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Pigment and morphological response to emersion and immersion of some aquatic and terrestrial mosses in N.E. SpainPENUELAS, J.Journal of bryology. 1984, Vol 13, pp 115-128, issn 0373-6687, 1Article

HCO3- as an exogenous carbon source for aquatic bryophytes Fontinalis antipyretica and Fissidens grandifronsPEÑUELAS, J.Journal of experimental botany. 1985, Vol 36, Num 164, pp 441-448, issn 0022-0957Article

La brioflora lacustre: algunos datos de los lagos pirenaicos = La bryoflore lacustre: quelques données sur les lacs des Pyrénées = The lake bryoflora: some data on the Pyrenean lakesPENUELAS, J.Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid (1979). 1987, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 31-39, issn 0211-1322Article

High oxygen tension inhibits vascular aquatic plant growth in deep watersPENUELAS, J.Photosynthetica (Praha). 1987, Vol 21, Num 4, pp 494-502, issn 0300-3604Article


Daily, weekly, and seasonal time courses of VOC concentrations in a semi-urban area near BarcelonaFILELLA, I; PENUELAS, J.Atmospheric environment (1994). 2006, Vol 40, Num 40, pp 7752-7769, issn 1352-2310, 18 p.Article

Drought decreases soil enzyme activity in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex L. forestSARDANS, J; PENUELAS, J.Soil biology & biochemistry. 2005, Vol 37, Num 3, pp 455-461, issn 0038-0717, 7 p.Article

Effects of ethylene diurea as a protective antiozonant on beans (Phaseolus vulgaris CV Lit) exposed to different tropospheric ozone doses in Catalonia (NE Spain)RIBAS, A; PENUELAS, J.Water, air and soil pollution. 2000, Vol 117, Num 1-4, pp 263-271, issn 0049-6979Article

Can elevated CO2 affect secondary metabolism and ecosystem function ?PENUELAS, J; ESTLARTE, M.Trends in ecology & evolution (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 13, Num 1, pp 20-24, issn 0169-5347Article

Trends in plant carbon concentration and plant demand for N throughout this centuryPENUELAS, J; ESTIARTE, M.Oecologia. 1997, Vol 109, Num 1, pp 69-73, issn 0029-8549Article

Contribución al estudio de los briófitos acuáticos de lagunas y chargas de España = Contribution à l'étude des Bryophytes aquatiques des lacs et étangs d'Espagne = Contribution to the study of the water Bryophytes of the lakes and ponds of SpainPENUELAS, J; COMELLES, M.Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid (1979). 1983, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 325-334, issn 0211-1322Article

Climate and taxonomy underlie different elemental concentrations and stoichiometries of forest species: the optimum biogeochemical nicheSARDANS, J; PENUELAS, J.Plant ecology (Dordrecht). 2014, Vol 215, Num 4, pp 441-455, issn 1385-0237, 15 p.Article

Drought changes the dynamics of trace element accumulation in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex forestSARDANS, J; PENUELAS, J.Environmental pollution (1987). 2007, Vol 147, Num 3, pp 567-583, issn 0269-7491, 17 p.Article

Emission of volatile organic compounds by apple trees under spider mite attack and attraction of predatory mitesLLUSIA, J; PENUELAS, J.Experimental & applied acarology. 2001, Vol 25, Num 1, pp 65-77, issn 0168-8162Article

The red edge position and shape as indicators of plant chlorophyll content, biomass and hydric statusFILELLA, I; PENUELAS, J.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 1994, Vol 15, Num 7, pp 1459-1470, issn 0143-1161Article

Changes in N and S leaf content, stomatal density and specific leaf area of 14 plant species during the last three centuries of CO2 increasePENUELAS, J; MATAMALA, R.Journal of experimental botany. 1990, Vol 41, Num 230, pp 1119-1124, issn 0022-0957, 6 p.Article

HCO3-as anexogenous carbon source for Ruppia cirrhosa (PETAGNA) GRANDEPENUELAS, J; MENENDEZ, M.Archiv für Hydrobiologie. 1990, Vol 120, Num 1, pp 89-96, issn 0003-9136Article

Drought changes phosphorus and potassium accumulation patterns in an evergreen Mediterranean forestSARDANS, J; PENUELAS, J.Functional ecology (Print). 2007, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 191-201, issn 0269-8463, 11 p.Article

Reflectance assessment of canopy CO2 uptakePENUELAS, J; INOUE, Y.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 2000, Vol 21, Num 17, pp 3353-3356, issn 0143-1161Article

Effects of carbon dioxide, water supply, and seasonality on terpene content and emission by Rosmarinus officinalisPENUELAS, J; LLUSIA, J.Journal of chemical ecology. 1997, Vol 23, Num 4, pp 979-993, issn 0098-0331Article

Plant-soil interactions in Mediterranean forest and shrublands: impacts of climatic changeSARDANS, J; PEÑUELAS, J.Plant and soil. 2013, Vol 365, Num 1-2, pp 1-33, issn 0032-079X, 33 p.Article

An AOTF-based hyperspectral imaging system for field use in ecophysiological and agricultural applicationsINOUE, Y; PENUELAS, J.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 2001, Vol 22, Num 18, pp 3883-3888, issn 0143-1161Article

Short-term responses of terpene emission rates to experimental changes of PFD in Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex in summer field conditionsPENUELAS, J; LLUSIA, J.Environmental and experimental botany. 1999, Vol 42, Num 1, pp 61-68, issn 0098-8472Article

Increasing frequency of Saharan rains over northeastern Spain and its ecological consequencesAVILA, A; PENUELAS, J.Science of the total environment. 1999, Vol 228, Num 2-3, pp 153-156, issn 0048-9697Article

Variations in the mineral composition of herbarium plant species collected during the last three centuriesPENUELAS, J; MATAMALA, R.Journal of experimental botany. 1993, Vol 44, Num 266, pp 1523-1525, issn 0022-0957Article

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