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Interaktionen und biologische Wirkungsmechanismen von molekularen Signalpeptiden. I : Interleukin 1 (IL-1) = Interactions and biological effects of molecular signal peptides. I: Interleukin 1WUSTROW, T. P. U.HNO. Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenärzte. 1991, Vol 39, Num 8, pp 281-293, issn 0017-6192Article

Interaktionen und biologischen Wirkungsmechanismen von molekularen Signalpeptiden. II, Interleukin 2 (IL-2) = Interactions and biological effects of molecular signal peptides. II. Interleukin 2WUSTROW, T. P. U.HNO. Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenärzte. 1991, Vol 39, Num 9, pp 323-331, issn 0017-6192Article

Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von monoklonalen Antikörpern zur Diagnose und Therapie von Kopf-Halskarzinomen. II, Zukünftige Rolle = Monoclonal antibodies in the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancer. II. Future roleWUSTROW, T. P. U.HNO. Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenärzte. 1991, Vol 39, Num 4, pp 121-128, issn 0017-6192, 8 p.Article

Naturheilkundliche Therapie der akuten Otitis media : Eine Alternative zum primaren Antibiotikaeinsatz = Naturopathic therapy for acute otitis media. An alternative to the primary use of antibioticsWUSTROW, T. P. U.HNO. Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenärzte. 2005, Vol 53, Num 8, pp 728-734, issn 0017-6192, 7 p.Article

Biology of interleukin-1 (IL-1), with respect to otorhinolaryngology-head and neck surgeryWUSTROW, T. P. U.Head & neck. 1994, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 88-94, issn 1043-3074Article

Antigen-specific plaques formation of cultured mononuclear cells in head and neck cancerWUSTROW, T. P. U.Acta oto-laryngologica. 1991, Vol 111, Num 2, pp 420-427, issn 0001-6489, 8 p.Conference Paper

Überlegungen zur simultanen radio-polychemotherapie bei kopf-hals-karzinomen = Considerations for simultaneous radiopolychemotherapyWUSTROW, T. P. U.HNO. Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenärzte. 1998, Vol 46, Num 2, pp 92-94, issn 0017-6192Article

Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von monoklonalen Antikörpern zur Diagnose und Therapie von Kopf-Halskarzinomen. Einführung und derzeitiger Stand = Monoclonal antibodies in the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancer. Part 1. IntroductionWUSTROW, T. P. U.HNO. Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenärzte. 1991, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 82-90, issn 0017-6192, 9 p.Article

Expression of retinoic acid receptors in squamous cell carcinomas and their possible implication for chemopreventionISSING, W. J; WUSTROW, T. P. U.Anticancer research. 1996, Vol 16, Num 4C, pp 2373-2377, issn 0250-7005Conference Paper

Causes of immunosuppression in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neckWUSTROW, T. P. U; MAHNKE, C. G.Anticancer research. 1996, Vol 16, Num 4C, pp 2433-2468, issn 0250-7005Conference Paper

Seltene Komplikationen von Weichteilinfekten im Kopf-Hals-Bereich: Tiefe Halsphlegmone, Thrombophlebitis und Mediastinitis mit Perikarderguss = Rare complications of soft part infections in the head and neck region: deep cervical phlegmona, thrombophlebitis and mediastinitis with pericardial effusionGUTMANN, R; WUSTROW, T. P. U.Laryngo-, Rhino-, Otologie. 1994, Vol 73, Num 4, pp 227-230, issn 0935-8943Article

Expression of antigens coded in murine leukemia viruses on thymocytes of allogenic donor origin in AKR mice following syngeneic or allogeneic bone marrow transplantationWUSTROW, T. P. U; GOOD, R. A.Cancer research (Baltimore). 1985, Vol 45, Num 12, pp 6428-6435, issn 0008-5472Article

Natural killer cell activity in patients with carcinoma of the larynx and hypotharynxWUSTROW, T. P. U; ZENNER, H.-P.The Laryngoscope. 1985, Vol 95, Num 11, pp 1391-1400, issn 0023-852XArticle

Predicting response to therapy of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neckWENNERBERG, J.Anticancer research. 1996, Vol 16, Num 4C, pp 2389-2396, issn 0250-7005Conference Paper

Retinoids and their receptors in modulation of differentiation, development, and prevention of head and neck cancersLOTAN, R.Anticancer research. 1996, Vol 16, Num 4C, pp 2415-2419, issn 0250-7005Conference Paper

Surgery of the internal nasal valve : Challenges in rhinoplastyWUSTROW, T. P. U; KASTENBAUER, E.Facial plastic surgery. 1995, Vol 11, Num 3, pp 213-227, issn 0736-6825Article

Intracellular fluorescence of photosensitizing porphyrins at different concentrations of mitochondriaSCHNECKENBURGER, H; WUSTROW, T. P. U.Photochemistry and photobiology. 1988, Vol 47, Num 3, pp 471-473, issn 0031-8655Article

European Workshop on the Biology and Treatment of the Head and Neck CancerWUSTROW, T. P. U; WENNERBERG, J.Anticancer research. 1996, Vol 16, Num 4C, issn 0250-7005, 114 p.Conference Proceedings

Immunobiology of cartilage transplants for functional nasal reconstruction : Challenges in rhinoplastyBUJIA, J; WUSTROW, T. P. U; HAMMER, C et al.Facial plastic surgery. 1995, Vol 11, Num 3, pp 237-243, issn 0736-6825Article

Interleukin-2 release from lymphocytes of patients with head and neck cancerWUSTROW, T. P. U; KABELITZ, D.The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. 1989, Vol 98, Num 3, pp 179-184, issn 0003-4894Article

Cytotoxic drug testing in head and neck cancer by multiparametric flow cytometryWUSTROW, T. P. U; RAFFAEL, A; VALET, G et al.Archives of otolaryngology, head & neck surgery. 1986, Vol 112, Num 10, pp 1078-1084, issn 0886-4470Article

Bilaterale kongenitale Unterlippenfisteln = Fistules bilatérales congénitales de la lèvre inférieure = Bilateral, congenital fistule of the lower lipWUSTROW, T. P. U; MARTIN, F.Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie. 1983, Vol 62, Num 10, pp 452-455, issn 0340-1588Article

Heterologous epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) expression in larynx cancer cell lines : evidence for the existence of structurally modified receptorsBUJIA, J; WUSTROW, T. P. U.Acta oto-laryngologica. 1993, Vol 113, Num 6, pp 789-792, issn 0001-6489Article

Immune defects in patients with head and neck cancerWUSTROW, T. P. U; ISSING, W. J.Anticancer research. 1993, Vol 13, Num 6B, pp 2507-2519, issn 0250-7005Conference Paper

Überexpression von Proteinkinase-C-Isoenzymen in menschlichen Tumorzellinien = Overexpression of protein kinase C isoenzymes in Human tumour cell linesISSING, W. J; WUSTROW, T. P. U.Laryngo-, Rhino-, Otologie. 1991, Vol 70, Num 3, pp 146-150, issn 0935-8943, 5 p.Article

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