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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 611

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VARIANCE ET INVARIANCE DES DISPOSITIONS PSYCHANALYTIQUES INTÉRIEURES EN FONCTION DES DISPOSITIFS INDIVIDUELS ET GROUPAUX ET DES MUTATIONS SOCIÉTALES = Variance and invariance of inner psychoanalytic dispositions depending on individual and group settings and societal mutationsDUEZ, Bernard.Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe. 2014, Num 62, issn 0297-1194, 83-98, 229, 235, 241 [19 p.]Article

UN DISPOSITIF DE SUPPLÉANCE PSYCHIQUE ET DE SYNTHÈSE DES MODALITÉS SENSORIELLES. LE PHOTOLANGAGE DANS UNE INSTITUTION DE SOINS PSYCHIATRIQUES AMÉNAGÉE = A setting of psychic support and synthesis of sensory modalities. Photolanguage in a modified institution of psychiatric careRAVIT, Magali; JOUBERT, Christiane; BELOUIN, Ivana et al.Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe. 2014, Num 62, issn 0297-1194, 159-170, 231, 237, 243 [15 p.]Article

L'OBSERVATION CLINIQUE ATTENTIVE, UNE MÉTHODE POUR LA PRATIQUE ET LA RECHERCHE CLINIQUES = Attentive clinical observation, a method for clinical practice and researchCICCONE, Albert.Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe. 2014, Num 63, issn 0297-1194, 65-78, 228, 234, 240 [17 p.]Article

L'OBSERVATION VISUELLE DU CORPS GROUPAL DE DIDEROT À RENÉ KAËS = Visual observation of the group body from Diderot to René KaësROQUEFORT, Georges.Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe. 2014, Num 63, issn 0297-1194, 95-109, 229, 235, 241 [18 p.]Article

A compassionate-focused therapy group approach for acute inpatients: Feasibility, initial pilot outcome data, and recommendations : Compassion Focused TherapyHERIOT-MAITLAND, Charles; VIDAL, Joana B; BALL, Sarah et al.British journal of clinical psychology. 2014, Vol 53, pp 78-94, issn 0144-6657, 17 p., 1Article

A group-based counselling intervention for depression comorbid with HIV/AIDS using a task shifting approach in South Africa: A randomized controlled pilot studyPETERSEN, I; HANASS HANCOCK, J; BHANA, A et al.Journal of affective disorders. 2014, Vol 158, pp 78-84, issn 0165-0327, 7 p.Article

Are recommendations for psychological treatment of borderline personality disorder in current UK guidelines justified? Systematic review and subgroup analysisOMAR, Hussein; TEJERINA-ARREAL, Maria; CRAWFORD, Mike J et al.Personality and mental health. 2014, Vol 8, Num 3, pp 228-237, issn 1932-8621, 10 p.Article

Brief Report: Effects of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Group-Work on Promoting Post-traumatic Growth of Mothers Who Have a Child with ASDWEI ZHANG; YAN, Ting-Ting; DU, Ya-Song et al.Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2014, Vol 44, Num 8, pp 2052-2056, issn 0162-3257, 5 p.Article

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy as Continuation Treatment to Sustain Response After Electroconvulsive Therapy in Depression: A Randomized Controlled TrialBRAKEMEIER, Eva-Lotta; MERKL, Angela; HEUSER, Isabella et al.Biological psychiatry (1969). 2014, Vol 76, Num 3, pp 194-202, issn 0006-3223, 9 p.Article

Effectiveness of group acceptance and commitment therapy for fibromyalgia: A 6-month randomized controlled trial (EFFIGACT study)LUCIANO, Juan V; GUALLAR, José A; AGUADO, Jaume et al.Pain (Amsterdam). 2014, Vol 155, Num 4, pp 693-702, issn 0304-3959, 10 p.Article

Group therapy for anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorderMCCONACHIE, Helen; MCLAUGHLIN, Eleanor; LE COUTEUR, Ann et al.Autism (London). 2014, Vol 18, Num 6, pp 723-732, issn 1362-3613, 10 p.Article

Innovations in Practice: The efficacy of nonviolent resistance groups in treating aggressive and controlling children and young people: a preliminary analysis of pilot NVR groups in KentNEWMAN, Mary; FAGAN, Catrin; WEBB, Rebecca et al.Child and adolescent mental health (Print). 2014, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 138-141, issn 1475-357X, 4 p.Article

Moderating factors for the effectiveness of group art therapy for schizophrenia: secondary analysis of data from the MATISSE randomised controlled trialLEURENT, Baptiste; KILLASPY, Helen; OSBORN, David P et al.Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology (Print). 2014, Vol 49, Num 11, pp 1703-1710, issn 0933-7954, 8 p.Article

Predictors of response to individual and group cognitive behaviour therapy of social phobiaMÖRTBERG, Ewa; ANDERSSON, Gerhard.Psychology and psychotherapy. 2014, Vol 87, pp 32-43, issn 1476-0835, 12 p., 1Article

Psychodramatic group psychotherapy as a parental intervention in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A preliminary studyVURAL, Pinar; AKKAYA, Cengiz; KÜCÜKPARLAK, Ilker et al.The Arts in psychotherapy. 2014, Vol 41, Num 3, pp 233-239, issn 0197-4556, 7 p.Article

The Integration of Healing Rituals in Group Treatment for Women Survivors of Domestic ViolenceALLEN, Karen Neuman; WOZNIAK, Danielle F.Social work in mental health. 2014, Vol 12, Num 1-6, pp 52-68, issn 1533-2985, 17 p.Article


Innovations in Practice: MICHI, a brief cognitive-behavioural group therapy for adolescents with depression ― a pilot study of feasibility in an inpatient settingSTRAUB, Joana; KOELCH, Michael; FEGERT, Joerg et al.Child and adolescent mental health (Print). 2013, Vol 18, Num 4, pp 247-250, issn 1475-357X, 4 p.Article

Bricolages et Métissages. La construction d'une méthode multi-référentielle dans une recherche sur l'espace thérapeutique en thérapie interculturelle = Bricolage and the creation of hybrid methods. The construction of a multi-referential method in a research about the therapeutic space in intercultural therapiesSTURM, Gesine.Les Cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale. 2013, Num 99-100, pp 351-363, issn 0777-0707, 13 p.Article

LE FÉTICHE ET LA PROCÉDURE : ÉVOLUTION DES DISPOSITIFS FACE À LA DÉSORGANISATION DES COLLECTIFS = The fetish and the procedureFALLA, Willy.Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe. 2013, Num 61, issn 0297-1194, 89-104, 213, 219, 225 [19 p.]Article

A randomized controlled trial of group cognitive behavioral therapy for Chinese breast cancer patients with major depressionJIANYIN QIU; WEIJUN CHEN; XIUFEI GAO et al.Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology. 2013, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 60-67, issn 0167-482X, 8 p.Article

A track-based approach for treating eating disordersWAGNER, Rebecca A; MACCAUGHELTY, Chelsea R.Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. 2013, Vol 77, Num 3, pp 222-232, issn 0025-9284, 11 p.Article

Comparison of short- and long-term dynamic group psychotherapy: randomised clinical trialLORENTZEN, Steinar; RUUD, Torleif; FJELDSTAD, Anette et al.British journal of psychiatry (Print). 2013, Vol 203, Num OCT, pp 280-287, issn 0007-1250, 8 p.Article

Expressive art therapy for psychosis: A multiple case studyHANEVIK, Hilde; HESTAD, Knut A; LIEN, Lars et al.The Arts in psychotherapy. 2013, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 312-321, issn 0197-4556, 10 p.Article

If You Get Better, Will I? An Actor―Partner Analysis of the Mutual Influence of Group Therapy OutcomesPAQUIN, Jill D; MARTIN KIVLIGHAN, D; DROGOSZ, Lisa M et al.Journal of counseling psychology. 2013, Vol 60, Num 2, pp 171-179, issn 0022-0167, 9 p.Article

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