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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 188

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The need and viability of a mediation index in Latin American scientific production and publication: The case of the Redalyc System of Scientific InformationAGUADO-LOPEZ, Eduardo; ADOLFO GARDUNO-OROPEZA, Gustavo; ROGEL-SALAZAR, Rosario et al.Aslib proceedings : New information perspectives. 2012, Vol 64, Num 1, pp 8-31, 24 p.Article

Building Environmentally Sustainable Information Services: A Green IS Research AgendaCHOWDHURY, Gobinda.Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Print). 2012, Vol 63, Num 4, pp 633-647, issn 1532-2882, 15 p.Article

A crowdsourcing framework for the production and use of film and television dataGEISLER, Gary; WILLARD, Geoff; OVALLE, Carlos et al.New review of hypermedia and multimedia. 2011, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 73-97, issn 1361-4568, 25 p.Article

A prototype Greek text to Greek Sign Language conversion systemKOUREMENOS, Dimitris; FOTINEA, Stavroula-Evita; EFTHIMIOU, Eleni et al.Behaviour & information technology (Print). 2010, Vol 29, Num 5, pp 467-481, issn 0144-929X, 15 p.Article

HeBIS-Profildienst = Innovation im Erwerbungsgeschäftsgang: Ein lieferantenunabhängiger Profildienst mit BestellfunktionHAMANN, Sylvia; JUNKES-KIRCHEN, Klaus; POST, Astrid et al.ABI - Technik. 2010, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 114-119, issn 0720-6763, 6 p.Article

Topological Centrality and its e-Science ApplicationsHAI ZHUGE; JUNSHENG ZHANG.Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Print). 2010, Vol 61, Num 9, pp 1824-1841, issn 1532-2882, 18 p.Article

iRANK: A Rank-Learn-Combine Framework for Unsupervised Ensemble RankingFURU WEI; WENJIE LI; SHIXIA LIU et al.Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Print). 2010, Vol 61, Num 6, pp 1232-1243, issn 1532-2882, 12 p.Article

Member Activities and Quality of Tags in a Collection of Historical Photographs in FlickrSTVILIA, Besiki; JÖRGENSEN, Corinne.Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Print). 2010, Vol 61, Num 12, pp 2477-2489, issn 1532-2882, 13 p.Article

An application of document filtering in an operational systemLEHNER, Paul; WORRELL, Charles; VU, Chrissy et al.Information processing & management. 2010, Vol 46, Num 5, pp 611-627, issn 0306-4573, 17 p.Article

INTEREST - INTERoperation for Exploitation, Science and TechnologyJEFFERY, Keith G; ASSERSON, Anne.GL-conference series. 2009, Vol no 10, pp 108-116, issn 1386-2316, isbn 978-90-77484-11-1, 1Vol, 9 p.Conference Paper

Mood Swings: design and evaluation of affective interactive artBIALOSKORSKI, Leticia S. S; WESTERINK, Joyce H. D. M; VAN DEN BROEK, Egon L et al.New review of hypermedia and multimedia. 2009, Vol 15, Num 2, pp 173-191, issn 1361-4568, 19 p.Article

Similarity Methods in ChemoinformaticsWILLETT, Peter.Annual review of information science and technology. 2009, Vol 43, pp 3-17, issn 0066-4200, 15 p.Article

tech tips for every librarianEKART, Donna F.Computers in libraries. 2009, Vol 29, Num 4, pp 46-47, issn 1041-7915, 2 p.Article

Opening the black box : A multi-method analysis of an enterprise resource planning implementationSHEPHERD, Craig; CLEGG, Chris; STRIDE, Chris et al.JIT. Journal of information technology (Print). 2009, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 81-102, issn 0268-3962, 22 p.Article

Proposed Business Information System Design (BISD) for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Northern UgandaOKELLO-OBURA, Constant; MINISHI-MAJANJA, Mabel K; CLOETE, Linda et al.Libri (Copenhagen). 2009, Vol 59, Num 1, pp 31-44, issn 0024-2667, 14 p.Article

Exploring an alternative method of evaluating the effects of ERP: a multiple case studyUWIZEYEMUNGU, Sylvestre; RAYMOND, Louis.JIT. Journal of information technology (Print). 2009, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 251-268, issn 0268-3962, 18 p.Article

The amplification effects of procedural justice on a threat control model of information systems security behavioursWORKMAN, Michael; BOMMER, William H; STRAUB, Detmar et al.Behaviour & information technology (Print). 2009, Vol 28, Num 6, pp 563-575, issn 0144-929X, 13 p.Article

Systèmes d'Information Géographique: outil d'aide à la gestion territorialeAYRAL, Pierre-Alain; SAUVAGNARGUES-LESAGE, Sophie.Techniques de l'ingénieur. Documents numériques gestion de contenu. 2009, Vol HC2, Num H7415, issn 1953-4957, H7415.1-H7415.16Article

Incorporating computational semantics into emergent hypermedia structuresWEIGANG WANG.International journal of Web engineering and technology. 2008, Vol 4, Num 1, pp 4-20, issn 1476-1289, 17 p.Article

Extending the research agenda on diffusion : the case of public program interventions for the adoption of e-business systems in SMEs : Organizational dynamics of technology-based innovation: diversifyingVEGA, Arturo; CHIASSON, Mike; BROWN, David et al.JIT. Journal of information technology (Print). 2008, Vol 23, Num 2, pp 109-117, issn 0268-3962, 9 p.Conference Paper

A knowledge engineering approach to developing e-libraries for mobile learning : Artificial intelligence applications in Digital ContentCHU, Hui-Chun; HWANG, Gwo-Jen; HUANG, Shu-Xian et al.Electronic library. 2008, Vol 26, Num 3, pp 303-317, issn 0264-0473, 15 p.Conference Paper

An architecture for e-learning system with computational intelligence : Artificial intelligence applications in Digital ContentEL ALAMI, Marc; CASEL, Nicolas; ZAMPUNIERIS, Denis et al.Electronic library. 2008, Vol 26, Num 3, pp 318-328, issn 0264-0473, 11 p.Conference Paper

A study of the effectiveness of electronic document management systemsCHO, Vincent.International journal of information technology and management. 2008, Vol 7, Num 3, pp 327-352, issn 1461-4111, 26 p.Article

Quantitatively assessing the vulnerability of critical information systems : A new method for evaluating security enhancementsPATEL, Sandip C; GRAHAM, James H; RALSTON, Patricia A. S et al.International journal of information management. 2008, Vol 28, Num 6, pp 483-491, issn 0268-4012, 9 p.Article

Spracheingabe in ein feldstrukturiertes Datenbanksystem zum Einsatz im Wissensmanagement = Voice entry in a field structured database system to be used in knowledge managementHICKSTEIN, Alexander Carsten.Information Wissenschaft und Praxis. 2008, Vol 59, Num 3, pp 171-174, issn 1434-4653, 4 p.Article

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