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Partitioning herbivory and its effects on coral reef algal communitiesCARPENTER, R. C.Ecological monographs. 1986, Vol 56, Num 4, pp 345-363, issn 0012-9615Article

Mass mortality of Diadema antillarum. I : Long-term effects on sea urchin population-dynamics and coral reef algal communitiesCARPENTER, R. C.Marine biology (Berlin). 1990, Vol 104, Num 1, pp 67-77, issn 0025-3162Article

Mass mortality of a caribbean sea urchin: immediate effects on community metabolism and other herbivoresCARPENTER, R. C.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1988, Vol 85, Num 2, pp 511-514, issn 0027-8424Article

Mass mortality of Diadema antillarum. II : Effects on population densities and grazing intensity of parrotfishes and surgeonfishesCARPENTER, R. C.Marine biology (Berlin). 1990, Vol 104, Num 1, pp 79-86, issn 0025-3162Article

Relationships between primary production and irradiance in coral reef algal communitiesCARPENTER, R. C.Limnology and oceanography. 1985, Vol 30, Num 4, pp 784-793, issn 0024-3590Article

Predator and population density control of homing behavior in the Caribbean echinoid Diadema antillarumCARPENTER, R. C.Marine biology (Berlin). 1984, Vol 82, Num 1, pp 101-108, issn 0025-3162Article

Grazing effects on nitrogen fixation in coral reef algal turfsWILLIAMS, S. L; CARPENTER, R. C.Marine biology (Berlin). 1997, Vol 130, Num 2, pp 223-231, issn 0025-3162Article

Multi-element simplex optimization for inductively-coupled plasma/atomic emission spectrometry with a plasma torch having a wide-bore injector tube. I: Conditions for optimum detection limitEBDON, L; CARPENTER, R. C.Analytica chimica acta. 1987, Vol 200, Num 1, pp 551-557, issn 0003-2670Article

Effects of algal turf canopy height and microscale substratum topography on profiles of flow speed in a coral forereef environmentCARPENTER, R. C; WILLIAMS, S. L.Limnology and oceanography. 1993, Vol 38, Num 3, pp 687-694, issn 0024-3590Article

A novel L-fuco-4-O-methyl-D-glucurono-D-xylan from Hyptis suaveolensASPINALL, G. O; CAPEK, P; CARPENTER, R. C et al.Carbohydrate research. 1991, Vol 214, Num 1, pp 107-113, issn 0008-6215Conference Paper

Effects of physical and biological disturbances on algal turfs in Kaneohe Bay, HawaiiCHEROSKE, A. G; WILLIAMS, S. L; CARPENTER, R. C et al.Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology. 2000, Vol 248, Num 1, pp 1-34, issn 0022-0981Article

Determination of strontium-90 in milk samples using a controlled precipitation clean-up step prior to ion-chromatographyCOBB, J; WARWICK, P; CARPENTER, R. C et al.Science of the total environment. 1995, Vol 173-4, pp 179-186, issn 0048-9697Conference Paper

Formation of 6-deoxy-6-iodohexopyranosides as substrates for the hex-5-enose degradationASPINALL, G. O; CARPENTER, R. C; KHONDO, L et al.Carbohydrate research. 1987, Vol 165, Num 2, pp 281-298, issn 0008-6215Article

Analysis of small samples of brasses by inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry and their classification by two pattern-recognition techniquesCARPENTER, R. C; TILL, C.Analyst (London. 1877. Print). 1984, Vol 109, Num 7, pp 881-884, issn 0003-2654Article

The responses of eight coral reef calcifiers to increasing partial pressure of CO2 do not exhibit a tipping pointCOMEAU, S; EDMUNDS, P. J; SPINDEL, N. B et al.Limnology and oceanography. 2013, Vol 58, Num 1, pp 388-398, issn 0024-3590, 11 p.Article

The determination of low levels of radiocaesium and radioruthenium in foodstuffsCARPENTER, R. C; SANDERS, T. W; VERNON, L. M et al.Science of the total environment. 1995, Vol 173-4, pp 169-178, issn 0048-9697Conference Paper

Structural investigations on the non-starchy polysaccharides of oat bran = Analyse de la structure des polysaccharides non-amylacés du son d'avoineASPINALL, G. O; CARPENTER, R. C.Carbohydrate polymers. 1984, Vol 4, Num 4, pp 271-282, issn 0144-8617Article

Fast coral reef calcifiers are more sensitive to ocean acidification in short-term laboratory incubationsCOMEAU, S; EDMUNDS, P. J; SPINDEL, N. B et al.Limnology and oceanography. 2014, Vol 59, Num 3, pp 1081-1091, issn 0024-3590, 11 p.Article

Physical and biological processes influencing zonation patterns of a subtidal population of the marine snail, Astraea (Lithopoma) undosa Wood 1828ALFARO, A. C; CARPENTER, R. C.Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology. 1999, Vol 240, Num 2, pp 259-283, issn 0022-0981Article

Determination of strontium-90 in water and urine samples using ion chromatographyCOBB, J; WARWICK, P; CARPENTER, R. C et al.Analyst (London. 1877. Print). 1994, Vol 119, Num 8, pp 1759-1764, issn 0003-2654Article

Base-catalyzed degradation of permethylated 3-O-glycosyl-glycopyranosid-2-ulosesASPINALL, G. O; CAPEK, P; CARPENTER, R. C et al.Carbohydrate research. 1991, Vol 214, Num 1, pp 95-105, issn 0008-6215Conference Paper

Structural investigations on the non-starchy polysaccharides of oat branASPINALL, G. O; CARPENTER, R. C.Carbohydrate polymers. 1984, Vol 4, Num 4, pp 271-282, issn 0144-8617Article

Distributions of coral reef macroalgae in a back reef habitat in Moorea, French PolynesiaPORAY, A. K; CARPENTER, R. C.Coral reefs (Print). 2014, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 67-76, issn 0722-4028, 10 p.Article

Upregulation of rho A and rho kinase messenger RNAs in the basilar artery of a rat model of subarachnoid hemorrhageMIYAGI, Y; CARPENTER, R. C; MEGURO, T et al.Journal of neurosurgery. 2000, Vol 93, Num 3, pp 471-476, issn 0022-3085Article

Effects of unidirectional and oscillatory water flow on nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) in coral reef algal turfs, Kaneohe Bay, HawaiiWILLIAMS, S. L; CARPENTER, R. C.Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology. 1998, Vol 226, Num 2, pp 293-316, issn 0022-0981Article

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