2009, Vol 77, Num 6, pp 1089-1099, issn 0022-006X, 11 p.Article

Facilitating Our Clients' Right to Choose: A Commentary on the Work of Shoshana BulowHOLLANDER-GOLDFEIN, Bea.Family process. 2009, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 390-394, issn 0014-7370, 5 p.Article

Integrating Sex and Couples Therapy: A Multifaceted Case HistoryBULOW, Shoshana.Family process. 2009, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 379-389, issn 0014-7370, 11 p.Article

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